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Mueller’s Gone, So DC Leaking Like a Sieve Once Again
If there was one thing that Special Counsel Robert Mueller actually did correctly in his two-year witch hunt of the Trump campaign, it was to shut down the rampant leaks that were plaguing Washington, DC.
The media suddenly stopped getting “inside scoops” every single day after crooked cop Peter Strzok was fired and booted from the team. There were no more transcripts of the president’s private phone calls or daily debriefings on every move that the Mueller team was making after Strzok was given his walking papers.
The FBI and the Department of Justice even stopped illegally leaking information to the press while Mueller “did his thing.” But now Mueller is gone after concluding there was no collusion and no obstruction. So, Washington has gone right back to leaking like a sieve.
Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) rebuked former FBI officials this past week in a House Intelligence Committee hearing, over the pattern of leaks intended to harm President Trump, his family members, and the 2016 Trump campaign. Nunes noted that the date of the official investigation of the Trump campaign is in dispute, largely because of leaks from the Clinton-paid former British spy Christopher Steele.
The Washington Post, the New York Times and Yahoo News have all dated the origins of the Russian collusion hoax investigation differently. That’s because Steele, who was employed by Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign and the FBI at the same time, was leaking different information to the three news outlets.
And despite being fired by the FBI in 2016 – specifically for leaking fake Russian dirt about Trump to the media – Steele was still consulted by Mueller’s team to write the largely fictitious and politically motivated “Mueller report.”
Nunes raises a great point: Why isn’t anyone at the DOJ or the FBI complaining about these investigative leaks, which are a direct violation of federal law and official DOJ/FBI policy?
Before Attorney General William Barr was confirmed by the Senate earlier this year, can you think of anyone at the DOJ or FBI who was raising a stink about the leaking?
“This counterintelligence department over at the FBI I think is in big trouble,” said Nunes. “The fact that you guys are sitting here, former FBI officials, and not saying anything and basically making the case that it is okay to use these very special powers to target a political campaign really troubles me.”
We hope it troubles the new Attorney General enough to take action.
Another point that Nunes raised: If the FBI was so very concerned about Russian interaction with US individuals in 2016, why was no investigation launched into the fact that while Hillary Clinton was employing Fusion GPS, Fusion GPS was literally on the payroll of the very same Russians who were supposedly trying to interfere in the election.
The former FBI wonks all nodded their heads seriously and claimed that any Americans dealing with those same Russians would have been a great concern and warranted an investigation – not just the Trump campaign. Then why didn’t they?
Where was the two-year investigation of Hillary Clinton paying the dirt-digging Fusion GPS to run around with the Russians and arrange that obvious entrapment meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump, Jr. and the Russians?
Oh, right, that investigation never took place.
To this day, Hillary Clinton is still swilling Chardonnay and staggering around her palatial mansion while screaming at her curtains that Putin stole the election from her.
And President Trump is still under investigation by the anti-Trump forces in DC. Donald Trump, Jr. was called back into a second hearing with the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is led by Sen. Richard Burr (Fake Republican – North Carolina).
Don, Jr. gave 25 hours of testimony to Congress in 2017, with the express promise given that he would never be called back for additional testimony. Burr broke that promise and demanded that Don, Jr. come back for another round of testimony.
Don, Jr. agreed, so long as his testimony would be behind-closed doors. It’s a good thing that he got the Senate Intelligence Committee to agree to this because – oh, wait, never mind.
Don, Jr.’s behind-closed-doors, secret testimony has already been leaked to CNN, which published a full transcript. Not that any of the anti-Trump losers on the Intel Committee will go to jail, be rebuked or even be investigated for it.

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