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Hunter Biden’s Therapist Believes the President has Dementia
Dr. Keith Ablow, who is the therapist of Joe Biden’s wayward son, Hunter, repeatedly implied that the President was suffering from dementia. This information is coming from Hunter’s laptop that was brought to the public’s attention in October of 2020.
New York Post columnist, Miranda Devine, wrote in her book “The Laptop from Hell”, that the doctor was well aware of Joe’s failing mental capacity and that he was becoming increasingly frail.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that even gives the smallest amount of attention to following politics. It has been clear for some time that age has caught up with Joe Biden, who at 79 years old, is the oldest president in US history.
Joe Biden has suffered multiple brain injuries throughout the years, caused by aneurysms which required surgery. Those aren’t small surgeries.
During the run up to the Presidential election in 2020, Ablow made a sarcastic endorsement of Joe Biden in January 2019, saying, “‘Any man who can triumph over dementia is a giant. Think what he could do for our nation’s needed recovery.’ Dr Keith Ablow.”
“Perhaps he can help us remember all we intended to be as a people since he can now remember his address,” the doctor continued.
Dr. Ablow shared a close relationship with Hunter Biden and was even his landlord at a time according to the book. While having a conversation in February 2019, the pair discussed starting a podcast to which Hunter said that his father should be their very first guest.
Ablow questioned Hunter as to whether or not Joe would be able to recall details “with the dementia and all”, to which Hunter replied that Joe wasn’t as sharp as he should be but “it’s all fake news anyway I don’t see the problem.”
According to Devine’s book, Ablow refused to comment about Joe Biden and his declining mental health: “Reached at his Massachusetts office, Ablow declined to comment, but he once diagnosed then-Vice President Biden as having ‘early onset dementia’ during a 2012 appearance on Fox News, so that background may underpin the banter.”
Devine then goes on to say that the Drug Enforcement Administration raided Ablow’s office in February 2020 and that, “Ablow was never charged over the raid, but agents seized a second laptop belonging to Hunter that they found locked in a safe in the basement. Hunter had left it behind the previous February, and just as he had done in Delaware, he ignored repeated messages to pick it up,”
In June 2020, a poll found that 55 percent of those who participated said they believed that Joe Biden was in the early onset of dementia. A reporter from The Hill, Joe Concha said, “A lot of Democrats will tell you, at least privately, that he does not have the mental acuity that he even had a couple of years ago.”
During Joe’s 2020 Presidential campaign, he hardly campaigned at all. Press conferences were a rarity and his rallies were always small and Biden would constantly look confused or just start spewing random, sometimes disturbing thoughts. Corn Pop anyone?
In stark contrast, Donald Trump was jetting across America, sometimes holding multiple rallies in a day and always sharply on point.
Donald Trump, of course was held to a much higher standard than Biden, as Trump’s health and mental capacity were constantly questioned by the left wing media.
Trump willingly went through multiple physicals to prove he was more than able to take on the task of being one of the most powerful leaders on Earth. Joe Biden, hid in his basement eating soft foods and searching for his slippers for nearly the entirety of his campaign and has he been through the same scrutiny that Trump was? The answer is no.
Joe Biden repeatedly forgets things, even names of people he has known for many years, forgetting the Secretary of State’s name during a press conference in March 2021.
He looks confused and lost quite frequently at events. He’s wandered off and got lost multiple times and every time he opens his mouth, another soundbite is created.

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Now back to the topic. Old Joe’s therapist has to know his pedophilia problems. And his sticky fingers, his lying ways, and all the other nasty stuff dimwit nitwits personify and he so aptly proves is utterly true. The DNC is responsible for this stumbling and fumbling old liar, cheat and thief. Take them all to the woodshed in 2022 and add the rinos like Cheney to the pile of replaceable forgettable politicians.
I wish we could get Kevin McCarthy removed too because his biggest supporters were Drunkard Bonehead and Rat Ryan, two horrible speakers of the house who screwed conservatives/those smelly Walmart Shoppers Hillary hates and Trump. So I am afraid I do not trust McCarthy as far as I can throw him and that is inches not feet.
Buck Fiden, ALL Lie-beral Demonocrats, and RINOs !
Biden’s doctor “thinks” he has dementia???
Time for the President to get a new doctor,
So if these so-called doctors knew Biden suffered from dementia why didn’t they say so when he was running for president? Now it’s OMG the guy can’t remember jack-crap and he holds the highest office in the land. Remember when the left claimed Trump shouldn’t be in office because of his so-called lack of mental capacity and then they got proven wrong. So why isn’t Biden facing the same standard the left claimed Trump needed to?
Now be fair!
Joe was stupid BEFORE he became senile. The transition was barely perceptible.
Seems to me — Joe Biden has been mentally challenged for years. Dumb Democrats all are in the same boat as he is – they continue to vote party lines no matter who runs. That is plain stupid in my opinion.
Joey (Hitler) Biden is a lying Communistic PSYCHOPATH that should be in a straight jacket in an asylum in HEll. He is a MURDERING DICTATOR siding with China and rallying against the American PEOPLE. With the help of his demons of the New World Order of Communistic demo-asses.
Say Mr. CharlieSeattle, Sir, You obiviously Know Mr. Joey nediB And The Whole US Political Left’s Party Needs A Lot Of Rooms At 4 to 6 Old Insane Asylum’s, And 5 To 7 Lobotomy Doctors, To Truly Find Out What’s Is Inside Their Brain, Because They Are All Delusional!!!
Diagnosed with dementia in 2012 and we’re still supposed to believe he won. Right. I guess we’re also supposed to believe in the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny.
“Let’s Go Brandon………. I agree”
PRICELESS!!!! LOfreakinL
What good is talking about all his illegal doings over and over again if nothing is ever done about it. The whole family should be in jail. The proof is there, but nobody does anything about it.
The guy was put into office by a shadow government led by George Soros, Zuckerberg and all the progressive leftist organizations they could persuade to do their bidding which was stuff the ballot boxes by taking advantage of all of their puppet legislators they put in place specifically to rig the election. The evidence is clear. The true evidence is how they have infiltrated the media and have cancelled and censored any one who says the truth, that the election was a freud.
They have exposed themselves by trying to pass the voting fraud act. It’s all the proof I need as they completely out in the open try to legislate illegal immigrants voting, no ID or signature required. Cmon Man. They really think we’re stupid. Why not just send mail in ballots to North Korea or China? According to their new law, any of them could vote as well. The only insurrection happening is the Communist Democratic party.
Look at the low IQ voters who put him in office
Joe is the perfect puppet for the haters of America. He does whatever they say as long as he gets his 10%, beach house and wall he doesn’t want the rest of us to have. Oh, and his ice cream. We should be working at every level of society to take back our world from the murders who are trying to take over.
It would appear that Hunters plan to hide his laptops away from anyone looking for them, was a flawed plan.
Americans are stupid!
Loyalty is your faithfulness to your nation, faithful adherence to your sovereign government and full allegiance to it’s people. Why is it the bidens can’t fit anywhere into the above definitions? China owns the biden family, recent events uncovered from Africa confirm this even further, Hunters pot of gold awaits the bidens for their rainy days. “Biden refuses cognitive testing” – “despite showing many obvious signs of diminished cognitive function” joe biden claims American is back, what reality, is this lack of mental ability for judgement is he living in? He lacks any required ability for basic leadership skills, responsibility, Look at all his personal decisions since being in office. Afghanistan with his callous regard for loss , fuel transportation cost, resulting in the highest inflation our Country has ever seen. His appointment of non qualified persons who are unable to resolve any of the un American problems he created against the American people, like his open border policy, allowing illegal drugs, invaders to swarm into our Country without consequence. Ask yourself is this not the from loss in his mental state? Look at the bidens love of China, and the decisions made since he has been in the White House that favor this Communist Country, the money the bidens been well compensated for those decisions. And there’s many in that community who believe starting at age 65, there should be some sort of screening that’s done. Dr. Ronald Peterson, who runs the Alzheimer’s clinic at Mayo has been somebody who talked about that.” “But as far as we know, President Biden, “we didn’t see any kind of tests like that performed since being in office” O’Connor concluded claiming that biden may remain fit for duty, and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations, except ” without any testing for what appears to be the obvious threat to “Biden’s ability to perform his job, his mental fitness?” “President Trump had something known as the Montreal cognitive assessment. It’s sort of a screening test for dementia. And, you know, that there was no mention of that sort of thing here. It is a constant point of discussion. I can tell you within the geriatrics community, I wrote this book last year about brain health, and one of the things that kept coming up was, should sort of leadership types of screening tests, cognitive screening tests, be more commonly done? The democrats complained and complained until Trump took the exam,where are the same complaints from the democrats against bidens abuse of power.
One thing is that dementia jo hasn’t forgotten that he is on the communist china payroll!
Of course, he has dementia, any idiot can tell that. We need to remove this clown,before he does more destruction to America and the world. He is totally a pathetic,disgraceful,lying, corrupt,embarrassment, and danger to all of us.He can’t do the job, he was installed to do, by the deep state,he is an illigitamite zombie sit in,pretending to be a leader of the free world, but a total incompetent,babling buffoon,out of touch with reality. Remove by by impeachment.
Biden should become a movement for America. A bowel movement, along with the whole Democrat party and all the RHINO’s, and “Deep State Implants”.
With any Luck at all, Donald Trump will take his Elected place as President of the United States. Trump[ WON the election and if he isn’t in the Oval Office soon, this country will cease to exist under the current FAKE President! More and more states have been auditing the election and it is showing all the cheating that was done to get “Brandon” in office!!! Lord help us if the Real president isn’t back in the White House very soon!!!
if they start charging Biden with his crimes against America or maybe even better his whole family, i bet he would step down, or squeal like a pig on all Democrat’s and the clowns who’s really giving the orders.
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