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FBI Concealed Evidence Joe Biden Knew About Son’s Burisma Corruption
Bombshell reports indicate the FBI concealed links to Biden family corruption and the former vice president lied to the American people when he said I’ve “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
According to the New York Post, a “smoking gun” email surfaced that demonstrates Joe and Hunter Biden colluded to enrich their family by peddling influence and undermining efforts of a Ukraine prosecutor to end corruption in the Burisma energy firm. An email sent to Hunter Biden from Burisma board advisor Vadym Pozharskyi also proves the false narrative used by the fake news media to cover-up the scandal is a hoax.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent (sic) some time together. It’s realty (sic) an honor and pleasure,” the email from Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden states.
The electronic message is dated April 17, 2015, approximately one year into Hunter’s $50,000 per month stint with the Ukraine firm. The payout raised eyebrows among Obama advisors, but the former vice president ran roughshod over challenges. An earlier email makes clear that the Bidens had every intention of leveraging White House power to swell their bank accounts. In that never-before-disclosed message, Pozharskyi bluntly asks Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence.”
Just over seven months after the exchange, Joe Biden put the screws to Ukraine officials by threatening to withhold financial aid the country desperately needed as it faced a Russian incursion.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden bragged in 2018 while setting the groundwork for his presidential bid. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”
Although the former vice president has been protected by Silicon Valley and the establishment media that claims Burisma corruption has been “debunked,” another document shows that Pozharskyi tried to bribe the prosecutor but was rebuffed. When the prosecutor wouldn’t take the cash, that’s when Joe Biden leveraged his political clout to protect his son and Burisma.
“After unsuccessful attempts to receive funds from our side, they proceeded with concrete actions. So far, we got information (through unofficial channels) that one or more pretrial proceedings were initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with regard to Burisma Holdings companies that are heavily engaged in gas production and happen to be our Holdings’ key companies,” a letter from Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden and board member Devon Archer reportedly states.
In other words, the Burisma board official was in constant contact with Hunter Biden about a bribery scheme that failed and was worried about imminent prosecution. This was from the prosecutor that Joe Biden had fired after bragging the man was corrupt. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The FBI has reportedly been stonewalling Republicans demanding answers about Biden family corruption linked to Ukraine, China, and other foreign powers. According to Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a “report by Chairman Johnson and Chairman Grassley shows that the FBI has been aware of some alleged misconduct for years.”

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Corruption of Our Federal Agencies such as FBI has reached the point of 3rd world dictatorships.
Disinfectant time grows desperate. This cannot continue. A thorough housecleaning, clear the ranks, and will there even be one decent, forthright agent left? It seems to get worse every day. God only knows how much worse it would get with another Damnocrat presidency.. They just wallow in filth and corruption. They have all but killed the US.
Billions spent on investigations that never result in punishments. Where is THE AMERICA WE KNOW AND LOVE.
You know what, they can do with the worthless, classless, illegal fbi don’t ya……………………..THEY CAN SHOVE, NEVER IN MY LIFE TIME HAVE I HEARD SUCH GARBAGE, THE fbi NEEDS TO BE DISBAND, THEY ARE WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Christopher Wrey needs to be replaced !!!
Wray is a dirty cop just like comes, stroke page, baker, Mueller. McCabe, brenhen. Clapper and the entire upper echelon of fbi. They all should be charged and sentenced. How disgusting to treat our real potus and the working Americans that way.
The big story here is the FBI.
If in fact they were in possession of this laptop since December and did nothing,
if in fact the laptop turns out to be Biden’s,
if in fact the emails on the laptop turn out to be legit,
then the FBI is clearly over the line political and betrayed the American people and must be prosecuted for treason.
I always suspected there was some corruption in government. But to see the evidence how deep it actually goes is appalling and down right disgusting. We the people put our trust in the people we elect to office. We trust them with our lives , the lives of our families to do the job they were elected to do. It’s time for all involved in this conspiracy and corruption no matter where it may lead to be held accountable. We are tired of waiting for those responsible to be held accountable.
We the people are held responsible if we brake the law. No one should be above the law. Senators it’s time to do your job , if you don’t your credibility with the AMERICAN PEOPLE is over.
I agree totally, we put our trust in these politicians with our vote. Trump called it the SWAMP and I hoped he was wrong. The depth career politicians went to protect the Clinton’s is appalling. The Russians have to be laughing at the American People. The Chinese must be hoping the Swamp returns along with our European NATO allies? Why buy dinner when the American taxpayer will pick up the check. Trade deals that allow access to our markets with little reciprocal value to American businesses. USMCA replaced a poorly negotiated NAFTA deal that stood for years. We The People will hopefully recognize the difference in Personality vs Policy. Policy matters and beyond the current career politicians ability to protect our citizens based on past performance.
Wayne says it all!!!
They will NEVER suppress us because our president will tell all and inform all to his thousands upon thousands of people about the truth no matter what! There crimes against humanity will be exposed!
The democrats like to use this statement: “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW” they used it during Trump’s impeachment trial, they used it during the Mueller investigation. But I notice that it’s the democrats that think they are above the law and this very situation, shows this to be true. Trump needs to be re-elected so we know that the truth about biden will get investigated not swept under the rug. There must be a lot of dirt under the government rug and the swamp doesn’t want it to ever be uncovered. First thing Trump needs to do is get rid of wray and every hold over from obama, every last one of them. He will never get to lead if they remain in government, there will be leaks, whistleblowers, and more frivolous investigations etc.
Agree totally!
The Fumbling Bumbling Idiots are the laughing stock of LEA’s world wide. They have reduced themselves to being more corrupt than the federales of TJ Mexico. The Juarez P.D. has more integrity. What a disgrace to the USA!
Trump needs to fire Wrey immediately, as well as the entire top echelon.
Yes, fire Christopher Wrey, these 3rd World Communists have taken over. we the voting public have got to
win and over rule them by getting out the VOTE in masses!!! Flood the polling stations and make sure your ballot goes through. There has to be some way we can beat all this evil scamming!
The current democratic party is in NO WAY the party of JFK, RFK, or anyone near that group. Stand up and vote to save our Constitutional Republic before it’s too late! God Bless America!
There is more to the Bidens’ Ukraine links:
Daddy Biden may deny a lot, but the fact is that his son would never even have heard of Ukraine, not to mention Burisma, if not his father had been Obama’s chief rep. in the “Regime Change”, speak Maidan Massacre (plus the Odessa one, and the several ones around DonBass).
Joe Biden’s and Ms. Nuland’s connection with and support for “Our Yats” (Yatseniuk, founder and head of the Ukrainian Fascist Party), and the murderous activities of “Our Yats” and his deputy Mr. Paruby were the basis for young Mr. Biden’s unexpected business riches, and it is hardly likely that the ‘Beneficiary’ will not give the ‘Benefactor’ some share in the shameful loot.
We have to bear in mind that, immediately after the Maidan shooting that killed 100 innocent people, the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commission found that “no police weapons were involved in the killings” – so, the NYT and WashPost and Obama stories about “police did it” are a clear lie.
In fact, the weapons were Saiga hunting rifles (with sniper visors) brought to Kiev by the fascist Mr. Salogi Parasyuk and his troop (of 20 or so) who fired onto Maidan Square from a building, not direct on the square but in Gomoldetsky Street.
A “nice” trick had been prepared for the case that the people on Maidan would realize that the shots came not from any policemen but from buildings around hotel Ukraina and the Philharmonic: Three snipers had been brought in from Georgia (not USA), they say, by the Georgian ex-President Sakashvili, and they were in the front building – and surprised when bullets flew past them. The crowd would have found them first and killed them – and the false passports they had been given, and the words of “Our Yats” and Mr. Paruby (who was seen at the hotel Ukraina) would have “identified” them as “Russian agents”.
The methods used by Obama & Co for “Regime Changes”, whether using Jihadists in Libya, arming and financing ISIS in Syria, or collaborating wit Fascists in Ukraine, are neither for Ms. Clinton nor for Mr. Biden any recommendation for anything but long-term prison.
Civil rights violated by this agency for years, now witness to their involvement in coverup of one of their stalking victims that was beaten and raped. When will people hold these criminals responsible for their crimes against America?
Hmmmmm: Hunter Biden & Paul Pelosi, Jr.
BOTH: Ukrainian Energy Companies, Nepotism; various companies involved with questionable salaries.
Apparently, SONS of Democrats reap monies just for being related and for securing parent’s influence. Immoral unethical rich kids.
Hiding the truth from the American public. Vote Trump — sweep out the garbage.
First and foremost the FBI must have their feet held to the fire. They are so corrupt to the point of disgusting. they think that they are above the law. The way things are going , perhaps they are. They outwardly lie under oath to congress and get away with it. Indictments must come forward now. There must be someone with the balls to step forward and kick open the door. This cannot be allowed to continue, or we lose our country. Weather you are a Democrat or Republican you must understand that a Marxist regime is taking over our country, and we cannot allow this to happen.
I believe President Trump needs to fire Wray and Haspel ASAP. Get them out before the election. All intelligence offices need to be scrutinized and need be eliminated. Trump needs to get reliable, transparent people at the helm. How sad for our country we have such unjust and BIASED people in those positions now
So exactly was our secret service and NSA departments doing while this was going on? Seems like the people who are supposed to keeping us safe are not doing their jobs. I’m not referring to the everyday operatives, I’m referring to their bosses. Those agencies were once the cream of the crop.
Yeah, but it’s only the leadership that’s corrupt, right? My azz, the FBI and DOJ including the AG are as corrupt as they come from top to bottom!
If this scandal was Trump’s it would be printed in the little ice cube monitor somewhere in Alaska beside the entire United States. This country isn’t leaning left it’s going socialist.
Wray is a dirty cop just like comes, stroke page, baker, Mueller. McCabe, brenhen. Clapper and the entire upper echelon of fbi. They all should be charged and sentenced. How disgusting to treat our real potus and the working Americans that way.
That’s it. Everyone in the top 3 layers of the FBI are now asked to resign/retire, or be Subject to prosecution for sedition. No exception. Get out or possibly go to Gitmo. The American people deserve to expect Equal justice and protection of the Constitution. Anything less is disenfranchising the populace by allowing elites to cast weighted ballots. It’s time, folks. Next is the Justice Dept.
I want to make several statements. Biden says he goes to church yet he steals from the American people selling our country. has a very nasty mouth . Calls our troops stupid bastards , and once he is in will shut down church services…. I could go on and on . Do we want someone like this as a commander in chief of our troops .. PEOPLE
I can understand the FBI not revealing information on Joe Biden and son Hunter! It wasn’t, after all, information for the public and the FBI was right to leave it closed. However, should there be evidence that affects the country, one would expect that the FBI would open all avenues to disclose the evidence!