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Why Aren’t the Unvaccinated Dying from All These Weird Rare Diseases?
Social media channels have been flooded with memes for the past few days that reveal a truth about COVID vaccines with biting sarcasm. The censors at Twitter and Facebook have been working overtime to make sure these get suppressed. The memes are all similarly themed. They usually feature an elephant photoshopped into a living room, with the message, “The Unvaccinated Are Not Dying” painted on the elephant’s side.
Democrats are humorless scolds who hate memes because of the biting sarcasm that mocks them. But they also hate memes and want to censor them because they are often true. And this meme IS true. The unvaccinated really are not dying at the same rates as the fully vaccinated and boosted.
When was the last time you saw a news story about an unvaccinated teenager dying from myocarditis, for example? Probably never. Most of us, present company included, couldn’t have even told you what myocarditis was a year ago.
Myocarditis? What is that, a phobia of playing cards?
Today, most of us know that it’s an extremely rare heart condition in which a piece of the heart muscle dies. It can shave many years off a person’s life. About 20% of all people who contract myocarditis die within the first five years after their diagnosis. Some people just fall over dead suddenly.
Yet this rare heart complication is suddenly affecting tons of teenagers here in the US and around the world as the people in charge recklessly authorize the COVID vaccines for 12- to 18-year-olds. If the vaccines are not the culprit causing this rare condition, then what is? We can’t just pretend that it’s caused by climate change. The truth is that the unvaccinated are completely unimpacted by myocarditis, or any of the other multitude of cardiac incidents that are suddenly more prevalent than ever before.
For that matter, why are hundreds of pro soccer players collapsing on the field in the past year, with most of them dying? There are about 113,000 professional soccer players in the world, so you’d expect a few heart attacks here and there every year. But the numbers are off the charts ever since players were required to get vaccinated before they could return to play after the COVID lockdowns. The number of heart attack deaths in the sport have suddenly climbed by more than 500% in one year.
Again, if the vaccines are not causing this tragedy, then what is? People would love to hear an answer to that question from health authorities. Instead, they simply ignore the cases and hope you’ll forget about this problem.
Miscarriage rates among pregnant vaccinated women have increased significantly in the US, Canada and Great Britain. Yet miscarriage rates among unvaccinated women have remained stable. If much larger-than-normal numbers of babies are suddenly dying in the womb, shouldn’t we at least try to figure out why it is happening?
We could go on and on with other examples, but the point remains the same. The vaccinated are having a much worse time than the unvaccinated, and these phenomena have been happening ever since the rollout of the experimental shots.
The Epoch Times performed a great study this week using data collected from the CDC’s official numbers. They compared COVID case rates among the 500 most heavily vaccinated counties in the US with the 500 least vaccinated counties. You don’t need a crystal ball to predict what they found.
In the 500 most heavily vaccinated counties, they currently have 75 COVID cases per 100,000 people. In the 500 mostly lightly vaccinated counties, they have 58 COVID cases per 100,000. Gee, what do you suppose is happening there?
The Epoch Times actually accounted for heavily populated urban centers, and still concluded that highly vaccinated counties are somehow catching COVID more often than highly unvaccinated counties. Again, if there is some logical medical or scientific reason for this, we’d love to hear it.
We all know the real answer to these questions, of course. If something is happening to the fully vaccinated and boosted population, and not happening to the unvaccinated, the cause is the vaccines. Don’t you wish that someone in charge would admit that out loud?

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Funny isn’t it how the Biden-Harris Administration and now Shameless COVID Pelosi has got the virus — Biden-Harris Administration are the true “SUPERSPREADERS” ! In the end, I hope they get what they deserve either here on Earth or when God exacts punishment ! Lying, thieving, money grubbing egotists all of them !!!
I saw yesterday wher Pizer gets $5 Billion for covid vaccines…. Wow! That should make them unbiased.
When Fauci is gone – Covid will be gone!
When the news stops being fake, THEN the virus will be gone – and the war, too.
Not to mention the new study that shows infection rates are higher in areas with the highest vaccination rates compared to comparable areas with lower vaccination rates.