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Tax Filing Reveals Joe Biden Spent Millions on Salaries, ZERO on Research at his Charity
In 2017, Joe Biden’s son, Beau, died of brain cancer. That’s a tragedy none of us would wish upon anyone. After it happened, Joe Biden founded the Biden Cancer Initiative. The initiative pledged to help push cancer research and find cures. It seemed that Biden was determined to spare other families from experiencing his pain. It seemed like a classy, reasonable and respectable thing to do. Unfortunately, we’re talking about Joe Biden here. The charity turned out to be none of those things.
The charity only operated in 2017 and 2018. It was suspended in 2019 when Biden announced his bid for the presidency. In those two years, the charity raised $4.8 million. That’s actually really good for a brand-new charity, and a few million dollars can go a long way in cancer research.
But Biden didn’t give any of that $4.8 million to fund any cancer research. The initiative spent roughly $3 million on staff salaries. They blew another cool million on travel and conference expenses. The remaining $800,000 seemingly falling out of holes (which likely means it was embezzled).
In the tax filings, there is one category that is conspicuously missing: research grants. Do date, the initiative has given $0 to any form of cancer research.
Taking in nearly $5 million from donors and then not using a single dollar on charity is amoral. It shows Joe Biden is just another dirty politician exploiting the tax-exempt status charity’s receive in order to put money in his pocket and the pockets of his friends.
The initiative is run by a who’s who of Obama staffers. The president of the initiative is Gregory Simon. He used to be a Pfizer executive (which helps you understand why they squashed their vaccine announcement until after the election). From 2017 to 2018, he doubled his own salary despite the charity not actually doing anything.
Other prominent leadership in the initiative includes four high-level staffers in the Obama Administration. They all received six-figure salaries. No one is really sure why since this charity has successfully helped 0 people in need (unless you count the need dirty politicians have for extra money in their pockets).
Ultimately, none of this is surprising. It’s tiring, but in no way unexpected. It’s another unoriginal chapter in the endless book of corrupt Democratic politicians. They all do this, and for reasons no one can explain, the media and Democrat voters continue to tolerate it. If there is one lesson to be learned from this, let it be the following: evil people will not give up their ways on their own. This is true of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, the squad and every other dirty politician we have in this country. They will never turn over a new leaf. They will only stop when we make them.

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biden is scum!
Joe Biden and his whole family are scumbags from the gutter of trash. The stupid people who voted for him are no better. The only reason they voted for this scum is they think they are going to get a bunch of freebies. Well think again you stupid fools He stole 4.8 million that was to go for cancer research for his own pleasure. You could fall down in front of him starving and he would probably kick you aside.
Democrats are immune to prosecution! There is a 2-teired Justice System still in place!
Does biden, like the rest of us not realize we have a God to face on judgement day.
Made money off the death of your beloved son?
This is the best DNC had for president? Oh, wait. Actually, he does fit in there rather perfectly, doesn’t he? My Daddy taught me that the only thing we humans actually own is our word. Our word, or trustworthiness, gives us substance. If we break our word, we have nothing and are nothing. My Daddy was a very wise and perceptive man. I quess Biden didn’t have a wise and perceptive Daddy to teach him right. Either that or Biden was too hardheaded. Still, no excuse for his bad behavior. He will never be OUR president. His letterhead may end up saying it, but my heart says otherwise. In fact, our President Trump WILL be reelected!
well I have to blame the Justice system in general for all that the Dem’s get away with and going clear back to Kennedy and the woman that died in his auto ,then Obama spending about 10TRILLION DOLARS AND HAVEING nothing TO SHOW FOR IT AND NOW BIDEN AND COMPANY ( IF THE MEDIA WANTS TO CALL SOMEONE HITLER THEN CLINTON OR OBAMA NOW BIDEN FIT THE NARATIVE PERFECTLY . ONE THING WE THE PEOPLE CAN COUNT ON IN THIS COUNTRY MONEY AND LIES GO HAND IN HAND ,MONEY FROM CHINA /RUSSIA ALSO KEEP THE FALS SPEEKING MEDIA IN BUSINESS !!! WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT’S TO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid Joe probably doesn’t believe in a God who created it all and is watching it all occur. Most of those democrats are either atheists or agnostics. They have no longing for the afterlife or what happens after you die. Wait till he tries to explain to God who saw it all and unless he changes his beliefs and repents to hell he goes.
Biden is just like the rest of the politicians. Lower than a snake in the grass !
Now really. Did you expect anything different from SLEEPY CORRUPT JOE BIDEN and his SCUMBAG DEMBECILIC PARTYMEMBERS ?? One day we ALL will have to stand before God and try to explain how we lived our lives here on Earth. Our countries founders, must be turning over in their graves to see how corrupt the DemencRATic party has become.
The mentally, morally, and spiritually deficient Lie-beral DEMONocrat Sin-dicate (syndicate) are suffering from the insanity of satanity whose only expertise is bullshitology, masked under the cloak of self righteousness. Lie-beral DEMONocrats have crossed over to the dark side and have went off the deep end. They are FUGITIVES FROM TRUTH !
All the biden problems coming up more and more. Each seems worse as the more we are finally finding out. But as history shows, he will never even spend a day in jail, ever!!!. Nor hunter or any of his family. They could all confess and give full statements of guilt and still never due any time. When was last time any of these people running the US from behind the curtain ever get convicted of anything. Even in our justice system it is ” WHO YOU KNOW”. Money talks with these creatures. and they have access to plenty. So illegal and will never pay for their crimes. If nothing in the bank can always make up another charity. How about. Put Biden and his gangster pals in jail fund. Discraceful people.
Send all those 125,000 new “citizens” to Deleware.