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FDA Admits New Oral Covid Treatment Causes Life-Threatening Reactions
Paxlovid – the newest drug being rolled out to treat the wu-flu virus, can cause life threatening effects, especially for those who are taking other common medications.
In a surprise move, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) actually admitted this truth.
The drug, which has been developed by Pfizer, was granted emergency use authorization on December 22, but since then, the agency has admitted that the interactions paxlovid has with medications like statins, blood thinners and some antidepressants, can cause serious and life-threatening reactions in patients who take it.
The FDA’s director for Drug and Evaluation and Research, Patricia Cavazzoni, said that paxlovid would provide an additional tool to fight the emergence of any new variants and this was the reason for the EUA being granted.
“Paxlovid promises to make antiviral treatment more accessible to patients who are at risk for progression to severe COVID 19,” Cavazzoni said.
By November, the Biden Administration had already purchased upwards of 10 million courses of paxlovid. Pfizer pocketed another $5 billion in profits after they made the agreement.
The new COVID oral medication is dangerous to anyone who suffers from severe kidney disease or liver disease as the paxlovid treatment consists of two antivirals, nirmatrevir and ritonavir.
Ritonavir suppresses a key enzyme that metabolizes many medications and is called CYP3A.
This enzyme also metabolizes nirmatrevir, but when it is given while other medications are present in the patients system, that are also metabolized by CYP3A, the ritonavir can cause those medications to reach toxic levels.
In December, Pfizer announced that the treatment would reduce the risk of hospitalization and slash deaths by a whopping 89 percent.
On December 8, Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla told CNBC that shipments have already arrived in the United States.
The new treatment alleges it would successfully treat patients if taken within three days of being suspected of being covid positive – the issue here is, if they turn out to not be covid positive, they’ve now taken potentially toxic drugs for no good reason at all.
Doctors and researchers say that this treatment would treat the omicron variant, but would not stop the transmission.
The United Kingdom’s drug regulator Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), gave approval for paxlovid to be given to patients 18 years or older if they are at risk of developing severe disease.
“This treatment could be life-saving,” said June Raine, chief executive of the MHRA.
Omicron is rapidly spreading through the UK and this has reduced the options for effective treatment. Although researchers who originally identified omicron in Africa, said the omicron variant was mild, much like the common cold.
The medical industry, of course is looking to further enrich themselves, has whipped the public up into a frenzy, causing panic in the general population.
These new antivirals would also not be needed at all if doctors were able to prescribe Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine – cheap drugs that have been used for decades. But obviously, Pfizer isn’t going to make billions from a patent they don’t own.

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“Following the Science” is beginning to sound very much like the story of the Pied Piper or St. Patrick leading the Snakes out of Ireland! Spending money on Drugs that protect people from Parts of Viruses but place them in Dangerous territories if the “Tests” are not 100% accurate seems to be the Agenda for Democrats because they have already agreed that they have no “Plan B” when in Reality, they never even had a “Plan A” (By their own admission) so they Mandate taking an Injection that might make a situation Worse instead of Better because they are touting “Percentages” as opposed to ”Life” and “Livelihoods” So would you like to be counted within a percentage which could mean Life or Death, or is “Life” more Important to you? In AMERICA, We the People have a “CHOICE” and people that have no medical Degree or Scientific background of any kind and preach Lie after proven Lie, have no business Mandating anything!
By November, the Biden Administration had already purchased upwards of 10 million courses of paxlovid.
The drug, which has been developed by Pfizer, was granted emergency use authorization on December 22, but since then, the agency has admitted that the interactions paxlovid has with medications like statins, blood thinners, and some antidepressants, can cause serious and life-threatening reactions in patients who take it.
It is KILLING PEOPLE and Communist Joe Biden the BUTCHER Administration had already purchased upwards of 10 million doses.
Pfizer pocketed another $5 billion in profits after they made the agreement. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY NOT THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE!!!!!!
WHY DID FDA even give it EUA, like the SHOT EUA, NO LIABILITY PEOPLE!!! So if we get hurt PFIZER gets MONEY and WE GET SCREWED AGAIN with a drug that gives no IMMUNITY LIKE THE SHOT so we can still share and carry covid? WHY BOTHER FDA! PULL ALL OF THIS CRA P OFF THE MARKET!!! The shots DO NOT WORK, even the inventor of shot said that, no lasting immunity at all! PULL them all from the market, let go to drugs that help and cure, HCQ and IVERMECTIN!! FDA SHAME ON YOU!!!
So. Phizer made another Killer Drug. 1st someone comes up with remdesivir. Not very effective but they made Billions & Fraudchi made millions at $1k per dose.
Now Phizer introduces NEW drug that’s only $500, but the FDA IMMEDIATELY gives it the Green Light. This one seems like it’s ALSO a Killer.
Yet Hydroxychloroquine, which is safe, which WORKS, and is CHEAP, costing less than $1 per dose, and Ivermectin, which is ALSO Proven effective, and is ALSO Cheap, are not approved and banned in some areas.
Both drugs have been on the market for Decades. Neither produces dangerous side-effects, including death.
But FDA & Fraudchi & the CDC are not making money off them. Therefore they MUST be BANNED, and not even allowed mention!
Maybe all it means is that their Pharma masters think there’s more profit in injections (“vaccines”).
Of course it’s about the money. When
have the lying democrats ever care
about the safety of the American people
as long as they are getting rich peddling
snake oil. It doesn’t matter if it’s costing
harm and death to hundred of thousands
of American citizens.
Corrupt people breeds total corruption.
Just look at the Clinton Cartel, the Obama
administration, the illegal Biden criminal
These individuals spent more time and
effort trying to suppressing the truth rather than facilitating full disclosure.
The bottom like is we the American people
have been conditioned to follow
whatever you are told by the corrupt liberal politicians and news media.
Get out of line and you will be destroyed.
Better wake up people before it’s too
You have been warned!!!!!!!!
It’s all about money…the LOVE of money. That’s why the Republicans, in general, are USELESS. Lie-beral Demonocrats are 100% useless.
The love of money and the greed of power, people are selling this country out Wake up folks, we are being replaced over to the invaders.
I am a 92 year old veteran and I have one thing in life if is to question anything put out by the Corrupt Government we now have in office. During my life time I do not take any of the poisons that the FDA Approved for after research found they will kill just to increase Profits for the Pharmaceutical enabling them to grease the palms of the Politicians. In other words the cure is worse than the sickness.