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Why Are Food Processing Plants Suddenly Exploding or Burning Down After Joe Biden Threatened America with Food Shortages?
Joe Biden made an incredibly ominous announcement just a few weeks ago. It sounded like something a crazy dementia patient would say. (Yeah. We know.) He told us that the breadbasket of the world, otherwise known as “America,” would soon be facing food shortages. He even told us the name of the culprit behind these coming shortages: A guy named Putin.
Biden claimed that Putin’s border skirmish with a tiny country called Ukraine, which America doesn’t import any food or fertilizer from, was going to cause food shortages here. Huh? That didn’t make sense. And then food processing plants all across this country started exploding or burning to the ground.
That seems… like kind of a sinister coincidence. Take a look at what started happening AFTER Joe Biden threatened us all with food shortages.
In Hermiston, Oregon, the Shearer Foods plant exploded at the end of February. Because that’s what food processing plants do, right? They just randomly explode. The blast injured seven plant workers and sent a huge plume of black smoke into the skies over eastern Oregon. They almost evacuated the town of Hermiston, but then they got a favorable change in the wind direction.
What did the crater formerly known as the Shearer Foods plant in Hermiston do when it existed? Well, it supplied most of the potato chips and corn chips that you see on the store shelves in the western half of the United States. Now those potatoes and corn will have to be shipped to the East Coast to be turned into chips, which will then have to be transported back to the West Coast for consumers.
Fortunately, the Biden regime has given us such low and stable fuel prices that this won’t affect the price of chips or the supply chain at all, right? We’ve got enough extra trucks and truck drivers to handle all of the potatoes and corn needed to supply half the country with chips, right?
In an incident that was relatively minor in comparison, one of the largest potato plants in Idaho had to shut down for a day because a plane crashed into the building. Whoops! Happens all the time, right? The pilot was killed, but fortunately the workers and the plant itself survived. Still, kinda weird that two of the biggest potato processers in the country were interrupted after Joe Biden said Putin would cause food shortages because of Ukraine.
In the town of Dufur, Oregon, the Azure Standard headquarters building suddenly burned down a couple of nights ago. What’s Azure Standard? It’s the single largest distributor of organic foods in America. In addition to their headquarters building, the fire also destroyed their “liquid pour” facility, their fruit packing facility, and the facility that handles their carob products line. They can suddenly no longer produce cooking oils, honey, vinegar, anything with carob in it, and they have no ability to package organic fruits so they can be sold in stores.
You might think, “Big whoop, I never buy organic foods anyway.” But all the people who do eat organic food aren’t going to starve to death. They’ll just start buying the regular foods that the non-organic crowd eats. Which will increase the demand for those foods, and therefore will cause the price of food to go up even further and faster for everyone. Not to mention a ton of organic farmers are about to go broke because their crops are going to rot, since they no longer have a distributor.
The cause of the fire is “undetermined.” Quick question: Were there any FBI agents lurking around the facilities before they randomly caught on fire? Asking for a friend.
In Plainfield, Indiana, one of the biggest Walmart distribution centers in the country burned down just a couple of weeks ago (right after Joe Biden said food shortages were coming). What did that plant distribute? Well, food, along with all the other crap that Walmart sells. But most importantly: Food.
In Maricopa County, Arizona, a food pantry that distributed free groceries to low-income families burned down a couple of weeks ago. The fire destroyed 50,000 pounds of groceries, and the town no longer has a place to collect and distribute food donations to needy families.
In Salinas, California, the massive Taylor Farms food distribution facility burned to the ground last week. Whoops! Plus, the largest onion packing facility in south Texas burned down a few days ago, in the town of San Juan.
And here’s a weird coincidence as all of this is going on: The Union Pacific Railroad has informed fertilizer companies that it’s reducing the size of fertilizer shipments that it will carry this year, right as planting season is under way for American farmers. We have plenty of fertilizer for this year’s crops. But now farmers can’t get it for some reason.
Oh, and Joe Biden is trying to force the railroads to share cargo space right now, which would reduce the amount of shipping capacity for… basically everything. If store shelves start going bare at some point later this year, be sure to blame some guy named Putin. Because it’s all his fault somehow.

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It’s all about making sure Americans suffer. If we’re hungry, we’re not as apt to fight for any of our rights. D-rats and Communists know this are exploit that fact.
That’s too many coincidences, in my opinion. How often do planes hit processing plants or plants explode or burn down for some undetermined reason? My first thought was terrorists streaming across border, the many that have been caught are likely outnumbered by the “got a ways” that got in. They’ve caught 20 Chinese scientists, months ago, sneaking in. Obviously not here on holiday. They have caught over 40 Russians. We have illegals pouring in from 157 countries, including African and Middle Eastern countries that support terrorism. IF Title 42 REMAIN IN MEXICO ends and isn’t replaced by some effective program, BCP estimate we will get at least 18,000 ILLEGALS PER DAY, PLUS GOT A WAYS. 18,000/day = 6,570,000 in a year. OVER SIX AND A HALF MILLIION plus more.
What is Biden putting on train cars that he wants the railroad companies to reserve HALF their space for him? All I can think he’s focused on transporting is illegal aliens. Perhaps 6.6 million.
And while terrorists could be responsible for all the plants and national distribution centers being destroyed, my FIRST THOUGHT was, sadly, Biden and his radical handlers being behind it. To accomplish more destruction to America. I wouldn’t be surprised re Terrorists OR this Administration.
demoncrats are killing the lower middle class who only have money for food, shelter and gasoline. the prices are going through the roof and brandon is doing NOTHING to help them. all these coincidences are going to prove brandon correct. however, deflecting blame overseas is likely not going to work for him.
As Nikita Kruschev stated, “We will take down America from the inside”, little did we know that it was the Democrat Party that would spearhead the destruction of America. We didn’t listen when President Eisenhower said to “Beware the military industrial complex”, or when JFK was the new wonderkind of the Democrat Party who once elected promoted the ideals of Conservative Republicans and American exceptualism and was rewarded with assassination! Now we are faced with most un-American President in history and multitudes of unconstitutional acts against the rights of We The People by the Democrat Party whose actions are full of the totalitarian acts of all socialistic communist nazi nations.
The Tyranny continues!!!!!!!
But don’t worry, while we sit by and ignorant to the truth, some corrupt politician will stop the fall of our country, Right?
I do not believe this many incidents are coincidences, they would be rare, there are two many affecting one industry. The open border, weaponized government agencies, and Democrat Party communist useful idiots acting on behalf of their globalist masters are the likely culprits. Local investigation of these incidents are advisable, definitely not an investigation by the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) that would be letting the fox in the hen house. We need to clean house on all these agencies after the impeachment of Biden/Harris and their Democrat and RINO lackeys in the weaponized government agencies. America First is all that will fix this mess!
i don’t believe believe in coincidences and this is another prime reason why i don’t.
America has a big bunch of mindless idiots who also vote. Is there a Devil? Well, looks like these food processing and storage plants are the work of the Devil…and his handler is Biden.
If this is a coordinated attack on the food supplies the people behind it are making a huge mistake.
No revolution has ever been started by a fat person.
Hmm…it does beg questions doesn’t it. I’ve never been big on conspiracy theories, but this is somewhat unusual, and, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that Biden’s crew is behind it somehow.
This is …way beyond…..being a “coincidence”.
IMHO, this can be considered….as deliberate sabotage!!
I wondered WHEN an article about this would show up. Last week, there was a small article on FoxNews concerning this– NOT local news. Food processing plants are ‘going down’ one way or another across the US. It could be faulty wiring, etc– old machines, etc– but, I would think OSHA would have been on top of those hazards. This article needs to have a ‘sharing’ capability. Lester Holt sure won’t tell us about them. Just sayin’
Also reported in the last few days that three Fertilizer plants have been destroyed by fire!!!!
This coincidental happening also will create chaos and antichrist actions by middle and low income classes . Stop and remember what happened when COVID/ lockdowns appeared and people started pandemonium and attacked grocery shelves
Coincidence ? Can anyone Spell “Soros. ?
Biden and his henchmen just can’t stand to see America thrive as id did for so many years before the Democrats took over our government in 2020. How sad for America.
I find this blog very helpful about my health……….
It will not surprise me if there FBI OR CIA agents setting bomb or cutting wire to cause these fired. Since they are know to killed their partner . Drugs dealer know these guys will do anything for the money. Just to cause a sense! We all know most of them have CONVERTED TO MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD during Obama term. Put two and two together the government is doing this to force us into their program. Which is socialist control over the middle class and lower class of people. You can believe it easy to buy someone who in needs of money . Even a guy who work as an electrical. This to me is planned by the Biden administration and Obama! No, I will not leave him out. Because his own words to Putin. I WILL HAVE MUCH POWER ONCE I’M OUT OF OFFICE!
You can always expect the government to be involved one way or another! They have ways of getting someone to do the work to cause the fire or bomb to go off! Most of the time the person who did it for them died in the fire! You will not here about the investigation because those who does it, know how it happened. But are told to leave it alone!
Yeah, the NWO is stepping up it’s plan to bring America down. They are pissed that Covid didn’t kill more of us off, and want to speed things up before the Mid Term Elections. They know we are fighting back quietly against their Socialist puppet takeover. Stay awake people, and vote these Commie Swamp Rats out of office. This will only get worst before they are done. Watch how many Hurricanes end up hitting the Florida coast to wipe out the crops right before harvest time this summer. Save your seeds and learn to grow food, or you will go hungry. Seeds will be the next thing to become in short supply, so buy them now before they disappear or burn up too. FJB !
The plan is destroy American culture and our ability to survive. Make us helpless and subservient to the government, then step in and save America with socialism or communism. Only when the government feels they are in complete control will the insanity to destroy our country stop. Life as we know it is going to be over if we do not wise up and do something about it. First step is vote with clear minds for what and who will put America back on track for prosperity and truth. When will it be enough? I hope it is not to late to save our country.
Biden is a treasonous criminal.