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Mexican Human Traffickers Celebrating Joe Biden’s “Victory”
The good news is that we’ve finally located an industry sector that is excited about the prospect of a Joe Biden presidency! The bad news: It’s human traffickers on the Mexican side of our southern border. Setting aside the fact that Joe Biden has not been elected president, it’s always fascinating to hear opinions from despicable human beings that the Democrats tell us are nonexistent. So, how do the Mexican slave traders feel about a possible return to Obama-era border enforcement? They’re mucho excited!
There’s been a big surge in illegal border crossings under way for the past couple of months. The numbers that the Border Patrol is catching jumped by about 33% in September and then it nearly doubled in October. Now that the entire US media is proclaiming Joe Biden to be “president elect,” the numbers are absolutely hopping.
A tractor-trailer headed for the US border from inside Mexico was pulled over by the police there last week. It had 71 fighting-aged, strapping young men jammed into the back. The truck was owned by the Gulf Cartel, best known for hiring MS-13 assassins to try to murder ICE agents in Maryland and Virginia.
During a search of an appliance truck at a Texas checkpoint this week, a Border Patrol K-9 unit went nuts. When the Border patrol opened up the refrigerators and clothes dryers in the tractor-trailer, illegal aliens came pouring out of them. In an effort to try to get Democrats to care about illegal immigration, I feel I should mention that none of them were wearing masks. Super spreaders!
So, while that craziness is going on, the Daily Beast hopped across the border in Ciudad Juarez to try to talk to some of the human traffickers. They succeeded. They talked to several of the sleaziest people on the planet. Not surprisingly, they are all ecstatic at the thought of a Joe Biden presidency.
They talked to one guy who goes by the name ‘El Cuate.’ Google Translate says that name means, “The Guy,” so you know he’s legit.
The Guy is really excited by the prospect of Joe Biden’s immigration promises. Biden has said he will freeze all deportations for the first 100 days that he’s in office. Biden also says he’ll end the extremely popular “Remain in Mexico” policy.
That’s the international agreement that President Trump secured with Mexico that says that any illegal alien who requests asylum after sneaking into the US must wait in Mexico for their court hearing. Since the number of illegals that actually qualify for asylum as “refugees,” the number of approvals is near zero – and then they have to stay in Mexico. It’s a highly effective policy that Biden has promised to nuke.
According to The Guy, “We think he [Biden] will not be as harsh as Trump, so we could go back to the Obama times where we could get a lot of people across. At least it was not as hard as it is with Trump.”
The human smugglers that the Daily Beast talked to also universally condemned the 400 miles of new wall that the Trump administration has constructed. They hate the new wall because it makes it really difficult for them to do their jobs. The new stretches of wall have made it really difficult for the human traffickers to do their jobs.
The Remain in Mexico policy has also made it difficult for them, although the plucky human slavers have tried to make lemonade out of that situation. They’ve set up stash houses in Ciudad Juarez to rent to illegals when they get caught by the Border Patrol and sent back south. “The Guy” complains that he normally has about 40 people crammed into his stash houses at once, but with Trump in office, he’s got about 80 people stashed away.
Sure, The Guy already collected his fee for smuggling them across the border once. But now he’s collecting rent from them as they await their court hearing. There’s that plucky entrepreneurial spirit of foreigners that we’re always hearing about!
So, there you have it. Some of the worst people in the entire world are excited about a Joe Biden presidency. They’re probably not going to take the news well after the election is finally settled.

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After Joe Biden loses the election send him to mexico so he can cry on the shoulders of all the illegals that can’t come to america.
Bring back the mental wards !all those dems out there need help bday hurry!
It’s sad that the undoing of a God blessed America has fallen to prey to it’s own people that are supposed to defend her. them turn coats sell out’s to a chink and a fucking commie, these traitors need to be hung till dead fuck jail Hot Tar! and feather them and send them to Venezuela and china just the way they are,feathers and all only thing the Jackasses care about is power money they proved that with slavery the trail of tears THE SUPPORT FOR THE KKK NAZIISM GIVING HITLER the incentive to the Holocaust that cost the lives of not only Jewish folks but American pows yes american service men went to the death camps and labor camps used and thrown away, being brought back to the death camps to be burned alive yelling screaming kicking squiggling twisting as they watch their own flesh burn blistering melting off their arms and also seeing their friends wither into a pile of Ash still screaming in agony babies toasted or roasted shreaking cries for mommy daddy as they to engulfed in flame hearing blood curddling screams are heard from a mile away or hearing screaming from someone getting skinned alive for their hide to make lamp shades out of. Hitler was a democrap he adopted the kkk’s hand book how to take over the world.
Not so good going jackasses (demoncrap) and you know what the kicker is the Venezuelans that are escaping from their country cuz of socialism have come to our country where they’re imposing socialism ain’t that ironic out of the pan into the fire.
Yes POTUS is confrontational and less diplomatic than his predecesors who got along to get along while we the American People, the average Joe and Betty tolerated the compromise and inefficiency of our Republic. Yes you would have to be somewhat evil or complicit supporting these rag doll politicians who condone human trafficking by not thawarting it at the border. Drugs, gangs, human trafficking of women and children etc is what we can expect from the Democrats. They are hell bent on destroying America and her Constitution. Keep tweeting POTUS to let us know how we can help by being better informed. I myself am never offended by his tweetsthey are honest, and appropriate when necessary.
Were there 80 million of them?
communist democrats, “The party of pedophiles and corruption”, are frantic to bring more slavery into this country and when someone actually works for our American people they pull out all the stops and blatantly cheat. Closing the boarder to stop illegals cuts off the supply of slave labor the communist dems want and need. When confronted, they get violent and burn businesses and loot all in the name of fake racism. If anyone was to question a decision that barak obomo would make they were implied to be racist for 8 years.
Sent all Democrats to Mexico, China and Venezuela! We don’t need those A$$-hole here! They only know how to cheat and lie!
Give us Donald Trump, who tells it like it is! No Bull$$hit, no lies, just plain truth.
Go Trump! Our President!
I feel like this is not about President Trump or Biden, it is about good versus evil. The democrats are evil to the core, using the COVID virus for selfish gain, promoting human slavery, cheating on the election, promoting and turning a blind eye to violence while blaming the victims, sedition against the President of the United States and many more evils. We need President Trump, he is an extraordinary man in his ability to lead, make sound decisions for our country and most of all to have courage to withstand all of the evil of the democrats that has gone on for four years and continues. Our court systems and the constitution are in place to rectify just this type of situation; hopefully ,they will do the right and honorable thing, and elect President Trump and allow American to continue to have faith in our judicial system.
To Graceythe Cat Says: Remember…since a better wall has went up, it’s harder for the Lie-beral DEMONocrats to get their drugs, illegal voters, and cheaper workers too !
What the hell is going on with Biden?..Is his Dementia getting worse?
Biden the commie more than likely uses the money from his fake cancer charity to help fund these degenerates!!REMEMBER, he likes little girls , bast#@&%!!!! makes me sick!!
Sex traffickers are why Biden wants open boarders!
MORE DEMOCRATIC VOTES!! But most of all it is feeding his son Hunter Biden appetite for more opportunities to pick up more crooked money! What a garbage family For a first family. America does not deserve this.
Traitors to AMERICA can and should be put in a military court. If you are a traitor you hang. Anyone that betrays AMERICA SHOULD HANG I am a DAV vet and our veterans don’t like traitors, here is a list; BLM, ANTIFA, KKK, HITLER GROUPS, COMIE, AND ANYONE THAT SAID DEATH TO AMERICA he or she is a traitor, hang them.
You’ll notice gun sales are at an all time high. My thought is, we’ll need them to shoot unhinged DemonRATS, and illegals.
Find out who these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are, then BAR them for LIFE from entering into the U.S. . . . PERMANENTLY. We DON’T need a new “bumper crop” of Democrat Traitors! One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump and His Allies 2020.
the demoncrat coalition includes human traffickers and pimps, but also mobsters, felons, union thugs, witches, abortionists and trial lawyers. fifty genders are also rejoicing. others who are cheering include iran, china and tyrants all over the world. congratulations are in order to demoncrats on fixing the election to ensure crime will pay.
I believe that POTUS elect Biden is a puppet. And will not last a year.
The daemons have some plan to destroy America. I have asked over
and over to several elected congress-persons (working for the American people, OH yeah)
how much it cost us tax payers how much it cost to pamper illegals for one month.
Just ONE month, I can hardly get in the COVID bill without puking. I think the DumbocRATS
motto must be “Screw the Americans”.