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Hilarious Wisconsin Probe Finds “No Fraud,” Just Lots of Dead Voters
Is it just me, or has the quality of gaslighting in America really gone downhill the past few years? If you’re going to tell me a big, bold lie with a straight face, that lie probably shouldn’t make me burst out laughing. But that’s exactly what I did when reading a newly issued report from a supposedly nonpartisan public-interest law firm in Wisconsin.
After examining some of the ballots in the Wisconsin 2020 election, the group concludes in its report that there was no voter fraud that took place in that state last year. I read this report with some interest, because that news directly contradicts the findings of the Racine County Sheriff and the Special Counsel investigation. And then I started laughing.
The legal group that issued this new report out of the blue is called the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL). It’s kind of convenient that a group claiming to have “proven” that there was no voter fraud in Wisconsin in 2020 – a group that no one had heard of before this – suddenly issues this report in the run-up to the Special Counsel’s upcoming report. The Special Counsel’s interim report proved conclusively last month that fraud did take place, and he’s going to run it down.
WILL proclaims in the report, “There was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.”
That’s a definitive statement. NO evidence. None. Zero. Zip. Nada!
The report then states that the number of illegally cast votes in Wisconsin in 2020 almost certainly exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory.
Wait, what? Now you see why I was laughing about this report. If illegally cast votes don’t count as widespread election fraud, then what does?
Now, to be clear, WILL did not conduct any sort of election audit. They conducted a review of 20,000 ballots and were allowed (by court order) to examine 29,000 absentee ballots. So, they looked at 49,000 of the 3.2 million votes cast in Wisconsin in 2020. The also reviewed approximately 65,000 “documents,” primarily DMV and Postal Service records, of registered voters. And they STILL managed to find enough illegal votes to exceed Joe Biden’s 20,682-vote margin of fake victory. (But no fraud evidence!)
What did they find?
In the 49,000 ballots they reviewed, the group uncovered 300 ineligible voters who cast ballots, 130 ballots cast by felons, 129 ballots cast from commercial addresses (which is illegal in Wisconsin) and 42 dead people who voted.
That is 601 illegally cast ballots out of a sample of 49,000 ballots. That’s 1.2% of the vote. Which means that statistically, these goofs accidentally proved that there could have been as many as 38,892 illegal votes cast in Wisconsin in the 2020 election – nearly twice Joe Biden’s margin of victory. (Isn’t math fun?)
Tell us more, wise election fraud debunkers!
Oh, there’s more. This is great, by the way. I kind of needed a laugh this week.
In their fact-finding mission to prove that there was no fraud in the 2020 election, WILL also uncovered 54,259 voters who failed to show voter ID when they registered. (Wisconsin has one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country, so this is a big no-no.) 7,750 voters did not exist in DMV records.
Another 23,400 people who cast ballots had fraudulent DMV information on their registrations. Another 32,000 voters were listed in the National Change of Address Database with the US Postal Service, including 7,151 who had moved out of Wisconsin completely. Let’s pause on that one for a second.
It’s a violation of federal law for the Postal Service to forward a mail-in ballot. Ask yourself this question: How did those 32,000 people who moved end up casting mail-in ballots in 2020, unless some workers at the Postal Service participated in the theft of the election? If they forwarded 10 or 12 ballots to people, you could argue that it was simple human error. But when the “error” is 150% over the margin of victory, that is election fraud. Period.
When the Special Counsel’s final report is issued in Wisconsin sometime soon (and hopefully the arrests begin), the media is going to point to this report from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty to gaslight everyone some more. They’ll claim that the WILL report proved there was no election fraud in Wisconsin in 2020.
Just remember that the WILL report concluded that felons, people from other states, and dead people voting is not “evidence” of voter fraud. They found a grand total of 156,301 illegally cast votes in Wisconsin – nearly EIGHT TIMES Joe Biden’s margin of victory – but there was “no fraud.” Most safe and secure election ever!
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Why are you wasting your time depending on your monthly salary when you can work staying at home just with your PC and mobile phone you can earn up to $4000 within 3 days
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Hopefully the election auditors in Wisconsin will not cower down to the threats that will most assuredly come from the Demo RAT party like they did in Arizona! If they need someone to actually read the report who will laugh at the Demo RAT party let me know I will gladly read it for them! US ARMY Special Forces Super Soldier Training Program 1991! CIA’s top assassin 1991 I will just laugh at them with their threats and say good luck on that one!
Being a former Wisconsin resident, I can see how this all happened. Wisconsin elections are determined by Milwaukee and the liberal Madison area. It happened every election period since the beginning of time. You just can’t beat out Wisconsin’s largest population base; Milwaukee and the Madison area. So if you want to cheat during an election, you cheat in those two areas. It’s easy. With over 100,000’s voters as compared to 10,000’s from elsewhere in the State, you can hide an elephant. Don’t think for a second that the WILL organization isn’t located in Madison Wisconsin.
When are the people going to be arrested for Fraud.
Hey just remember that even when you find out that the election was rigged AGAINST Donald Trump there is not nothing that you can do to change ANYTHING nobody’s ever going to be arrested for violating voter laws and nobody’s gonna go to jail PROVE me wrong arrest the lowlife Biden.
Nothing has ever been done to prosecute any thing the democrats have done illegally. Chris Collins republican for New York whet to jail for insider trading. Shortly after dems in congress did the same thing. Nothing happened,why?
Gee, I wonder who funds Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL)?
We will see if there is any Patriots in Wisconsin unlike the scumbags in Arizona who do not have any back bone to stand up for the country or themselves the attorney general in Arizona should be removed along with everyone else in charge of elections and put in prison for treason
A law firm. Ambulance chasers talking out of both sides of the mouth at the same time. Yeah, that’s believable.
Communist China
Say Mr. Tony L. Bell, Sir, I know who is behind it all! It is those Infamously Filthy Rich Mr. Soros And Mr. Gates + The World Wide Web CEO’s, who were Illegally Connected To Those Dominion Counting Machines, (Hacked) And The Whole Left Side Of The US Political Equation = The Communistic Socialistic Progressive Liberal Democratic Donkey Party And Their RINO Puppets, Who Cannot Make Their Minds Up IF They Want To Follow Those Anti-US Constitutional Progressives Or Those Anti-US Constitutional Liberals, All Who Love Following That Evil And Soulless God Called Mammon, Who Is Supposed To Be Head God Over Those 2 Egyptian Golden Calves And The Sidonian Goddess Named Ashtoreth, The Moabites God Called Chemosh And The Ammonites God Called Molech, And A Whole Lot Of Other Souless Gods And Godesses Of Those Canaanites, Who Moved Into Pre-Israel Borders, Where The Jewish People Were Living, Before Being Put Into Egyptian Slavery!
WELL, WELL, WELL it seems that dead people who die in Wisconsin still have voting rights and what about those folks who moved to other states, did they VOTE multiple times? Hmmm, so maybe it is the fault of the U.S. Postal Service but the question there is did the Postal Service forward the mail-in ballots or did they complete the ballot themselves or did they give those mail-in ballots to someone else to complete (did the postal carrier get paid for turning over the ballots?)?
POINT IS at this point that does not really matter, the ELITES like BILL GATES, GEORGE SOROS, JEFF BEZOS, MARK ZUCKLEBURG and others accomplished the BIGGEST ELECTION SCAM in U.S. History!
These same folks are pushing the U.S. toward GLOBALISM and DEPOPULATION (Genocide). We have to get them out of ELECTIONS and should be PROSECUTED for their involvement when evidence is found.
Remember there have been IRREGULARITIES FOUND IN 35 STATES which has been proven.
But the slow moving BUREAUCRACY will not move to correct the situation because the DEMOCRATS ARE IN CONTROL and they feel they are ABOVE THE LAW.
My opinion is the only way to CORRECT OUR DEMOCRACY is simple VOTE OUT OF OFFICE ALL DEMOCRATS and VOTE IN REAL REPUBLICANS who support our LAWS!
Apparently what the idiot that wrote this article and is still laughing doesn’t understand, whoever this worthless organization may be, they got the fraudulent report out FIRST and that is what people are going to read,see and hear AND BELIEVE !!!!! The always too late real reports come out and people have already made up their minds. This is on page 1 of the democrap playbook and apparently the morons who want the truth out there have not learned it yet. By the time the “special council” gets their report out — people have moved past it because they have already been fed the lies and will pay not a bit of attention to it. Now is this lateness by design or are they just stupid enough to think coming in last works. This is very very stupid on Wisconsin’s part or the fact still remains that maybe they don’t want the evidence out there first so that it will be ignored. Guess time will tell.
A Fall 2021 issue of Imprimis had 2 great write-ups re Election fraud and Zuckerbucks i.e. via writers John R. Lott, Jr. and Mollie Hemingway.
Why is it that Eric Comer was never grilled by the DOJ or the FBI, He made the statement he would see Trump would not win the Election. He worked for Dominion who’s machines counted the votes and were in a position to tamper with the votes. All of a sudden he has dropped off the radar and you hear nothing about him or the company he worked for. Just recently posted an item that said Hackers have already proved there was election fraud. What do we have to do have a million man march on DC to the offices of the DOJ and FBI to demand these people who claimed they could change the outcome of the election. Every day there are still signs of fraud in swing states but no convictions or high-ranking arrests 2024 is coming and nothing substantial has come out to make voters feel their vote will not be tampered with. We are in an Era of machines but machines are ruled and operated by a man and can be controlled Time for voter ID and paper ballots and hand-counted.
That is exactly what John R. Lott, Jr. covered re Election fraud, that its time for Voter ID, paper ballots, and hand-counted again and NO more machines.
Zuckerberg sunk serious money into different states to keep President Trump out of office! There is a Group that is auditing the states. They said in 38 of the states there were people old enough to have been in the Civil War to vote. There were also people old as Julius Caesar that voted. IT IS PAST TIME TO DECERTIFY ALL OF THE STATES OF FRAUD! CHEATERS NEVER WIN IN THE END! Look at all the truth that the GOOD LORD IS SHOWING US! STAND STRONG TOGETHER AND PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY! GOD BLESS THE USA!
Where’s justice! DOJ and Supreme Court? If you can’t do your job, then get out of the way… Veterans are sick of this mess!! FIX IT!!!
WILL should change their name to WIFF Wisconsin Idiot Fraud Fakers WILL is closer to Wisconsin Illegal Liars League.
And yet just yesterday the mainstream media claimed that the swing states that had been challenged had been proven to be the most secure during the 2020 elections. Why is this information and the proof of fraud from the other states in question not being broadcast to the entire US? Why is the mainstream media being allowed to dismiss the investigators evidence as just part of The Big Lie?
i’ve said it before & I’ll say it again let your senators & congressmen what you think as a regestared Wi. voter, FRAUD WILL NOT BE TOLLERED ! & the findings must be made public, demand free & fair elections & that the law must be followed’ the legasltors make the law not some dim whit in lower offices & Zuckerburg with his money Z should go to jail along with many other people.