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Truckers Protest Canadian President Justin Trudeau’s Tyrannical (and Nonsensical) Mandates, Trudeau Goes into Hiding
Canadian Prime Minister and Resident Tyrant, Justin Trudeau is running scared from the convoy of truckers that is descending on the nation’s capital of Ottawa, as they demand his resignation, and that he drop all covid restrictions.
As reported by the National Post:
The sounds of honking horns are echoing around Ottawa’s downtown core. About 100 vehicles are idling around the National War Memorial in downtown Ottawa, with more trucks and personal vehicles packed on Wellington Street stretching west past Parliament Hill. Hundreds of demonstrators are marching up and down Wellington Street, which runs right in front of Parliament Hill and the Prime Minister’s Office.
The national flag is flying from some vehicles, or draped around the shoulders of some protestors, many of whom appear to be unmasked. Some are carrying copies of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Local12 reported that the convoy was the largest in the country’s history.
“The ‘Freedom Convoy’ was reportedly organized to protest against the vaccine mandates put in place at the U.S.-Canada border, as well as mask mandates for truckers, which orders the drivers to wear masks in trucks,” the outlet reported.
A GoFundMe campaign was set up to help support the drivers. It’s currently raised over $8 million in funds.
“To our Fellow Canadians, the time for political over reach is over,” the campaign reads. “We are a peaceful country, that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here.”
“We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive. It’s our duty as Canadians to put an end to [these] mandates,” the campaign continues.
The convoy started in British Columbia and according to the Toronto Sun, the convoy is around 10 times larger than the world record at nearly 70km (43.5 miles) long.
This obviously spooked the Prime Minister, as he and his family were moved to an undisclosed location – with Trudeau accusing the trucker convoy of “hateful rhetoric and violence towards citizens” while giving a speech from his hiding spot.
Trudeau at first, went on to talk about “Freedom of expression” being a “cornerstone of democracy” right before he labeled all those involved in the protests as “violent”, “hateful”, and “racist”.
“Over the past few days, Canadians were shocked, and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital,” Trudeau remarked.
“There is no place in our country for threats, violence, or hatred. So to those responsible for this behavior, it needs to stop,” he added.
Trudeau then thanked the “90 percent” of truckers who submitted to the COVID injection, adding, “the behavior on display this weekend does not represent you.”
“You are the story of this pandemic, not the convoy,” he added.
Trudeau then doubled down on his vax rhetoric, telling Canadians that the only way to beat the pandemic is to get jabbed.
“The way out of this pandemic is getting vaccinated, it’s listening to public health advice, and the best way to get out of this pandemic…is to show we understand the importance of following science, facts, and health experts,” Trudeau said in French.
All reports that have shown the convoy on the ground, however, do not show what Trudeau is saying. There is a huge amount of support amongst those who drive trucks and everyone supporting them.
Trudeau has been nothing but a dictator since the pandemic began and seems bent on sending Canada into an abyss.

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This guy would rather support a racist group who burn down cities in the US and just disrespected police who have been killed. What a great PM right up there with Biden. These truckers all they want is to do there job without a stupid mandate. The vaccine must not be working if people who are vaccinated are getting Covid. I sure hope Canadians vote this guy out. Plus new numbers from the CDC lowered the death number once they figured out died with Covid or from Covid. Instead of being a real PM and dealing with the bad policy and the truckers the coward went and hide probably in Biden’s basement with Biden eating ice cream!!!
This a murderous nation just like United States giving people mandates or else, and then taking away privileges In f you don’t comply i hate what America has become they want people to die look at sustainable development, wanting to kill billions. And wanting only five hundred million to remain on this planet,you people and you know who you are,you are murderers, why do you think we want you to go .we want peace on the this earth.all wretches ,want is to take peace from the earth,and poison people with vaccine that has proven unsafe,never will you prevail ,long .because the spirit of god,and the rightiousness of the people of this earth will forever expose you and your evil work!!!!!
Well if Canada is not a socialism country. Got what they wanted a long time! Only to see it come back and bite their butt! Why the PM go into hiding? Is it he knew soon or later he had to face his LIES? Was he part of CHINA PUPPETS? More likely than not. All we have to do is follow the MONEY! Those who gotten the money from China use it to push this crap upon the MEDIA. THEN THE MEDIA PUSH IT OUT ON THE PEOPLE! Doctor were forced by the government to follow ORDER OR LOSE THEIR LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDICAL.
soy-boy trudeau would be right at home in the modern demoncrat party.
How this, “Girly Man” ever got reelected is beyond me. He is Canada’s Bidon
Wear masks while they’re in their trucks? How fking stupid is this clown? I hope the truckers shut down the entire Canadian economy and force this idiot to not only to resign, but to move to France.
You all need your second amendment in Canada just for out-of-control government just like our Second Amendment for when our government get out of control like they are right now.
Free governments acting like the people there opressing are doing something wrong they need to be put in their place.
The canadians put him back in office. So cry youself to sleep as you are locked in your home. Stupid is as stupid does. He will be voted back in again too. Dumb and dumbest here.
UH oh I think the people are waking up and ready to tar and feather the TYRANTS of the world!!!!!
A leader with moral strength and integrity would step out to interact with the truckers. Trudeau clearly has no such qualities, and acted according to his moral and intellectual bearing, a cowardly retreat with his tail behind his legs.
The globalists, in league with the Chicoms, are buying up the English-speaking nations as a test of their ability to impose dictatorship. It is easy to establish a dictatorship in a Third World rain forest or sand dune, and is done all the time by tinpot tyrants. Australia, New Zealand, Canada and above all the United States have strong traditions of freedom and individuality, and until recently have been full of legally- and responsibly-armed citizens able to defend themselves against government overreach. If Gates and Schwab and Soros and their apparatchiks can convert these nations into people’s republic, it can be done anywhere and to anyone, and the way is clear to a world-wide Chinese empire. The Australian Reich and Neue Zealand have clearly fallen, and it may well be that the bosses of Seattle, Manhattan and Davos intend to run the world through James Bond-type outposts in the Antipodes. Canada has been iffy, but may now have found its soul. The United States of America remains in grave danger of overthrow and reconstitution as Amafrica, but there is still grounds for solace and hope that the illegitimate criminal traitor regime now propped up by Chinese bayonets can be brought down.
Wear masks while they’re in their trucks? Truckers should just pull over for the next two weeks and watch the store shelves go empty. Perhaps Trudeau’s head will come popping out of his Azz.
Communist leader and Crime Minister of Canada was a drama teacher who knows how to remember lines from a script that’s all he knows how to do. If is a coward of an person with no moral character, his best friend just received a prison sentence for human trafficking of the worst kind. Trudeau is part of the criminal world order and basically is hurting the good citizens of Canada.
Hey Ron, you gave me a laugh when you mentioned Justin and Biden hiding in Biden’s basement eating ice cream. Did Justin provide the snow from Canada to make the ice cream; oh wait, these bimbo’s don’t even know how to cook!