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Warning: You Won’t Be Allowed to Sit on the Fence in This Vaccine Mandate Fight
Well, Joe Biden did promise to be a “uniter, not a divider!” He certainly has united more Americans in opposition to the Democrat Party in the wake of his tyrannical executive order to carry out the forced medical rape of 100 million Americans with the experimental gene therapy COVID vaccines. Republican governors, attorneys general, and even the feckless and often worthless RNC are all vowing to fight the Biden regime of these unconstitutional, illegal and immoral forced medical treatments. It’s nice to see people finally waking up to what some of us have been warning about for the past 18 months!
Biden’s illegal order will force all employees at companies that hire 100 people or more, as well as anyone who works at a Medicaid- or Medicare-accepting hospital or clinic, to take coronavirus shots – even if they have made the personal medical decision not to. All told, approximately 100 million private sector employees are being ordered to get the shots or submit to weekly testing before they can come to work.
Biden circumvented all previous legal precedents in America in order to do this. He’s imposing the rule through the federal workplace safety agency, OSHA. Biden is also requiring all federal employees to get the shots.
Dozens of GOP governors and at least two state attorneys general are already preparing lawsuits. The Republican National Committee, which has been asleep at the wheel since Joe Biden was sworn in, issued a scathing response to the mandates. The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, which represents some 30,000 federal agents in various agencies (many of them Biden’s own employees in the Executive branch), has come out in opposition to the mandates.
There’s now some confusion over whether the Postal Workers Union is still going to be exempt from the mandates. They opposed Biden’s first mandate that all federal employees get the vaccines, and Biden caved to them. We know why.
The Postal Workers Union endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election. We also know with fairly good certainty that the PWU most likely assisted in the shenanigans surrounding the mail-in ballots in the 2020 election. They have dirt on Joe Biden, and that’s why they’re the one federal group that will likely remain exempt from the mandates.
It’s not going to stop here, folks. I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t even as bad as it’s going to get if we allow the communist regime that has taken over the Democrat Party to continue running roughshod over the rights of our fellow Americans. Whether you personally are vaccinated or not, you should be opposed to Joe Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandate against people. These mandates are sick and totalitarian, and it’s only going to get worse from here on out if we allow Team Biden to get away with this.
Those of us who have chosen to not be vaccinated have valid reasons for our decision. Many of us will not accept these shots due to religious beliefs. Short of jailing us in concentration camps and forcibly injecting us (which is obviously Biden’s “Final Solution” for us), we will NEVER take the shots. But we’re also following the science and making an informed choice.
For example, the very same day that Biden announced these totalitarian mandates, the University of California released new research findings on the COVID shots. This is research that nobody bothered to do in the runup to rushing these experimental medicines to market. Guess what? It turns out that coronavirus shots are extremely dangerous for teenage boys.
Researchers found that among healthy 12-to-15 year old boys, the incidence of myocarditis (inflammation and swelling of the heart muscle which leads to heart attack and death) is 162 per 1 million, immediately after injection. The chances of a young, healthy teenage boy being admitted to the hospital for COVID is only 26 per 1 million.
Young, healthy teenage boys are 6 times as likely to be maimed by the coronavirus shots than they are to be hospitalized with COVID. Yet Joe Biden wants us to inject this poison in our kids? No. Never.
There is still a ton of research to be done on these medicines, because we have no way of knowing the long-term effects. We have to stop this. If Joe Biden gets away with this mandate, there is nothing that the federal government will be prohibited from doing to you next.
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This trader needs to be arrested for treason. Along with the rest of these scum bags.
Dictator ?not a president! That’s this blowhole !!!!!!
While this President continues his performance record of the last 50 years, ALWAYS WRONG!!! Just look at what Biden and the Democrats have done for the U.S. domestically and internationally in the last 8 months. He and Kamala are a “one” person wrecking ball, since Kamala can’t be trusted to do anything with dignity or gravitas; its like having Groucho Marx for a VP, always chuckling. If something happens to Biden, is she going to become the President?? If not, why is she “Vice President?” Is Pelosi going to be given the job? That would be like giving Capone the keys to Chicago!!! If you think Afghanistan is a mess, just look down the road to Washington, DC.
Their folly would be laughable if it weren’t costing lives, livelihood, destroying the U.S. economy, undermining our servicemen and women, weakening our international position, costing us the trust of our allies, and making us the laughing stock of the rest of the world. What more can this clown show do to America before we wake up and remove this entire administration and charge them for the TREASON they have committed against the American people? Biden’s answer to everything is print more money, spend more money and give more money away to everyone but American’s. Now he’s calling for everyone to receive the vaccine or face unemployment with no benefits, yet we give benefits to illegals and exempt them from vaccination even though many of them are being relocated within our country and they aren’t even testing them to determine whether or not they are spreading the virus. WAY TO GO JOE!!!!!
The constitution is clear, so is the Nuremburg code. The Clearfield Doctrine, 18 USC 242, 245 all apply. The death jab mandate is totally illegal. Forced vax is an aggravated assault with intent to injure. (felony) Self defense to a forced jab can be met with lethal force.
Federal Applet court says:
“Federal criminal laws are not administrative edicts handed down upon the masses as if the administrators were God delivering the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai…
It is not the role of the executive — particularly the unelected administrative state — to dictate to the public what is right and what is wrong.”
Biden (Enemy of the State)
Joe Biden has committed violation after violation of “The Rule of Law, Constitutional Law, Congressional Law, International protocol with our Allies, Immigration Law and State’s sovereignty. His actions are nothing short of that of a “DICTATOR” as all his Executive Orders, and clandestine coercion of both friend and foe are all geared to remove and replace all that his hated non-politician predecessor accomplished and put into place for the good of the Nation.
Current Joe Biden debacles occurred (Afghanistan being the most egregious) and ongoing aiding and abetting the spread of COVID-19 via his open borders because of Biden’s violation of our national immigration laws and the thousands of illegals now roaming our states, spending our tax dollars that they are lavishly given by Joe Biden’s Administration.
Hey, do you who voted for this miscreant now realize the error of your ballot casting? Are (8) months of his actions a nightmare enough to wake you up! Here are your Biden Administration rewards so far: You have the chance to redeem yourselves and to show America you care about our heritage coming up in 2022.
These comments are part of a (6) page Commentary I wrote which could have been ((12) as Joe Biden’s nightmare is already that egregious.
Biden isn’t the little tin god he thinks he is and he and his rants can GTH.
I guarantee you Biden and Harris didn’t take the shot and neither am I Trump 2024 God Bless the USA
It is very bad when foreign leaders are calling Pres D.T. to do something about this world crises.
And Now – Joe Biden is a Dictator because of him Military men has been killed, because of him – open border with close to two million migrants are here, without the shot’s, murders, rapeist, drug makers, bringing diseases. coronavirus, and what has he done, -NOT A DAMN THING RIGHT ! AND TO SCREAM AND DEMAND AMERICANS GET YOUR SHOT OR ELSE, EVERY AMERICAN KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE !
This just will keep continuing, no one is protesting, or fighting back, everyone is home watching Netflix and Cable, LOL, let them have their children indoctinated and controlled turning in their parents, it is quite apparent the Republican party is involved with this communist take over of America or they would be doing something at this point to Impeach this bastard from HELL ! I am glad I am a senior and not long for what is coming to America, the last great super power, learning Chinese or Russian is going to be to hard for us oldsters ! ha ha,
I will be as clear as I can here. I WILL NOT COMPLY!
Hey Bidumb, bite me.