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How Russian Citizens Crushed Moscow’s Dumb Vaccine Passports in Just 3 Weeks
About 40 state legislatures are now following Governor Ron DeSantis’ lead in Florida by moving to ban vaccine passports. But some states and cities are already implementing vaccine passports – and it looks like the puppet-masters running the Biden regime are going to try to force a federal vaccine passport on us very soon. They’ve got to keep their COVID quackery in place through 2022, so they can pull the same election shenanigans as they did last year.
What are we as free Americans to do about this? Well, we already have one good example of citizens defeating a tyrant mayor’s vaccine passports – in Russia, of all places.
You’ve probably heard of the Excelsior Pass, which is now mandatory in New York City thanks to Pothead Bill DeBlasio, the city’s mayor. Once a person is vaccinated, they can have their HIPAA rights and their constitutionally protected right to travel preserved by getting a QR code on their phone. If you don’t have a QR code, Pothead Bill won’t let you go to a restaurant or do lots of other stuff.
The Mayor of Moscow Russia, a guy named Sergei Sobyanin, thought that Pothead Bill’s commie QR code idea was just ducky. So, Sobyanin made vaccination QR code passports mandatory on the 1st of July this year. Mayor Sobyanin apparently doesn’t smoke as much pot as Pothead Bill, so his vaccine passport plan was actually less restrictive than Pothead Bill’s. For example, if you’ve already had coronavirus, you are immune to it. You have better immunity than any vaccine can provide. So, Moscow citizens who have had coronavirus and recovered can get a QR code just like a vaccinated person can.
Just like in New York City, it suddenly became illegal for dirty unvaccinated second-class citizens to go certain places. Moscow residents were no longer allowed to eat at restaurants, get their hair cut, go to a movie theater, stay in a hotel, work out at a gym, have a beer at the tavern after work, or get their fingernails done at a nail salon. If they didn’t have a QR code, they were banned from participating in many aspects of the city’s economy.
Here’s how they crushed Mayor Sobyanin’s vaccine passport – and it was pretty simple. Moscow residents simply stopped frequenting any business that required a vaccine passport. The really beautiful thing about this was that the vaccinated people stood in solidarity with the unvaccinated. Business trickled to near zero at all establishments where the vaccine passport was required.
Moscow residents let their hair grow out, skipped going to bars and restaurants, didn’t go to the movies, didn’t stay in hotels or do anything else that required a vaccine passport. Business owners from all over the city were suddenly calling Mayor Sobyanin’s office to chew his ear off about the vaccine passports. They were going broke, and they were mad as hell about it.
Marina Zemskova, the head of a regional hotel and restaurant association in Russia, said the vaccine passport turned out to be worse for business than a full lockdown. At least if there was another lockdown, she notes, businesses “could count on some kind of government support measures.”
There’s no government support coming under a vaccine passport system. What the not-very-elite elites failed to anticipate about Moscow residents was they would simply not participate in the scam at all. The business owners were so infuriated with the mayor that Sobyanin made a sudden, surprise announcement on July 19th that nobody needs to use a vaccine passport anymore. He made up a hilarious excuse, claiming that COVID case rates were all better suddenly, as the reason for lifting the QR code passports.
But everyone knew the truth. Moscow residents decided that their medical privacy and their right to travel is more important than whatever the people in charge were telling them. It was a massive case of civil disobedience – and they didn’t even have to go outside and set things on fire in a big protest. All they did was say, “Any business that wants to see a vaccine passport from me is not getting any of my money.”
That’s how you do it, Americans! Vaccine passports are the new Jim Crow, and we don’t have to take it. Want to beat the CoronaTyrants at their own game? Just do like the Russians did. Refuse to participate in the Fauci/Biden mandates.

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There is one huge difference here between our country and Russia. In our country, the government doesn’t care about small businesses staying open. The goal in the corrupt politics of the left, is to destroy the middle class. If we protest businesses that require “fauci passports”, our government is happy about it! The way that the Barack Hussein Obama, Kamala Harris, puppet Joe regime looks at it, the more small businesses of the middle class that are destroyed, the better . What needs to happen in America, is that we simply ignore everything this government is trying to make us do! Restaurant owners need to stand up against this evil regime! Let people into their establishments and do not require any type of “fauci passport”! It is unconstitutional, and we as legal American citizens, have every right to disobey unconstitutional mandates! It’s time to fight back people, we’re losing our country!
I agree, we ALL need to make a stand. This will be impossible for the already indoctrinated sheeple that think Biden and Fauci are gods and infallible but I do agree that business owners need to take a stand or we ALL will be gone and they get what they want. What is wrong with the leftist idiots, do think they will be immune to what is about to happen? I feel like the younger think that Socialism which is basically communism is a great way to live (BECAUSE THEY HAVEN’T LIVED IT YET)! All these Biden lovers beware, you are on the hit list as well. We worked hard all our lives for what we have and I do NOT want it all to be taken away!
Sadly I don’t think vaccinated people would stand in support of the unvaccinated in the US. Biden & his cronies have those unvaccinated painted as the enemy.
I was immediately thought that vaccinated Americans wouldn’t support unvaccinated Americans, especially in New York and other Democrat-controlled cities. They’ve already demonstrated their superiority with their wishes that the unvaccinated be jailed or killed. Just read some tweets or Facebook posts. The hate of anyone different just oozes on Twitter and Facevook.
The people in this country are to dam stupid to stand together against the tyranny just like the truck drivers are to stupid to come together and shut down but everybody wants to bitch about the way things are going so until the people of this country wake the hell up nothing is gonna change
Russians know about life with a *propiska* and they don’t ever want to go there again. Without the Soviet internal passport, you couldn’t go anywhere, and if you had the suckin’ bad luck to be a collective farm worker, you couldn’t even get a propiska – you stayed down on the farm unless you made your boss so happy, that he would write you a hallpass to go into town. How do you make a farm boss happy? We don’t want to go there, and Russians don’t want to go back.
I am vaccinated, will not wear a mask, and don’t care weather you are vaccinated or not. Do as you please, it’s still America (I think)
I got vaccinated so I don’t have to worry if you are or not!!
I wish we could all see baby killer child pervert Joe keep combust into ashes in front of a camera for the world to see what happens to creeps like him who are in league with the devil and spit in the face of GOD
you need to chill on calling folks potheads in a derogatory manner, I bet you take gd evil pharma crap I do not I’m a 67 y.o. in your face MFinf surfer and a beleiver of God so shut your trap whoever wrote that Moscow QR code article, what a fool I smoke pot and I bet I have read more books than you been in more countries and speak more languages
Don’t think he (Buyden) even knows what’s happening – his strings are being contolled by the imposterBO & Big Mike.
Regarding the article “Brilliant! How Russians Crushed Moscow’s Vaccine Passports In Just 3 Weeks”: Civil disobedience is certainly an effective method of fighting against tyranny resultant of the Philosophy of Collectivism. My criticism is with your call for freedom, while simultaneously derogatorily referring to people who make the individual free will decision to use cannabis, medicinally/recreationally. Are you suggesting smoking weed leads to acts of tyranny? SERIOUSLY??? So then, which is it? Are you FOR or AGAINST Creator-given free will? Because you cannot honestly promote liberty when you engage in such HYPOCRISY, which is the paramount problem with collectivists on either so called “side” of the false “left-right” political spectrum. To be taken seriously by those of us who champion Natural Rights principles, consider repenting of your blatant hypocritical actions.