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Canadian Hero Pastor Jailed for Holding Church Services
It’s amazing how authoritarian many Western nations have become in just a very short time, using the excuse of the coronavirus as a pretext to suspend our civil liberties. Things that would have been considered crimes against humanity just a few months ago are now a part of everyday life. 2-year-olds forced to wear masks outside? Are you kidding? Trump supporters jailed for months on end, beaten by guards, forced to eat off the floor and kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day? Sounds more like Biden’s Abu Ghraib. And now our boring neighbor to the north, Canada, is forcibly imprisoning pastors for trying to hold Sunday services.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past month or so, you’ve probably already heard of Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski. He’s a graying Eastern European pastor who grew up behind the Iron Curtain. It’s interesting to note that so many immigrants to the US from communist countries are now trying to shout from the rooftops about what’s coming next in America, Canada, Australia, Great Britain and most European countries – and no one seems to be listening.
The police have come to Pastor Pawlowski’s church twice in the past month, only to be shouted down and driven from the church by the good pastor. You’ve probably seen viral clips of the pastor yelling at the police to leave as he calls them Nazis. Both times when the Kovid Kops tried to shut down the church services, they ended up hanging their heads in shame and slinking away, due to Pawlowski’s forceful resistance.
Mr. Pawlowski understands that some things – worship of God, for example – transcend any silly public health rules. And that’s exactly why authoritarian governments are working so hard to persecute Christians and shut churches down right now. They don’t want the people understanding that there is an authority that is actually higher than The State. Totalitarians want TOTAL power over the people and won’t settle for anything less than full obedience to their rule.
So, the police didn’t try to disrupt Pawlowski’s church service this past weekend. They waited until the pastor and his brother, Dawid Pawlowski, were driving down the highway and then snatched them. At least five SWAT vehicles and multiple cops in riot gear surrounded Pawlowski’s vehicle, forced them to their knees on the wet pavement, trussed them up and carried them away for arrest.
Reports over the weekend indicate that both brothers were being held without access to legal counsel. When you’re being detained as a terrorist, you don’t get to call your lawyer. The entire experience sounded more like a renditioning than an “arrest” – and that was purposeful. The rest of the pastors in Canada were supposed to get the message from this highly publicized arrest.
Much like the Roger Stone arrest was published after CNN was asked to tag along with the FBI, the cops in Canada called in reinforcements from the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) to film Pastor Pawlowski’s violent arrest. “See what happens when you resist us, puny humans?”
The CBC photographer who filmed the arrest tweeted:
“Being a jerk has its consequences. He [Pawlowski] doesn’t seem to be laughing now.”
Before you think, “Oh, well, look at how awful and biased the journalists in Canada are,” pause for a moment and think about that. Is that photographer’s tweet any nastier than the things that Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow or Greg Gutfeld said about Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann in his MAGA hat?
Remember the good old days when everyone in Western nations used to look at totalitarian dictatorships and say, “That could never happen here?” Yeah. No one is saying that these days in America, Canada and other advanced nations. We know it could happen here. We’re about an inch away from the Biden regime throwing the switch. There may come a day very soon when many Americans are wishing they had listened more closely to Pastor Pawlowski.
In the meantime, say a prayer for the good pastor if you have a moment free today. I doubt that he’s terribly upset about the incredible blessing that has been bestowed on him. He’s being tortured for the sake of Christ, and his reward is assured. His jailers can be as smug as they like, but the fact is that Pawlowski has won the battle – his captors just don’t know it yet.

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The CBC photographer is the JERK, not the Pastor!! All Canadians involved in this unacceptable arrest should be ashamed of themselves! This isn’t the Canada that I lived in for most of my life until recently! I’m not sorry I’m not there now and ashamed to think that this is now how Canadians behave!
Just another gestapo working.
Keep standing up for Jesus. Just think of what He had to endure. More power to you.
There will be payback from on high!
This all stems from the communist!! They don’t believe in God. In china they are teaching their children that Christianity is a cult and teaching the children to hate Christians. I will pray for Pastor Pawlowski. I can’t believe any of those cops in Canada are not Christian…!!! shame on them!!
He is covered by God , nothing they do can take that away ! With the United States backing terrorist groups and countries , BLM , Antifa , Iran , Palestinians and so forth , our country is disappearing and the people do not see it or maybe do not want to see it . It does not matter what race you are , black ,white , hispanic , Indian , it is going to destroy all of us . That is something I did not know , was Canada is going down the same path , but know I see the dark times are coming to all free nations .
My Church has individual chairs rather than pews usually set up in rows Now they are 2 chairs together but 6 to 8 feet apart from another pair. Seems to be working well. Everyone wearing a mask.
Amen!! This is perfect example of communist rule in a country. Sure, it’s for CCP virus now, but it will be for just worshiping Jesus in the future. The swat team will show up and they’re not going to put you in jail , there will be too many churches worshiping, they will eliminate you. This is prophecy! We are creating many Antichrists, what they “say” is law. Life has changed, perhaps forever. China has begun the war, and no one seems to care. Your faith in politicians is misplaced. God is in control
Leave your mask at home, James. You don’t need it!
Some are listening to refugees from the USSR or Cuban born citizens like me, who know what Marxist tyranny is really like. It’s just not enough of us, the Left is reaping the rewards of 60 years of liberal indoctrination of our kids in the so called public “education” system, while we sat back and let it happen. We are a nation of stupid, moronic sheeple who are easily deceived, bought off and otherwise manipulated. When the puppet masters encounter any puppets who don’t react to their string pulling, they lash out. If the GOP doesn’t win back at least the House in 2022, it’s gonna get far worse and I fear we’re headed for a nasty, violent armed conflict. Our LEO and military will be forced to make the worst choice imaginable- do they side with the American people, or do they do the bidding a dictators?
I did not know Canada had turned Communist ?
Stand up and speak up for Christ