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Researchers: Vaccines Caused a Mass Extermination of Young People in 2021
Multiple teams of researchers have now confirmed that the COVID vaccines killed more young Americans in late 2021 than we lost in the Vietnam War. One team even uses the term “democide” to describe what happened as a result of Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates! Democide: The intentional mass extermination of a citizenry by their own government. And that’s not even counting the 70,000 annual fentanyl deaths that are hammering America through our open southern border. The rate of excess deaths among young Americans skyrocketed to off-the-charts insane levels in September of 2021, right after Biden started his forced inoculation campaign.
A portfolio manager at Blackrock, a multinational investment firm that’s heavily into insurance, says his team noticed a catastrophic spike the excess deaths rate among Millennials (age 25 to 40) and Gen-Xers (age 40 to 55) that kicked off last September. Both age groups had their excess deaths rate skyrocket to more than 80% above normal. About 61,000 more people than normal died in each of those age groups (roughly 120,000 total).
The spike in excess deaths was so bad that if you were an unvaccinated 75-year-old last September, you had better odds of surviving to see the New Year than a vaccinated 40-year-old.
The portfolio manager whose team did the research, Edward Dowd, told Steve Bannon that the spike was the “worst-ever excess mortality… in history.”
An Applied Economics professor at Johns Hopkins University named Genevieve Briand comes to a similar conclusion in her research. She’s a little more careful in describing her analysis of excess deaths than Dowd but agrees that the spike corresponds with Biden’s vaccine mandate. Briand has been examining excess deaths annually from 1999 to today, and she’s one of the country’s best experts on the subject.
She also found that COVID deaths have to be wildly overstated. Remember how deaths from the flu, pneumonia, cancer and heart disease completely vanished in 2021? Briand says those annual death counts still happened but were obviously chalked up as COVID deaths. COVID deaths obviously happened at a worse rate under Biden than under President Trump, but the disease itself was not nearly as deadly as the corrupt number-crunching health officials were telling us.
Joe Biden spent the entire summer last year threatening everyone that they’d be fired from their jobs if they didn’t get the jab. When the deadlines from Biden’s illegal threats approached in late August and early September, a lot of people who otherwise young and healthy and at no risk from COVID got spooked and took the experimental medicine that they didn’t need. Almost everybody who stayed in the military was forced to take it. A lot of large private companies forced their employees to take it, because they were scared of the Biden regime and didn’t stand up for their own workers.
And then a huge wave of excess deaths hit the country in September. Professor Briand has tracked deaths from respiratory viruses over the past 20-some years, and says we’ve never had a spike in excess deaths in September before, especially among 25- to 55-year-olds. And there was no big wave of COVID outbreaks that September. COVID and other respiratory viruses and heart attacks and drug ODs and cancer deaths don’t account for the spike.
“This has never happened before for deaths due to respiratory diseases, from 1999 to 2019,” says Professor Briand. “It is consistent with the vaccine deaths hypothesis.”
Did you catch that? The vaccine deaths “hypothesis.” This distinguished professor of economics has been crunching the numbers and does not think it’s a “conspiracy theory.” It’s now a “hypothesis.”
There’s nothing else that really explains how this massive spike in excess mortality happened. Deaths from fentanyl and cheap-as-dirt Mexican black tar heroin are counted separately, so it wasn’t that either.
Hey, if there’s some other explanation out there that could account for why the largest spike in excess deaths ever happened right after Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates kicked in, I’m all ears. I think most of us probably are by now. If there’s something in the water that’s killing Gen-Xers and Millennials, let us all know so we can run out and buy another Berkey water filter. We’re all about science here!

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People need to stop believing these liar! Why not ask them to take the vaccine themselves? Not a sugar shot, or a water shot! I will bet you they did not get the same stuff in their vaccine that you got! Biden is a big time liar since he was born. It like he want us dead but refused to protect us at the border! Even claim the illegal do NOT need the vaccine! That is his way of keeping you wearing the mask, shutting down business and stopping the food supply! Biden and democrat have SOLD OUT THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE CLINTON WERE IN OFFICE!
this is why the mother of all lies (the US government) allowed Pfizer to delay releasing its data on its vaccine for 75 years. conveniently, everyone hurt by the vaccine will be long dead.
Liberalism is FATAL!
I find this blog very helpful……….
Murder Americans, allow illegal aliens to flood the border, and you’ve got a whole new country.
To Wyatt Earp: Yes and that is why Biden should be known as the “Traitor – In – Thief.”
To Kathy: You are right and that is the goal; to get rid of us and replace us with illegals who have known only Socialism.
Time to take a stand. Stop voting for Democrats and remind the politicians WHO they work for!
Multiple teams of researchers….researching what data from what source, you gotta give me a little more than that sketchy line of probable BS to convince me.Who are you US politics and News.
The greatest threat to America and the American people. You guessed it, The Liberal Socialist Party.
There is NO mystery here. The deaths are caused by marijuana and fentanyl and the specific people who are responsible are politicians who voted to legalize drugs.