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Doctor Confirms Unprecedented Miscarriage Rates in America Post-Vaccine
So far in 2022, we’ve heard from fertility doctors in Australia, Canada and the UK who have said the COVID shots are causing massive amounts of miscarriages among women. (Or “people with cervixes” as the New York Times likes to call them now.) But so far, we haven’t heard from any doctors who have been willing to declare that this is happening in the US on a mass scale. Until now.
Dr. James Thorp is a board-certified physician in obstetrics and gynecology who has been practicing medicine for close to 30 years now. In his practice, he sees between 6,000 and 7,000 women every year who are having difficult pregnancies. So, he knows a lot about his chosen field. Dr. Thorp told the Epoch Times this week that the miscarriages and fetal deaths caused by the COVID shots are absolutely happening in America right now.
Thorp says:
“I’ve seen many, many, many complications in pregnant women, in moms and in fetuses, in children, offspring, fetal death, miscarriage, death of the fetus inside the mom. What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented.”
Back in January, Pfizer was ordered by a court to release more than 450,000 pages of documentation on exactly what happened to people receiving COVID shots between December 2020 and the end of February 2021. The vaccine rollout, in other words.
So far, Pfizer has only released 10,000 pages, but they’ve been a goldmine. Buried within those pages was the proof that 1,223 Americans died during the vaccine rollout, and 42,086 adverse events occurred as a result of the shots. 274 of those adverse events happened in pregnant women, and 75 of those were classified as “serious” adverse events.
The serious events included spontaneous abortions, premature membrane ruptures, and fetal deaths, among other things. Dr. Thorp points out that Pfizer redacted a key piece of information that could have told us a lot of additional information about these pregnancy complications and deaths.
The women who had bad reactions to the shots didn’t all get vaccinated on December 1, 2020. Their vaccinations were spread out over a period of eight weeks. So, it’s a key point. Pfizer redacted the number of vaccines that had been shipped worldwide at the start of December 2020.
“Why did they redact that?” asked Dr. Thorp. “That would have been unbelievable information that would give you the exact numerator and denominator.”
I… have a theory! Maybe it’s because, oh… I don’t know… possibly… because Big Pharma and public health officials and politicians lied to us about every single thing since the start of the pandemic, and now Pfizer is hiding something from the public? Maybe?
They had a court order to turn over all the documents, but only turned over 2% of the documents so far. And in those 2%, they redacted the most interesting piece of data that would have revealed the rate at which the shots are harming pregnant women and killing their babies. It seems like that would be an important thing for the public to know – especially women – since it could have a very big impact on their pregnancies.
Big Pharma has known since at least 2012 that the lipid nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines accumulate in the ovaries. It happened in rodents during animal trials of the technology way back then. The rodents suffered complications during pregnancies and fetal death. And in every single rodent, they found that the lipid nanoparticles had accumulated in the ovaries. Every one!
Did they think for some reason that there would be a different outcome when administering mRNA shots to humans? We don’t know. Because again, Pfizer is not complying with a court order to turn over all those documents.
Dr. Thorp’s theory is that the lipid nanoparticles that are transporting mRNA to the ovaries is what’s causing all the miscarriages and fetal deaths. Since women have a limited number of eggs in the ovaries, getting injected with a Pfizer shot would therefore be like exposing all of a woman’s eggs to a “disastrous toxic lipid nanoparticle.”
If Dr. Thorp is correct, these vaccinated women have had their eggs destroyed by the very shots that the medical authorities claimed they needed. Not only are they losing their babies because they got vaccinated, but those same women will probably never be able to carry a baby to full term now. But, hey, at least they’re totally protected from COVID, right?

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With all of the misinformation and outright lies coming from the Biden administration, the government and the medical community, how can we meer mortals trust any of them ever again?
I don’t think the Medical people are lying! This doctor is trying to help women to be safer and be allowed, in spite of the fraud, to have safe happy babies! He wants to fix this horrible screwup! He isn’t in this for the money! The fraud and the rest of the government crtins will be able to steal billions from the taxpayers! Did you read about the Zoos deciding to give the vaccine to the animals to protect them rom covid? In one Zoo they killed three healthy youngish giraffes within the month! In a zoo in Brownsville TX they murdered a beautiful very endagered Low Land Gorrilla! She was a nursing mother of two babies when they decided to give her the jab! Within the week she was dead! The vaccines should be taken to the capitol and given to EVERY menber of congress and the senate, and then go to the WH and give it to the fraud! Get rid of the real danger to our country!
They don’t actually care whether you believe them or not. They can just steal every election going forward, and stay in power and suppress any inconvenient truths they wish…
I love, love, love that last sentence!! I could not agree more.
Depopulation is the goal,Covid just happened to come along help the NWO,WHO,CDC and Pfizer to begin the killings.Most supervaxxed people will die some direct,some sooner and all later.Children are being destroyed and will never be healthy if they survive this onslaught of evil
how ironic they are trying to vaccinate pregnant mothers and their children. without the immunization their mortality rate from covid would have approached zero. now they will be childless for life.
Covid didn’t just happen to come along. It was planned years ago! The vaccine wasn’t developed because of covid. Covid was developed so they could release the vaccine!!
And Donald Trumps impending blowout of the 2020 elections is what set the wheels in motion for the Vid to be released on society.
Congress (in my eyes anyway) is the biggest disappointment as they just don’t seem to get anything positive done …EVER.
What was different with Trump in office was he called bullshit on so many situations that weren’t working, and implemented plans to rightvsll if these wrongs….. and he did
What did he get for being the best Commander in Chief ever?!!!! Let’s see, not one day of civility from either the main stream media or the Democratic Party. In fact, the dragging over the coals that this poor man endured for four years while performing duties that no other president before him could seemingly do was outrageous.
The economy (in my life) was never better, jobs were created and filled and the American dream was alive…. gas was affordable and this country was truly being shaped and formed to be, YES, great again.
But……..Nancy pelosi and friends just couldn’t take the slaps in the face that Donny was putting on them so………. they stole the 2020 election and just LOOK AT US NOW!!
The biggest piece of crap ever to live in 1600 Pennsylvania Av. A liar and a cheat from the get-go. And his #2….appointed because she is (black?) and a female. Exactly like our latest Supreme Court justice. It’s really too bad they just didn’t take experience, and past job performance, and appoint somebody who had the right qualifications. No, they had to appoint a lady so stupid, but she can’t even finish a sentence without repeating herself over and over.
This administration absolutely HATES AMERICA, and it hates AMERICAN PEOPLE.
It’s obvious that our demise is the main agenda with the Bidenista regime.
First it’s the virus to kill us, then the “vaccines” to put icing on their plan….. now it’s full on abortion and no baby formula and 20,000 illegals coming across our southern borders EVERY DAY and they do NOTHING?!!!! Oh, I forgot about this idiots very first day in office as he put the kill shot on the Keystone pipeline killing the hopes, dreams, and livelihoods of tens of thousands of people who were making their existences complete with the oil flowing into our country.
But NO….. this little pedophile tyrant has shut down all of the gas and oil drilling leases and taken our lives into a tumultuous state of existence none of us had seen coming or ever even contemplated.
For this nation to go from what it was just 18 months ago to what we are enduring now is just insanity incarnate.
Joe Biden and his inept administration are doing all they can to kill this country. Every time the man stands up to the podium and talks, all that comes out of his dirty mouth are lie after lie after another lie. This administration is not about doing anything for this country, or its constituents. They are all about lining their own pockets with corrupt money, like they have been for years, and they are literally stealing it from each and everyone of us. The midterms come in November, we all need to get out and do our part
WHEN will Fauxi and members of the Biden regime he arrested and charged with lying to President Trump, Congress and the American people as well as mass murder?
You are also now seeing why These vaccine companies were given immunity to prosecution.
That will never happen, unfortunately! All the people who created this mess to begin with, are the ones in charge of the country right now!
Dr. Genocide Fauci paid millions to the chinese to develop this covid to spread rapidly in a human population and to
send infected chinese people here and to all other countries to depopulate the world. That is their goal. And, they are working on another virus to kill many more people in another round of pandemic.
With all the prospective mothers losing their precious babies, think about all the children that have survived the vax when they become of age to have children……..What is that outcome going to be????????
Figures – if the libtard party of satan cannot get what they want and SCOTUS reverses RvW and turns abortion back over to the states, as it should be, then mandating all have to have 10000 boosters oughta take care of that baby problem – there just won’t be any need of abortions. SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!