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Fake News CNN Laughably Claims It’s Not the Enemy of the People
Is there anyone outside of the mainstream media who still believes that the mainstream media is “neutral” and “unbiased?”
Jim ‘Karate Chop’ Acosta of CNN is peddling a new book about how his life is super-dangerous because he’s covering the Trump administration. And he even has video footage of himself karate-chopping a petite female intern to prove it!
But in a glowing two-person panel consisting of Acosta and femme fatale Don Lemon, CNN once again has trotted out the argument that the mainstream media is not biased at all.
Why would anything think that?
Lemon made the outrageous claim that CNN does not favor the Democrat Party and is not biased against President Trump. This is a maddening claim.
Most of us could turn on CNN and find a dozen examples of lying, venomous anti-Trump bias in stories in the next hour (if we were willing to sacrifice any brain cells in doing so).
No one but diehard members of the #Resistance even bother turning CNN on any longer, though, because we all know what we will see: Wall-to-wall Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Karate Chop Acosta agreed with Lemon wholeheartedly, though, claiming that just because CNN is “pro-truth” doesn’t mean they are “anti-Trump.”
This is coming from a couple of chumps who cannot help but lie to the viewers about things as mundane as President Trump feeding fish on a trip to Japan, or fact-checking him when the president says that burgers are piled “a mile high” for visiting football players.
Every story is turned into a vicious smear.
“We are defenders of the people,” said Acosta – a man who karate-chopped a girl to take the microphone away from her in a White House press conference. “We want to defend people the people because we are devoted to the people.”
Unless those people are, you know, petite White House interns trying to get the microphone back from a showboating CNN drama queen.
Lemon and Acosta both claim that they don’t “hate” President Trump. But like most things reported on CNN, that statement doesn’t hold water.
Don Lemon said he wouldn’t be able to shake President Trump’s hand… at a funeral. Jim Acosta screamed questions about “migrant children in cages” at Trump aides from across a fence at the White House like a lunatic – and then when they refused to answer him, claimed that the president was “afraid” to answer his questions.
Here is just a handful of the “unbiased” stories about President Trump and his administration that CNN has dazzled viewers with since 2017:
January 2017: CNN reports that Nancy Sinatra was “not happy” that one of her songs was used at Trump’s inauguration. (Lie)
May 2017: Trump’s proposed changes to Obamacare would make rape a pre-existing condition. (Lie)
June 2017: Congress is investigating White House aide Anthony Scaramucci for Russian collusion. (Lie)
November 2017: Uncultured hillbilly Trump poisoned a pond full of koi fish on a Japan trip by dumping a whole box of food in the pond unprompted. (Lie)
December 2017: Donald Trump Jr. received special access to the DNC emails before WikiLeaks published them in 2016. (Lie)
All of 2017: Donald Trump’s claims that Obama “wiretapped” Trump Tower are baseless lies with no factual support. (Lie)
January 2018: Republicans funded the Steele dossier first! (Lie)
May 2018: CNN reports multiple conspiracy theories about Melania Trump’s whereabouts as she was actually recovering from kidney surgery. Did she leave her husband? Is she battered and bruised because the misogynistic president put a whoopin’ on her? (All lies)
July 2018: CNN reports that Trump has not answered questions form reporters in over a week. (Lie – he had literally held a press conference the day prior)
That’s just a handful of examples, and it doesn’t include the dozens of instances of CNN talking heads accusing the president of treason – a death penalty crime.
CNN is claiming that it has no bias against President Trump or conservatives in general, but its anchors routinely begin using talking points from the Democratic National Committee on the same day as all of the presidential candidates. (Latest example: The president believes he is “above the law!”)
Poor Karate Chop Acosta and Don Lemon! It’s impossible to believe their claims of neutrality.
Not that anyone is watching CNN these days anyway. The network’s ratings are so low that the only people viewing it right now are stuck on a layover in an airport.

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