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Trump’s New Supreme Court Justice Will Keep Our Country Out of the Hands of the Increasingly Crazy Left
It’s fun to watch Democrat leaders go crazy over President Trump’s promise to fill the vacancy left by the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maize Hirono, Maxine Waters and other Democrat elitists have all made crazy threats against President Trump if fulfills his constitutional commitment. Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually went on television and threatened to launch another impeachment proceeding if the President insists on replacing the late Justice Ginsburg before her party can cheat by mail to steal the next election.
Someone needs to send Nancy another copy of the Constitution. It’s in Article II, Section 2 and reads, in part, “… and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate… Judges of the supreme Court.”
How is that an impeachable offense, Nancy? Also, didn’t Justice Ginsburg remark under similar circumstances, “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year?”
So, suck it up, Democrats. You are about to lose your leverage, and you won’t have wobbler Chief Justice Roberts to help pass your leftwing causes anymore as he has repeatedly done.
Still, the predictable Democrat whining has already begun. Chuck Schumer says it’s all about the “will of the people,” or something. Oh, yeah. What about the will of the Republican voters in America? Or did you not count them. Then there’s RGB’s fake dying wish thing that Democrats are claiming she made and we should honor. Hey Democrats, if President Trump’s dying last wish is that we install his teenage son Baron as the next president, should we honor it? Asking for a friend.
Act I will be finished when President Trump tells Nancy and Chuck to shove it and chooses a qualified, and undoubtedly female, replacement. The President has, in fact, indicated that the nominee will be a woman.
Act II will also undoubtedly be another sham horror show, as the Democrats will do their best to spread bullshit on the tracks to derail the train that has already left the station. So, forget about all that stuff about treating women as equals. Democrats only treat leftwing liberals who make up stuff about being raped 30 years ago with anything approaching respect.
Act III will result in a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court for years after President Trump leaves office. Liberals are losing sleep over what the future holds in the Court, regardless of the outcome of the next election:
–The new majority will likely be more prone to restricting the infanticide madness of the abortion holocaust. Democrats want to return to the days of partial birth abortions in which the head of an infant is born and a doctor punctures the skull of the not quite fully birthed infant to kill it. They also want to adopt Blackface McKlanhood Governor Ralph Northam’s policy of killing a baby after it’s been born. But don’t worry people, he promised to make the baby “comfortable” after its been born so it can die cold and alone. It’s, you know, a woman’s health issue.
–Barack Obama’s only legacy, Obamacare, could be finally consigned to the scrapheap of history. It’s false promises and restrictions of individual freedom could be struck down by the new majority.
–Again, another strict constitutionalist conservative appointee would be an insurance vote against flip flopper, fake Republican Chief Justice John Roberts, who seems to be infected with the same disdain that Justice Ginsburg felt toward President Trump. Roberts was appointed by President Bush, who probably regrets that decision.
Nevertheless, Democrats know they have lost this one. They don’t have the numbers to stop President Trump and the Senate from confirming a new Justice, and it was their own leaders who separated court appointments from the 60% Senate filibuster rule.
Democrats fallback position could be something Franklin D. Roosevelt toyed with during his unconstitutional New Deal dictatorship: packing the Supreme Court with more liberal judges. The nine-member limit is set by law and could be changed.
Good luck with that, Democrats. Even Joe Biden is on record as opposing upping the number of judges, “I would not get into court packing…Next time around, we lose control, they add three justices. We begin to lose any credibility the court has at all.”
One doesn’t always associate the term “credibility” with Joe Biden. But this time, he was spot on.

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He needs to get her in before the election in case he looses the senate or he doesn’t get reelected because of the mail in votes.
There is something wrong with an electoral system that denies an elected President the opportunity to stand again and again with the voters’ approval, yet permits someone like Pelosi to keep standing for decades. ( with voters’ approval)
Mr. President, please proceed with the appointment process as expeditiously and cautiously as possible! We need a Supreme Court that has GOOD sense and will act appropriately!
Does the CONSTITUTION say that the PRESIDENT has to pick a successor, to a deceased SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, right away? In this case, even if the PRESIDENT, GOD FORBIDE, loses the election, he still could nominate a name for the position, before he leaves office in January 2021. What I am saying is: the DEMOCRATS will lose this arguement, because it is the PRESIDENT job to fill the vacancy.
President Trump was elected to serve a 4 year term of office, NOT 3 and 1/2. His first term will end on 1-20-21, and his 2nd term will end on 1-20-25. Under the Constitution of the United States, he has EVERY right to fill RBG s empty seat on the Supreme Court NOW, not when the Dembeciles say so.