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Democrats Warn Biden about his “Catastrophic” Immigration Plan
Democrats have joined conservatives to warn about catastrophic consequences that could take place if the Biden administration continues to roll back the policies of former President Donald Trump on immigration, particularly policies relating to our Southern border. The announcement marks an abrupt change with the progressive emphasis to open the borders and the radical left’s call to defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Texas Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar told Axios that he had warned the Biden administration “against easing up too much on unauthorized immigrants, citing their impact on his constituents, local hospitals and their potential to spread the coronavirus.” The Biden plan to roll back most deportations and restore Obama’s catch-and-release policy is already showing it will cause more harm than good.
A second Democrat Congressman, Representative Vicente Gonzalez, shared his concerns in a CNN interview, stating, “Well, my concern…in the recent weeks in my district, migrants who made it across the border, who even pass the line of MPPs [Migrant Protection Protocols], who were 5,000 folks that have been waiting for two years across the border, made it across the Rio Grande Valley were processed and released,” Gonzalez responded. “If that is the message that we send to Central America and around the world, I can assure you, it won’t be long before we have tens of thousands of people showing up to our border.”
Gonzalez added later in the interview, “So, I think we need to have a better plan in place. I think asylum seekers should be able to ask for asylum and be processed in their home country or a neighboring country. And we shouldn’t have a policy in place that impulses people to make this 2,000-mile trek where cartels and human traffickers are enriching themselves.”
It has become increasingly clear to those in Biden’s own party that immigration change can go too far. His recent executive orders have not only opened the doors to more immigrants, but have encouraged massive numbers of new people to pursue illegal entry into America.
Even a growing number of Democrats in Texas and neighboring border states realize the health and safety risks. Though their number one concern is the spread of COVID-19, the sheer number of immigrants is also becoming a problem.
According to Congressman Gonzalez, illegal border crossers are simply processed and released. This cannot continue for long without tremendous strain on local communities and health systems. Instead, Biden’s team must provide protection for his current citizens instead of those he chooses to import.
How can a sitting president idly watch as thousands of new people stream into the nation without health screenings and a check of their criminal records? How many COVID-19 cases have been added to America’s totals already? How many immigrants with a criminal history (not including illegal immigration) have already invaded our country?
At the current rate, we’re on pace to have a major refugee crisis along our nation’s southern border by summer. If that’s what Biden and team really want, they are right on track. If the left really wants to support America to unite and rebound from a pandemic, it might help to stop letting in more people than can be safely handled.

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All Biden voters are asked to put your Biden flags an yard signs so all illegals flooding into america will know where they can be meals an a place to stay !!
Thank You !!
The pimp and the prostitute are doing just fine. Does Kamala breast feed or bottle feed Joe.
The studderer and the laugher look good in masks.
These POLITICAN and Biden plus his SUPPORTER need to put out their welcome sign. Then when the ISIS TERRORIST use the Mexico border to cross into AMERICA. I hope it YOU BIDEN SUPPORTER THEY ATTACK FIRST! Even the CRIMINAL M-13!
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fire was burning
Down the track came a hobo hiking
And he said, “Boys, I’m not turning”
“I’m headed for a land that’s far away
Besides the crystal fountains
So come with me, we’ll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains”
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
There’s a land that’s fair and bright
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
And the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers’ trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh, I’m bound to go
Where there ain’t no snow
Where the rain don’t fall
The winds don’t blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railway bulls are blind
There’s a lake of stew
And of whiskey too
You can paddle all around it
In a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
The jails are made of tin
And you can walk right out again
As soon as you are in
There ain’t no short-handled shovels
No axes, saws nor picks
I’m goin’ to stay
Where you sleep all day
Where they hung the jerk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
I’ll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
Easy answer: If any illegal commits a felony simply arrest every single Democrat and charge them with assisting a felony.
If the democrats are so worried about Bidens plan then do something about it now…Biden is not fit to be in the office of the president of the USA.. Sad part is neither is Harris ,or Pelsoi . not one fit to lead ,all power hungry. Maybe Trump needs to send in the troops and take back what was stolen from him!!
Maybe Mr. joe Biden will open all of his many properties to all of the migrant children , so they wont be homeless !
Biden isn’t in charge—his Communist/Deep State/NWO handlers are running the government. They want Open Borders and America overrun with unvetted migrants. The more migrants they unleash into our beleaguered Republic the sooner it will collapse and die. Then vive la New World Order Elitist Dictatorship! Soros will rejoice to see his dream of the downfall of our once great nation come true. And the millions of corrupt and bribed traitors who united to destroy our country will be looking for their reward. If this seems implausible to you, you are not facing reality. It’s well underway. Only God can stop it. Pray for deliverance, patriots. Pray hard.
LOCK them up and SEND these ILLEGAL MIGRANTS back . . . We don’t want them HERE. Come AGAIN and get sent to STATE prison (The FEDERAL gov’t is FILLED with TRAITORS who DON’T care). If the Politicians of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT won’t do ANYTHING about it, then WE in the STATES must ship them back – LIKE IT or NOT. OUR politicians are NOT doing the JOB that they were SWORN IN to do as per the U.S. Constitution. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).
Opening borders will also attract Middle East terrorists to enter the U S to plan attacks..
Trump did the homework for Biden and his actions WORKED. That’s why Biden is either mentally incompetent or INSANE OR BOTH BUT SURE has HATE FOR TRUMP….with no concern for the people’s safety.
Two years wont come soon enough to make the change so we can get back to normal.
Thinking about 2000 people migrating on the same route must be quite a mess left behind! Where do they eat where do they drink and all of this is where do they relieve themselves? Those at the beginning of the column must have an advantage to resource support. Someone has to be paying their way and do you know who is doing that? Surely Mexico doesn’t need or want this in their country especially at this current time unless someone is greasing their palms with green stuff. The answer, financed by American tax dollars curtesy of you local Democratic Party.
The Biden Admin border and immigration policies are a disaster and terrible and even Dems see that. They complained about children in cages that was an Obama policy and Trump stopped it. But where is the complaints now? It’s back to the same policies that created the problem in the 1st place. He just opened the door to chain migration and Mexico getting rid of people they don’t want (criminals) sending them to the US. Get rid of sensible policies and open the border and let terrorists, criminals through but force us into lock downs and COVID stuff but let sick people into the country….These idiots are unbelievable.
GREAT idea Tom Says! I contend that since it is the democrats who want these migrants then they should all be relocated to democrat states. The republican states should not carry that burden! They did not agree to this!
Biden is not listening to anybody and is only obeying what he is ordered to do
ATTENTION ALL BORDER CROSSERS ; Please report to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC. Ask for joe , he will fix you up .
WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) have had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose instead to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!
Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action?
I strongly urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND a COMPLETE AUDIT AND INVESTIGATION into the 2020 ELECTIONS and for the IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.
BIDEN is completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE! And they both (BIDEN & HARRIS) have family members putting them both in a CONCLICT of interest position advertising and promoting their businesses and using their VP and POTUS both as an advertising self-interest, self-promoting position and it is ILLEGAL!
People should write these numbers down and use them frequently even if you don’t think your elected officials listen, they are required to note your comments for the permanent record in their caller database for anyone to see.
Members of the House
Members of the Senate
One call per rep!
An Art. 25 is not far away, and then the Constitutionally ineligible willbecome president and bring hag hillary in as v-president…. harris is not Constitutionally eligible,neither of her parents were American citizens at the time of her birth, she is a 14th Amendment anchor baby, which also makes her ineligible.
Joe Biden MUST BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE because he is incapable of coherent thought. He will drown Americans with incoming COVID infected illegals and then go have a burger. Buddy boy has no idea what he is doing WHICH MAKES HIM THE PERFECT “DUMMY” TO BE USED TO DESTROY OUR NATION BY THE LEFTIST CABAL.
How sad is this? First Americans have our Presidential election STOLEN from us, and now that same POS fake president is trying to reinfect with COVID, every American, with his precious illegals flooding our Country? What is wrong with his head? Time to have that whole destructive demoncrap administration removed and imprisoned deep dark inside the earth somewhere, never to be found again…and Pelosi goes too.
Doesn’t this tick you off Americans? How much longer are we going to put Up with this destructive idiot’s actions without doing something to stop them?
Everyone should go get a second job so we can pay for all the illegal aliens who are coming to milk the system.
What plans ! He does what they tell him to do . There jackasses are showing , unbelievably stupid . The same people that there afraid of are coming in also .
DemoncRATs blaming Biden may be WRONG!! He probably has no idea what is going on…..
His wierdo VP is probably the one pushing all this garbage, and the REAL vote getter of tombstones, illegal aliens and such!!
Probably this is due to the Sino factor that Biden is guilty of having