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Biden’s Newest Science Adviser Caught Laughing at People Getting Fired over their Refusal to get Vaccinated
Former head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, has been caught on a leaked audio recording making a number of questionable statements that expose where he really stands on the pandemic.
Collins, who was recently appointed as Biden’s new science adviser, was caught cheering on and even laughing about how effective vaccine mandates were at forcing people into getting the jab.
During a private October 26 event at the University of Chicago, hosted by an organization founded by senior Obama adviser David Axelrod, Collins spoke to a group in attendance who were described as “future elected officials, diplomats, [and] economists.”
One of the hosts of the event said Collins was there to explain the efforts they have made “separately and together to deal with evangelical resistance to the vaccine with COVID and some of the controversies we’ve had over masking and government mandates.”
Speaking from a strictly legal standpoint, Collins responded to a question regarding the federal vaccine mandates by pointing to the 1905 Supreme Court case, Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, that dealt with the much-more deadly small-pox virus, claiming that “There’s no question in [his] mind that the mandates are legal.”
He then argued for the expanded use of intimidation tactics to force hesitant people into getting vaccinated.
“The US government does have the authority to mandate vaccinations if there is an outbreak that is threatening people, because it’s not just about you, it’s about the people you’re going to infect,” Collins claimed, even though science journals were already reporting at that point that vaccinated people were just as likely to spread the then-dominant Delta variant as those who were unvaccinated.
Collins went on to ask rhetorically, “Do [mandates] convince people who otherwise wouldn’t get them?” He answered himself, “Oh yeah, especially if it means losing your job.”
As evidence, he described how successful the threat of unemployment was at persuading vaccine-hesitant NIH employees and contractors working under him to get vaccinated.
Collins said when he threatened the 2,000 out of 46,000 NIH workers who had declined to take the jabs, telling them that they were “in serious danger of being fired in the next month if they [didn’t] do something about it,” Collins said he got a “big response.”
“Reality [was] sinking in,” he explained, so that even the “pretty darn resistant” elected to get vaccinated. He then chuckled, “You get the feeling that their resistance was not maybe quite that deeply seated,” and speculated that deep down, many unvaccinated people may actually want to get the vaccine but resist doing so out of peer pressure. “They’re sort of thinking to themselves, you know, maybe I really should do it, but if I do, I lose my credibility with my peeps,” Collins said.
At another point during his appearance at the event, Collins, who has claimed to be politically neutral, referenced an anti-Trump article saying we have, “embraced the worst aspects of our culture and our politics.”
Collins then went on to disparage Trump personally, stating that “every aspect of that President’s character seems to be the opposite of what evangelical Christians would admire.”

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He doesn’t have a clue
Collins is a perfect example of our so-called government. He doesn’t care about We the People and is happy to lie to us, spit in our faces and laugh at us. Our government has tried to hide any adverse reactions to the experimental vaccines and wants to force all of us to be vaxxed, not because itis good for us but as a display of it’s power and control!!
So, did this guy replace dr mengele (fauci)?
And this “character” is complaining ab0ut Trump’s character??
Collin need to step to the front of the line and get the jab second! Not first but after Dr. Fauci! Or the lady from CDC! Then rest can wait until he vet second jab to see if his reaction to the killing shot! If he refused then you know he part of the globalism trying to kill off the population
Guess what he can do with jab #4
you can’t cure stupid and this is a fine example. As a matter of fact, the whole Biden administration is a fine example, never mind the CDC and their collective vapidity.
Collins is a murderer! Look at the deaths the vaccine has caused….MORE than Covid!! If people would just look at the real data they will see that they are pulling a de-pop fast one on the world. Just sickening…..
Hey Collins, GFYS you MF CSr
Carole, I believe this administration is infected more with traitors than with stupidity, though I am sure stupidity is also involved! God help a nation so blind to this, that it is allowing these traitors to destroy the greatest nation on this earth!!
It’s not unbelievable that this “public servant” feels the way he does – he’s in the Faustus Fauci mold! The FedGovt went “off the rails” years ago – 80 to 90% of Fed employees are liberal to far left. Many Fed employees are arrogant, lazy, well-indoctrinated liberals who feel invincible – including this guy…because it is nigh impossible to fire them once they are in the system. I know…I am intimately familiar with “the system”… So this guy has an attitude that deserves nothing less than firing and possibly a good beating for good measure. This guy, who self-admittedly THREATENED 2000 of his employees should be threatened himself! Given the serious negative impacts that are emerging related to the vaccines, this PoS should be charged with any number of felonies for his nazi-like actions. Let’s have “coffee” someday Collins…I’ll “buy”….you horrible, worthless oxygen thief!
Thanks Remus , the Biden regime is the most disgusting corrupt group of traitors that have ever occupied the White House . Treason will be the charge and the penalty will be death or life in prison .