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Disney Sure Does Hire a Lot of Freakazoids and Weirdos
The Walt Disney Company has announced that its main corporate goal – its whole reason for existing now – is to defeat Florida’s new Don’t Groom Kids law. That might seem strange for one of the most recognizable companies in the world, which has been making children’s movies and TV programs for the past 99 years. But it’s not that strange when you look at what’s been happening at Disney for the past few years, especially in Florida. The cops have arrested an extraordinary number of Disney employees engaged in crimes against children.
The bill that Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law prohibits weirdo public school teachers from talking about their bizarre sex fetishes with children between kindergarten and third grade. That’s a great start, but many parents feel the law doesn’t go far enough. It’s great that teachers can no longer sexually groom kids through third grade… but what about fourth through twelfth grade? And why doesn’t the law impose a death-penalty-by-sledgehammer for any teacher who violates it?
Parents do love the new law for the limited protection that it does give for some school-aged children, though. The latest polling shows that 61% of Americans support the law when “presented with the actual language.” (Opponents of the law have falsely labeled it the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.)
67% of American parents support the law. 53% of Joe Biden’s own voters support it. Not that Joe Biden voters is a real category that exists. And 61% of people who know an LGBT person support it.
But not the Walt Disney Company!
They’re curiously outraged that Florida Republicans would take steps to protect the smallest and most vulnerable kids in the public school system from pedophile grooming.
If you think this law is not necessary in all 50 states, consider this: A third grade teacher in Austin, Texas bragged this week on Tik Tok that 20 of the 31 students in her classroom had “came out” as gay during the current school year. I don’t teach third grade, but that number seems… outlandishly high.
Here’s part of the official statement that the Walt Disney Company released about the law:
“Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that.”
It doesn’t get much clearer than that. Disney’s goal as a company is no longer to make the same family-friendly entertainment that billions of people have watched over the past 99 years. It’s to overturn a law that two-thirds of all American parents support, which prevents children from being psychologically damaged and groomed by perverts in the public school system.
Maybe it’s not such a mystery why Disney is headed in this new direction, when you consider some of the headlines from Florida over the past seven years. These are all real stories:
“Disney security guard shows up ‘buck naked’ to human trafficking sting, 124 arrested, sheriff says.”
“Florida child sex sting nets former workers from Disney, SeaWorld and Universal Studios.”
“Three employees of Walt Disney World arrested in major child sex sting in Florida.”
“Walt Disney World employee tried to arrange sex with 8-year-old girl: DOJ.”
“4 Walt Disney World employees arrested in undercover human trafficking sting.”
“Child porn investigation: Disney World, Legoland employees among 11 arrested.”
“Theme park employees caught in sex stings, child porn arrests.”
Those stories all involved Disney employees in Florida since 2015. A couple of those stories happened this year, even after Disney announced its opposition to the Don’t Groom Kids law.
And who could forget Disney’s weirdo director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, James Gunn? He was temporarily suspended by Disney when someone noticed that he was posting “jokes” about raping infants and toddlers for the previous decade. (Disney later reinstated him.)
How many co-workers can you think of that have been arrested for child sex crimes, child porn and/or human trafficking in the past seven years? Or in your lifetime? I can count the number of times that it’s happened in my various workplaces on zero hands. But at Disney, it appears that the HR department is screening people for these types of proclivities.
Parents should keep that in mind next year when Disney is hoping they will spend money on its 100-year anniversary programming and movies.

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These people are very very sick. Just look at the flag they stole as their own, the rainbow!!! Rainbows have been associated with children forever!!!
disney along time ago stood for family fun and entertianment ,now the woke asshole have turned it intoa fag and prevert kingdom! child preditors a fags run that hell hole ! it time to close that place down !stop supporting anti parent rights ! parent are supose to protect their kids from these perverts and fags !
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For the past 10 years I would not consent to taking my grandchildren to Disney. It is not a safe family place anymore. I have stated many times that it is NOT the “happiest” place on earth but the raunchiest place on earth. It is not child-safe and parents have to keep a very close eye on their kids. Now that it is way to expensive for a middle-class family to attend, it isn’t a possibility to visit anyway and that’s probably a good thing. The movies made by Disney have degenerated into unnecessary ads for life-styles of the “woke.” The last time I went to Disney was with a high school group about 15 years ago and even at that time I didn’t enjoy it or feel comfortable about the safety of the 16-18 year olds. When the Disney parks started to serve liquor at their mid-price restaurant, (is there such a thing at Disney), was the day I said that Disney is dead, but it will probably take many years for the corpse to rot. As the years have passed the corpse has rotted.
Pedoworld and pedoland are both places you don’t want to take your children and as for their films my grandchildren will not be watching any of them
With this mindset, it’s unfortunate they didn’t move Disney World to join Disneyland in California instead of vise versa. It will never be the same. I’m glad it was 30 yrs ago when we took our child to Disney World; it was still OK then.
So I assume they’ll be getting rid of some of their Disney characters like Pinocchio, who wanted to stop being a puppet and become a real BOY. HEAVEN FORBID THEY’D ACCEPT THAT IDEA, in this skewed place now. Heroines in pretty gowns will no longer find a Prince Charming, but “it” pronoun human will instead look for a great Transgender “it” or a binary whatever that is “it”.
I pass.
Recently numbers were released re how many homosexuals and transgenders there are. It said people THOUGHT it was about 30% of US population. It actually is about 1% are homosexual and about 0.5% are Transgender. So many are going all in on changing things 100% to satisfy 0.5-1% ? You can respect others opinions, feelings without ignoring the 99.5%.
We’ve kept the “old” Disney movies and books, thankfully. Rummage sales and used sales sites can provide the rest. I want no part of the “new ” biased one. I expect Disney will see revenue losses with this stance. Good.
disney has been a sh**hole for years and should be boycotted by the American people. Parents need to open their eyes and see what the dirtbags at disney are all about. Stay away from either location and let them go belly up — IT IS WHAT THEY DESERVE !!!!!! They are NOT Walt Disney any longer, they are no longer a friend of children. I only hope Governor DeSantis does take all their priviledges away from them in Florida and let them burn in he** where they belong. I would hope California would follow suit but I know better with the dirtbag newsom as their so-called leader.
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Disney is clearly the worst purveyor of pornography in the world, a sheltered workshop for pederasts and pedicators, the epicenter of child sex-trafficking in the United States and the partner in genocide of the Red Chinese dictatorship. It is not enough to defeat it, it is not enough to reform it – Disney must be destroyed like the Nazi Party and IG Farben after World War II.
Well Disney does bring in a lot of kids. I think it was Dillinger who when asked why he robbed banks said thats where the money is. So perverts who like kids will flock to where the kids are. And in my opinion anyone who wants to teach 5-6-7 year olds about sex are perverted and sick.
Totally agree !!
I hope that Gov. DeSantis and the law makers of Florida do take the necessary action to VOID the original agreement with Disney, and return all of the property to the state and make them come under state laws and do away with their self governing status. I also hope that the people of AMERICA see the obnoxious deviate programs that they are putting on against the AMERICAN citizen. LETS ALSO HIT THEM WHERE IT MATTERS THE MOST, IN THEIR POCKETBOOK, BOYCOTT THIS OBNOXIOUS DEVIATE COMPANY.
That quote was attributed to Willie Sutton, not Dillinger, but the truth is that Sutton never said it. The quote was first written by a reporter who was covering a story on Sutton.
Looks like it is time for a “Don’t say Disney” law.
I think DeSantis should amend this law. It should not be limited to the enforcement of 1st thought 3rd grade, he should extend it to K through 12st grade, to include charges of “Child Abuse” with mandatory registration as a sexual predator based on child abuse for teachers who are guilty of violating said law in their classes, Additionally the disbarment of judges practicing leniency in the sentencing of guilty verdicts regarding these matters. It’s time to reform the criteria of our schools based on proper educational values.