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Whoa – Durham Finally Indicts Hillary’s Lawyer 5 Years After Russiagate
Color me surprised! Most of us, including President Trump, were seriously questioning whether US Attorney John Durham was perhaps a mythical creature. It’s been five years now since the Hillary Clinton campaign worked directly with the FBI to fabricate the Russia hoax. No one responsible for the completely fabricated Russian collusion hoax has been held to account. That changed late last week, when Durham was able to have a grand jury indict attorney Michael Sussman on a charge of lying to the FBI. It sounds like small potatoes, but at least this will be career-ending for one of Hillary’s lawyers, if he is found guilty.
The statute of limitations on the crime that Sussman is accused of was set to expire on Friday. If Durham was going to charge Sussman, it had to be done before that day. The fact that Durham actually did charge Sussman in time gives me hope that we will see a string of indictments between now and January 20, 2022.
Sussman is a cybersecurity lawyer who works for Perkins Coie, the firm that Hillary used as a cutaway to hire Fusion GPS. Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), who was the head of the DNC at the time, paid Perkins Coie to contract with Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS then concocted the fake Russian potty dossier with the help of British spy Christopher Steele. Yadda-yadda-yadda, you know all this already, right?

The heads of the conspiracy to frame the Trump campaign were Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey and John Brennan. Comey compartmentalized the operation to his top loyalists at the FBI, like Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and others. Other people working at the FBI, despite being a bunch of corrupt career bureaucrats, were suspicious that the Russian potty dossier stuff was actually opposition research from a political campaign.
Then-FBI General Counsel James Baker asked Sussman, who was “corroborating” some of the fake dossier stuff, whether he was working for a campaign. Sussman lied to the FBI in his answer, claiming that he was just a concerned citizen who just so happened to be researching Alfa Bank in Russia and just happened to come across some info about the Trump campaign and figured he’d better tell the FBI.
The FBI never found any evidence that anyone from the Trump campaign had ever communicated with the Russian bank, let alone passed money from the Kremlin to the campaign. Durham’s team checked the billing records at Perkins Coie and discovered that in fact, Sussman billed his hours looking into Alfa Bank directly to the 2016 Clinton campaign. Sussman (allegedly) lied to the FBI.
Durham’s team will still have to prove this at trial, but it looks like they’ve caught Sussman red-handed. The grand jury returned the indictment against Sussman the same day that they were empaneled. If Sussman is found guilty at trial, there will be no justification for the Bar Association to allow him to keep his law license. Sussman’s legal career will be over, in addition to any jail time or fines that he ends up paying.
Here’s why we should all be a bit hopeful about the Durham investigation once again.
First, John Durham is real. He’s not a unicorn or bigfoot or some other mythical creature. He actually exists.
Second, Durham could have let the statute of limitations expire on Sussman if this was going to be a big coverup in the end. He didn’t. He indicted Sussman and that’s a big deal, because Sussman was working directly for a much bigger fish: Hillary Clinton.
Third, it looks like Durham’s team is being meticulous and thorough in building rock-solid cases against the Russia hoaxers. Durham was confident that he could get an indictment against Sussman, even at the last minute. The evidence was that convincing.
Between now and next January 20, the statute of limitations is going to run out on a bunch of players in the Russia hoax, at least on the charge of lying to the FBI. This is awesome! It means that Sussman is only first of what should be a string of indictments against Hillary’s lawyers, Fusion GPS, and hopefully some of those at the top of the food chain. I don’t expect we’ll see Hillary or Obama arrested at the end of this, but I’m much more confident that we’ll get to see Peter Strzok and possibly James Comey in handcuffs!

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Hillary role during Obama term was all TREASONOUS AGAINST AMERICA! Due th democrats HOUSE SPEAKER PELOSI being in charge. You could expect her to get off easy! With her SELLING URANIUM TO RUSSIA, KNOWING IRAN COULD JUST PURCHASE IT FROM RUSSIA. SURE IS AIDING THE ENEMY OF AMERICA.
I would like to be optimistic about the Durham investigation, but, you said it yourself…………Obama and Biden were behind it and nothing will be done to those two. A few small potatoes may end up being found guilty, but the main guys responsible will go on their merry way. The entire justice system is corrupt. When the election is rigged and everybody knows it is rigged but nothing happens, that tells me all I need to know. Biden knew he had it won, and thats why he didnt have to campaign. If Trump runs in 2024, they will do the same thing. Republicans don’t have the backbone to put a stop to it.
If this is not going to end up with convictions for the scumbag Democrats that cooked up this crap, then we truly do have a corrupt judicial system!!!
It all depends on the little scumbags turning on the bigger scumbags as the dominos fall. Perhaps the little guys will take the bigger ones with them when they are facing career ending events, jail time, and the compensation is just not enough!
Wyatt Earp..I totally agree; all involved in this illegal and corrupt fabrication to oust a sitting President must be indicted for their parts, tried, convicted and sentenced. They have done so much of this type of dirty offenses during their careers that Americans have totally lost faith in our investigative and Justice systems in convicting ANY Democrat members of the government for ANY crimes that others were for the same offense. Insider Trading by Pelosi comes to mind for that crime for which Martha Stewart who was found guilty for the same crime, and served time for it. Nancy Pelosi, however..little investigation, but no indictment, trial or prosecution or time served will result. It’ll be swept under the rug as is usual.
He will never go to trial. He’ll Arkanside first.
It’s all a big smoke screen nobody’s gonna go to jail that Durham punk is nothing more than a little puppet of a very crooked government. PROVE me wrong!!!
As I’ve stated before back in 1993 deep state pumping money into Hillary to get her in the white house in 2016 and so she was going turn control of the drug industry over to them but along came a Trump and they had to get him out and the rest is history all these pieces of crap that are getting by with turning this country into a piece of crap are going to keep getting by with it because money talks and crap walks
Keep going the corruption is still active in Washington bankrupt them on indictments and give them huge prison time ,
Hang them All, let the World, watch
How about the fbi lying to the fbi ???? Who will charge them ??
to David Edmond, you must be a Democrat.
I have always believed that the Clintons were the ones that created all the corruption within our country and our government by corrupting the FBI , CIA , ATG , SUPREME COURT , OBAMA’S AND THE WHOLE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND SOME BACK STABBER IN THE REPUBLICIAN’S PARTY. The day that the FBI ‘s leaders let Hillary get away with her crimes is the day that I quit the corrupt Democratic party.
Wyatt Earp and all, I agree. Treason should be on the table for all of these monsters. Hillary, Obama, Biden, Comey, Brenban, Clapper, Wasserman-Schultz, Peter and Lisa pkg, possibly Soros funding at some point. They all need to be indicted. Will the lower pegs bring higher ones down? Would they survive to do so, with Hillary involved and the Clinton history? She makes Ma Barker look like a fairytale princess. Bernie is still enjoying his “gift” Martha’s Vineyard mansion from Hillary to calm his anger after she was found to have cheated re her debates with Sanders. She could have monetary or other gifts flowing toward this atty and others to buy silence and take a fine or sentence. But hopefully there’s enough data against her and the others to topple them and convict of some serious charges, incl treason. Long overdue. Too bad it couldn’t have come out before 2020, since includes Biden, et al.
Treason to overthrow an election should have no statute!
Terminate the flow of GEORGE SOROS , BILL GATES, TOM STYER, BLOOMBERG and other billionaires money and a lot of the coverups would stop. Americans are being royally screwed by the flow of cash into Washington DC. They made their money from manipulating the lawmakers of the US, now they are destroying the US. Hillary Clinton is as great a traitor as ever walked the earth.
One day not too far in the future they will pay with their lives. Karma is always working for the good of humanity.
Durham had this information/evidence for how long? Why Indict this Attorney now and not Hillary et. al. at the same time? This seems like a “backward” indictment ….indict them all and play hard ball! The first weasel that cuts a deal should be given some consideration on his/her potential sentence? I like Durham but hate the system! This could go nowhere fast!
Hillary and company have bin stealing money from the tax payers for years and she has bin paying off a lot of senitors like the big fat Todd ,bug eyes shift and all the rest of the dumacat senitors they got rich on our money for years and now you have all the new one taking money and they tell us we have to tighten our belts and always say they have to cut social security it’s a shame what they are doing to us .
Be very careful because these are the people of ” The Committee of Three Hundred”, look online the Names were Not Changed to protect the Uninnocent.
Bush, Cheney, Etc. the names are listed or look up Bohemian Grove, people think this is a Conspiracy Theory but yet these things are happening as we speak & the corrupt Crimes Democrats are Committing as we speak are kept out of the Lime Light.
Look at how the Medias kept DEMANDING Nothing Hunter did was CRIMINAL, & Now they are SKEEVING their stories to Blindside Americans, we know you OPPRESSED the Story & you wonder WHY people think the Medias produce Fabricated & Untrustworthy Tales from the Lap Dogs.