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Pelosi Violates Constitution (Again), Installs Metal Detectors Outside House Floor
We’ve all seen the dystopian banana republic images of the US Capitol in recent weeks, with tens of thousands of troops guarding the building behind razor wire and 12-foot-high fences. But things are just as loopy inside the Capitol as well, thanks to Nancy Pelosi. The paranoid House Speaker installed metal detectors outside the doors of the House floor. She’s fining Republicans directly out of their congressional salaries if they refuse to play along with her new rules. The problem with this, aside from the obvious paranoia, is that it’s illegal under the Constitution.
So far, Pelosi has fined Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) $5,000 each for allegedly dodging the metal detectors. Gohmert says he stepped off the House floor briefly to use the bathroom in the Speaker’s lobby, which is right in plain sight of the Capitol police officers manning the metal detectors. When Gohmert came out of the restroom, none of the cops said anything to him and they didn’t make him go back through the metal detectors.
He only found out about the fine later. And it’s not like he had the chance to offer up a defense. Pelosi’s metal detector non-compliance fine is automatically deducted from any Member of Congress’s salary. Not that Democrats are facing any fines!
Pelosi herself has been dodging her own metal detectors, according to Republicans on the Committee on House Administration. Multiple people have seen Pelosi waltzing onto the House floor after walking around the metal detectors that the Democrats installed. Republicans asked the House Sergeant of Arms to fine Pelosi under her own rules, but nothing has happened so far.
Much like her previous do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do example of getting her hair done during the pandemic during the San Francisco lockdowns, Pelosi doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to her own metal detectors. The rule isn’t intended to harass or intimidate Democrats anyway; it’s for Republicans only.
You might think that the new metal detectors were a response to Capitol kerfuffle that happened on January 6, but you’d be wrong. The metal detectors pre-date the protests by several weeks. In other words, Democrats started their TSA-inspired security theater long before anyone wearing a buffalo hat stormed the building.
When Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) won her election in November, the gun-rights freshman announced that she would be proudly wearing her Glock when she goes to DC to protect the Second Amendment. Democrats have been in a total drama-queen panic ever since, as if Boebert intends to just up and assassinate all of them if she has a bad hair day or something. Pelosi installed the metal detectors weeks before the Capitol protests, in response to Boebert’s remarks.
Republicans have played along with the security theater for the most part, but then Democrats forced a resolution through last week that imposes the draconian fines — $5,000 for a first offense, $10,000 for a second offense, and who knows what after that.
Remember back when we were all taught in civics class about the various perks that Members of Congress receive? Stuff like a congressional salary and free postage? Ring a bell?
One of the perks that every Representative and Senator is supposed to enjoy is that they cannot be detained by law enforcement when they’re on their way to a session of Congress, except in cases of felonies or treason.
Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution reads that Senators and Representatives, “Shall in all cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same.”
If any Representative or Senator refuses to comply with Pelosi’s metal detectors, Capitol police will then presumably stop them from attending the floor session. This is clearly unconstitutional, even above and beyond the fact that Nancy Pelosi herself is not complying with the rule. You can’t stop a Member of Congress and prevent them from doing their job, just so a cop can march them through a metal detector and “wand” them to check them for weapons.
Not that the Constitution has ever stopped Pelosi before. But as Democrats grow increasingly paranoid, expect the security theater to continue getting much worse.
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WAY past time to REMOVE the cancer from congress and the MAIN TUMORS are pigosi and crying chuckieBOY schumer, remove their sorry asses and MAYBE Congress can figure out HOW to get some WORK done for a change!
Get read of this piece of crap. She is a jerk from CA.
Pelsoi has shown herself as a person with no integrity and has the belief that the rules and laws only apply to those that disagree with her. She reminds me of the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:1-6 KJB. The Republicans need to hold her and all Democrats responsible and accountable to the rules and laws when they ignore them. They are not the ruling or privileged class.
If the American people refuse to also hold the Democrats and all politicians accountable then they have no room to complain.
She needs one of those wands stuck up her ass…….along with her gavel. .a real nut case long over due for a one way trip out of Washington………….Has never done anything good for America just a self serving Bitch.
Pelosi won’t use her metal detectors because she’s afraid that they’ll show all the “adjustments” done to her with spit, glue and duct tape to keep her looking “young”.
What do you expect from the Queen of do as I say and Not as I do?
Pelosi didn’t want her Crack Pipe exposed.
Again the head Witch Pelosi hurts others as greatly as she can but her new unconstitutional metal detector requirement and $5,000 or $10,000 per offense of NOT going through it DOES NOT apply to her!! I am SO SICK of that WITCH getting away with this!! The trouble with all these inequities is that there is NO ONE to enforce these things! People like Nancy Pelosi thinks she can just arbitrarily make up these “rules” and never follow them herself!! She is SUCH an EVIL WITCH!!
WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) have had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose instead to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!
Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action?
I strongly urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP in DC and DEMAND NANCY PELOSI BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE ABUSE OF POWER!
People should write these numbers down and use them frequently even if you don’t think your elected officials listen, they are required to note your comments for the permanent record in their caller database for anyone to see.
Members of the House
Members of the Senate
One call per rep!
The Democrats’ paranoia is rooted in their own misdeeds. What they did they believe others will do. Rig a presidential election, condone riots, encourage distrust and blame those that they cheated. C’mon man; grow a pair and do your mentally challenged best to do what’s right for America.
I don’t know how this jerks
Members of the house. And Members of the senate. They allow to be manipulated and guided for the furry mummy . As a dogs 🐕 she whistle and everybody sit down and wait for the bone. Herd of assholes a mummy bosses them.
Also the stupid biden will let 125 thousand illegal immigrants (refugees)with covid pass though. How dare him. From bad to worse.!! Fuck it.
Pelosi Violates Constitution (Again), Installs Metal Detectors Outside House Floor becayse these communist demos want to carry gun on the house floor, personnally I do not trust a democrat with a gun, they are untrained, uneducated pile of ingorant S.O.B.’s of the Communist party and no longer an American citizen.
She is the captain queeg of of the house.
As I said before; she and Mr. Biden are demons from HELL and should go back where they came from. Then Americans can go back to protecting America again just as President Trump was working on. All other Countries PROTECT their borders ( with good reasons) why shouldn’t America be just as protected. As for Mrs. Harrass( got my meaning) she should be in jail herself for campaigning at the polls. It is VERY clear. In America if you have a mind of your own and don’t want socialism then you don’t count (Matter at all). This will pass; hopefully in time!
The politicians want a huge wall around the capitol.. they want protection.. but they want the country to have open borders.. that tells us they don’t care about the country only them selves.. I say NO if we can’t have protection in OUR country they should not have it at the capital..vote them ALL out..Remember when Trump wanted the wall they SAID walls don’t work.. we’re all getting their number and it’s not good for our country.
Frank w. Brown all the demoncrats in Congress are afraid of Pelosi. And we know where she has her metal detector ……everytime she uses the toilet the alarm goes off to evacuate and Biden and Harris come running in to get her advice because their alarm is going off also …….Harris says hold on not so fast MINE IS ON VIBRATE.
Pelosi is making sure of a red wave in 2024. She is worse off than Biden
Might be gun toting Nancy and doesn’t want detector going off.