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Monsters: Horrific Findings in Vaccine Trials for 5- to 11-Year-Olds
Hundreds of thousands of 5- to 11-year-old children have now been experimented on with the COVID “vaccines” by the FDA. These trials have resulted in several hundred children being hospitalized with life-threatening emergencies. Some have died. One had a psychotic break after receiving just the first mRNA shot from Pfizer.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, kids have had a strange sort of resilience against COVID. They can catch it and test positive, but they don’t even get the sniffles from it. But fully vaccinated kids are now catching COVID and being hospitalized with it. The people perpetrating this vile human experimentation need to go to jail. Some deserve sentences worse than that!
Remember when the liars in charge told us to not worry about this experimental, not fully tested mRNA technology? They told us there was no way that “messenger RNA” could attach to and/or alter human DNA with unknown consequences. “You’re not being experimented on! You’re not a lab rat!”
Yeah. That was a total lie, according to researchers out of Sweden. They injected human liver cell lines with the COVID vaccines (notice that they didn’t experiment on live humans). Guess what? The mRNA vaccines are attaching to the DNA of human liver cells and altering them. Read the study HERE.
It’s pretty obvious that in the long run, this will cause unknown side effects in people. We just won’t know about it for a few more years until all sorts of weird ailments start showing up in people who got jabbed.
If you have young children, they might have already had COVID, and you never knew about it. Unless a child has leukemia or some other life-threating illness, they just shrug the Chinese bioweapon off like it’s nothing.
365,000 children in New York state were given the Pfizer shot between mid-December and the end of January. That’s a pretty big sample size, no? Here is what has been happening to those poor kids.
After receiving the second shot and becoming “fully vaccinated,” the kids were less likely to catch COVID for the first two weeks. But after five weeks, the vaccine’s efficiency plummets. By the sixth week after the second shot, the vaccinated kids became 40% more likely to catch a serious case of COVID than unvaccinated children. Hospitalization rates of vaccinated children haven’t changed (they’re still relatively low), but the kids are catching COVID and getting much sicker with it than the unvaccinated.
This experimental gene serum crushes the immune systems of many adults who take it. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s doing the exact same thing to 5- to 11-year-olds.
But it gets much, MUCH worse. The federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has now received more than 500 reports of children who have been severely harmed and hospitalized with life-threatening emergencies or permanent disabilities, and some children have just outright died after receiving the shots.
500 kids out of hundreds of thousands? What’s the big deal, you might think? If your child was one of them, it would be a very big deal. And keep in mind that the brand-new, experimental swine flu vaccine was pulled off the market in 1976 after it killed just 24 people. The COVID vaccines have now racked up a worldwide body count that rivals Pol Pot.
Here are just a few of the ailments that have been reported in the last few weeks in VAERS, among 5- to 11-year-olds, which resulted in hospitalization:
Heart failure, cardiac thrombosis, seizures, blood clots in the brain (it’s normal for 5-year-olds to have strokes, right?), acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (platelet counts in the blood plummet with this condition, which then causes internal bleeding), pericarditis, myocarditis, death by heart attack, diabetic ketoacidosis (in a non-diabetic child), cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (another type of stroke in which blood clots form in the brain’s venous sinuses), cardiomyopathy, and severe “tics” resembling Tourette’s syndrome.
Another report in VAERS involves a 13-year-old girl whose personality immediately changed after receiving the Pfizer shot. She developed horrible headaches. She started hallucinating and thought there were bugs everywhere around her. She developed panic attacks and anxiety, and experiences feelings of terror constantly. The girl had no previous medical history of any of these symptoms and developed them the day after she got the shot.
At some point we’re going to have to ask ourselves as a society if it’s worth killing 5- to 11-year-olds so that very sick people over 80 can feel safer.

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We have to face it Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and George Soros don’t care about any of us just the money for them and Big Pharma. This whole situation has been EVIL and they should be arrested for TREASON against the people of the world.
From what i read the other day India has Covid almost clearly out of their country by using HCQ and Ivermectin, but they would rather kill us.
Time for those involved in this Global hoax to pay for their crimes against humanity!
Let’s see, this vaccine seems to damage the immune system of healthy young people, but it is supposed to help people that already have a compromised immune system.
Yeah… That really doesn’t add up for this 72 year old man that has already refuse the death sentence of this crap.
Horrible bioweapon unleashed on children.
Total insanity!!
Didn’t the nazi’s conduct human experiments?
So those that call everyone that disagree with them is actually the nazi’s. Keep voting Democrat! They need more room for the illegals!
With massive amounts of people testing positive and many of them not showing a single symptom it is a huge slap in the face wakeup call that the test kits are laced to show false positives! which means the vaccines are nothing more than forced suicide by way of lethal injection!
You have the right to a second medical opinion as well as the right to refuse treatment for any medical problem!
Fauci has been an incompetent liar all along. There has been more adverse reactions to getting vaxxed than those that have not been. Our government continues to lie both with misinformation and refusal to tell the entire story!!
I like the reference to the Chinese BioWeapon. There is no doubt in my mind that it is true. The disgusting thing is that it is not a Chinese BioWeapon, it is Chino-American Bio Weapon because criminal elements in the moronic Deep State CDC secretly and clandestinely FUNDED IT!!! They did it by taking OUR Tax Dollars, Granted it to certain ”Drug industry connected NON-Profits” Who then funded the Chinese Wuhan Lab, KNOWN to be Connected to the Chinese Army BioWeapons department.
Trust the Government, They have your best intentions in mind… NOT
What in the name of liberty and human rights is Congress waiting for? This final attrocity against 5 to 11 year Olds must be stopped today and the purveyors and supporters of these attrocities brought to justice including the mRNA vaccine producers, Fauci, Biden, tge NIG, CDC, FDA, AMA and all that benefited by or supported the vaccine and Covid mandates. These are trul crimes against humanity with world wide consequences!
Lets face it, this is all about SELLING THE VACCINE , it’s not about the SAFETY of the vaccine !!!!
The FDA, which has experimented with “vaccines” for COVID on hundreds of thousands of children between the ages of 5 and 11, is undoubtedly a monster. But the FDA doesn’t care about these kids in the end: for him, it’s business and nothing but business! But the real monsters were the parents of these children, who voluntarily gave their children to be torn to pieces by the FDA. What is the future of these kids in 2-3 years? – No one knows, because this vaccine is experimental!
you should not blame the parents of these unfortunate children. they listened to “the authorities”. instead, let a thousand class action lawsuits blossom against the pharmacies that administered them and the bureaucrats that promoted them. remember the politicians who promulgated and facilitated this hoax and may they lose their cushy jobs come november.
I refused to get the vaccine and if I had children in the 5-11 age I would never allow them to get it. My kids are older and the choice has to be theirs even though I was concerned for them. Only one of my sons got it and after he did both of his legs were covered with a rash that looked like there were little spikes in it. He told me not to worry that it was nothing. He was forced to get or lose his job. I see a lawsuit down the road. Hope these parents wise up and protect their children.
It would NOT surprise me or the public if these vaccines were actually proven to a form of covid-19 designed to cause the virus to grow and mutate since it seems to cause MORE DAMAGE than good. Is this just another way that this fraud administration and the POS’s who want world control are using to CONTROL and DESTROY the citizens of this country and the world??????