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Records Remain Missing for 500,000 Georgia Absentee Ballots
Documents required to show the chain of custody for Georgia’s absentee ballots remain mysteriously missing for a half million of the state’s estimated 600,000 absentee voters. Though each county must submit documentation for the transfer of absentee ballots from drop boxes, over 80 percent of Georgia’s votes have yet to establish records.
Georgia media outlet The Georgia Star News sent an open records request to 77 of the state’s 159 counties. To date, just four counties have responded with the appropriate transfer forms. Of the four provided, Cobb County’s forms included irregularities.
Another 10 counties reported not having a single drop box. 60 additional counties ignored the open records request. The Georgia Star News reported:
Throughout the state, approximately 300 drop boxes were used to collect absentee ballots in the November 2020 general election, authorized under Georgia Election Code Emergency Rule 183-1-14-0.8-.14 passed in July 2020 which states that every absentee ballot drop box collection team “shall complete and sign a ballot transfer form upon removing the ballots from the drop box, which shall include the date, time, location and number of ballots.
The “ballot transfer forms” are a part of the new rule and were created in order to document the chain of custody of ballots collected from drop boxes.
The code also requires that “the ballots from the drop box shall be immediately transported to the county registrar and processed and stored in the same manner as absentee ballots returned by mail are processed and stored. The county registrar or a designee thereof shall sign the ballot transfer form upon receipt of the ballots from the collection team.
Considering a false water main break in Fulton County, the infamous Suitcasegate video revealing thousands of unsupervised late-night ballots and ongoing evidence building of Dominion software vote manipulation, Americans are rightfully worried. What would keep Democrats from stealing the vote of the Senate as they have with the presidential election?
Georgia also faces a Texas-based lawsuit along with Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin regarding changes in state voter laws that abused the public’s concern with Covid-19 to change absentee voter laws. Nearly every state has now chosen a side in the legal matter. Georgia’s own House of Representatives has joined Texas in the lawsuit, opposing the state’s vote certification as fraudulent.
More than a month after the election, Georgia’s falsely-certified vote has yet to document its massive absentee ballot fraud. Worse, the US Senate depends on a special election less than a month away. What will keep the state from repeating its widespread voting violations?
As Republican Senator David Perdue faces reelection against Jon Ossoff and Senator Kelly Loeffler’s appointed position is challenged by radical Democrat Raphael Warnock, America awaits whether the nation will face both a House and Senate controlled by the left.
Current polls show Republicans with a slight lead in Loeffler’s battle. Ossoff and Perdue remain nearly tied in polling.
The Georgia US Senate runoff is anticipated as the most expensive Senate race in American history. In the three weeks following the presidential election, a combined $167.6 million was raised. Where is this money coming from? How is the state working to protect the integrity of the Senate election?
Both parties recognize the significance of winning control of the Senate. If Democrats control the Senate and the House, the nation could face court packing of the Supreme Court, defunding of the police and military and much more. All eyes remain on the Peach state as patriotic Americans hope for a better outcome than Georgia’s disastrous presidential election aftermath.

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As a business owner that does ($200 million) in business with Atlanta, I have informed my Materials Manager to remove (defund if you will) the state of Georgia as I already have done with Pa, Mi, Wi, Az, Il. Ne, Ca, Or, Wa. NY, now adding Ga. to that list is to defund these states hurting them in the pocketbook with loss of tax revenue and jobs.
I do very little with of shore but have also defunded Southeast Asia including China. The state of Texas and Canada seems to be the recipient of the majority of this business as of late. All the listed states above seem to ignore tax implications so their loss.
I voted by absentee ballot in Bullock county early, mailed it early with first class postage, and expected it to be counted, documented, and reported on time, as did numerous other voters. I feel totally disenfranchised by the State of Georgia by incompetence in mishandling what should be routine procedure for processing absentee ballots, during a pandemic. Georgia has lost the trust of all voters who attempted to remain safe by minimizing public contact in the election during the Covid-19 pandemic. For shame! Then ballots required counting 3 times!
Election volunteers work too hard, unpaid, for this level of incompetence at the state level to be acceptable, which it is not.
Just goes to show you that the dems cry for all voters having a voice in elections and voter suppression is just a bunch of hog wash just like their party. Again the dems don’t care about this country it’s people or what happens to it, IT IS AND ALWAYS FOR THEM BEEN ABOUT NOTHING MORE THAN POWER AND CONTROL. WELCOME AMERICA TO SURFDOM, YOU NOW HAVE ARRIVED BACK TO MEDEVAL TIMES, WITH COURT JESTURE JOE AND QUEEN KAMALA TOE
The supreme court is weak and just as wrong as Democrats with massive voter fraud in Georgia and battleground states and should be heard by Texas with Cruz presenting fraud to a blind supreme court, looks like they want our country controlled by socialism
The supreme court is weak and just as wrong as Democrats with massive voter fraud in Georgia and battleground states and should be heard by Texas with Cruz presenting fraud to a blind supreme court, looks like they want our country controlled by socialism
Vice-President Joe Biden is not in the White House yet. Keep your eyes and ears open. It ain’t over till it is over. Who said that? I firmly believe that President Trump will remain in office for at least the next four years.
All Governor’s & Judge’s should be INVESTIGATED for what I call Taking ( LEGAL GRAFT as seen in their EYES )…Guarantee .. Darth Sidious Soros & Adolph Bloomberger HAD SPREAD their FILTHY MONEY across the DEEP BLUE STATES to all aforementioned POLITICO’s… They are turning a BLIND EYE on AMERICA for their OWN FINANCIAL GAIN………..PERIOD… “IF” ForBIDDEN & the Kamel do get in ..it will be a VERY , VERY DARK TIMES in OUR GREAT COUNTRY.. Brought to US(A) BY THEIR SHIFTY GREEDY SOULLESS SOUL’S.. MAY GOD KEEP US(A) STRONG in these TRYING DAYS…
there might be some stuff going between peoples eyes around this country pretty soon .stay tuned.
If people can get to a “ballot drop box” they can get to a voting precinct. In my city absentee ballots can be hand delivered to the office in city hall OR mailed, using standard absentee voting security procedures. Mail-in voting should have the same ID and security procedures as absentee voting.
If those counties do not comply, then all those absentee ballots should be disqualified! And were the so -called “ drop boxes” legal? A lot of questions MUST be answered! This mess has gone on long enough already! Couldn’t the people handling the ballots be subpoenaed and questioned about their handling of ALL ballots? Something needs to be done! Clearly fraud was going on, it doesn’t take a nuclear physisyt to figure that out! There must be a judge somewhere who will hear this! If not, our judicial system is clearly compromised, and we, as a people, have NO recourse to get the case heard. Is this what our country has come to? We cannot get our day in court unless we are demonrats?
We must keep Georgia in order to save the United States from Biden gone/Harris president.