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Could the Uptick in Traffic Accidents/Fatalities be Blamed on Vaccines?
Depending on which report you read, you’ll be given different percentages for the rise in traffic accidents, which has seen a steady rise in 2020 and 2021. And it looks as though those incidents may be getting worse.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, crash fatalities in 2020 were at an estimated 38,680 – the largest number it’s been since 2007 – despite the covid lockdowns causing more people to stay home and drive less – an estimated 430.2 billion miles less.
2020 saw a 7.2 percent jump, compared to 36,096 fatalities reported in 2019.
The National Safety Council estimated 21,450 people died on the road in the first 6 months of 2021, going by those numbers and with the busy Thanksgiving and Christmas season approaching, 2021 looks like it may break another record.
You only have to drive five minutes on the Interstate or even a highway, and it’s not hard to guess why. Drivers these days are horrible. Terrible. Road rage inducing, even.
But there could be another reason for the sudden spike and some are speculating that the increase in traffic accidents, could be the result of people being vaccinated.
There’s a reason ‘died suddenly’ is the top trending search on Google. The dozens of articles that pop up when it’s entered into the search engine, suggests adverse reactions from coronavirus shots, are not as rare as the mainstream media would have you believe.
So it’s not out of the realm of possibility that some of these adverse reactions could be happening post-vax, while driving.
People can spend hours per week commuting in their vehicles, and since mandates have kicked in, forcing people to get vaxxed, the number of people driving around like ticking time bombs, is only going to increase.
Eight states have seen a huge spike, ranging from 30% to 51% more fatalities than previous years – making Oregon, South Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Vermont and Tennessee, some of the most dangerous states to drive in.
Interestingly, according to data from Mayo Clinic, all states with high fatalities, also have high vaccination rates. All eight states have a vaccination rate of over 85%, with the average being over 95% in people over 65 years old.
For people between the ages of 18 and 64, vaccination rates sit around 65% with the highest being Vermont with 76.2% of people in that age group being fully vaccinated.
Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana and now Transportation Secretary called the rise in accidents a “crisis” in America, saying:
“We cannot and should not accept these fatalities as simply a part of everyday life in America”.
Buttigieg plans on pushing Tesla’s unreliable and dangerous “full self-driving” cars.
Like people would be able to afford a Tesla vehicle in Biden’s America.
Since the cars have been on the road, the “auto-pilot” feature is causing road accidents and there have been fatalities.
One Tesla vehicle veered off the highway, crashing into objects before coming to a sudden halt. Allegedly it was caused by the vehicle being unable to read the lane markings, causing the vehicle to become confused and crash.
What could possibly go wrong if there’s more of them on the road?
Some ‘experts’ are blaming the increase in accidents on vehicles “getting bigger”, while others blame increased speed on interstates and highways.
If officials were honest, they would at least acknowledge that the vaccines may be causing the wrecks. Instead, they’ll continue to make excuses. Any excuse will do, so long as the vaccines aren’t being blamed.
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They refuse to look into what the communist democrat pedophile racist cult party allowed the Chinese government to release this into the entire world, because of the money china pays most of these communist democrat pedophile racist cult party members!
Totally disagree…..Most accidents are caused by driver stupidity….following way, way too close at speeds that they should (but do not know) the capabilities of the cars or themselves! Our highways are not Daytona or Talladega speedways and the average driver is not even on the same planet when it comes to the ability to drive as professionals! Speed, lack of automotive knowledge, sheer stupidity and lack of stringent policing and serious penalties, along with drugs and alcohol make driving in America and the world the danger that it is today! SLOW DOWN….the world will still be revolving when you arrive at your destination!
You’ll find all those vehicle fatalities on the COVID death list
I guess you never met a spike in data that you ever couldn’t explain. Typical liberal. Only a moron would think these spikes in traffic accidents are explainable by just high speed limits in so many states
On the 12th my wife was in a horrible accident that took her precious life. She plowed into three cars at a traffic light without benefit of brakes. They are investigating now. I suspected from the beginning it might have been caused by the vaccine. She was in perfect health and the Hospital told me there may have been an event prior to the accident. We were both vaxed and drove and delivered pharm meds to senior homes. For ten years she drove without incident. Goodbye my love, you will be missed.
Sure, I think we can all agree that the “fauci flu shot” kills people. And that some of them may be driving on the highways when they suddenly die, causing traffic accidents resulting in more fatalities. But let’s look at another elephant in the room. The hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring into our country. Many of these illegals are on our highways today. Several, if not most of them, don’t know how to read our road signs. In my opinion, these illegals are as much or more of a threat on our highways today than the “fauci flu shot” gang!
My sister got the Pfizer vaccine after being coerced by her doctor and her son, she got sick immediately and never recovered. She went almost two years without getting Covid, but she gets the shot and dies, but it’s not the shot, it’s Covid that made her die??? Her son had the doctor put Covid as the cause of death, so he could get $9000 from the government, seems the government will pay survivors up to $9000 if that’s the cause of death. I will never heard my sister’s voice again, and I hope my nephew never gets the money. He wouldn’t do an autopsy, although I have my doubts, that anything other than an independent autopsy would actually show the true cause of death. I hear so many things like this, my aunt says a guy in her mobile home park lost his legs to the shot, blood clots, another friend has a friend, whose family lost their dad to the clot shot, and was told not to tell people that it was because of the vaccine. Another friend of my sister’s, lost another friend to the clot shot, how many people have to die 😖😖😖😖😖
I drive the speed limits and everybody and their brothers and sisters pas me like I am backing up ,this has got to stop. But it wont.
I am so sorry about your wife, that is tragic, mybsister will be missed too, Lord, may our country wake up!!
Saying the vaccine is the main cause of the uptick in auto accidents without any evidence or proof is kind of like saying the accidents are caused by the lizard overlords taking control of the cars’ electronics systems. While adverse reactions to a vaccine, or any other medication, could be a cause, to claim so without proof is not good science. The government’s own numbers show that the majority of these accidents involve 16-24 year olds, a group known to be the least vaccinated on the road. Based on that number alone, it seems that the vaccine is not the most likely cause of the accidents.
Personally I would consider the casual use of Drugs . All drugs effect the brain and nerve synapses. Reaction time and visual perception is greatly changed from pot. People are being led to an early grave all for taxes. GET SMART PEOPLE!
“following too closely” while reprehensible and stupid, does not cause fatal accidents. people crossing the center line or pulling out in front of a fast moving vehicle is MUCH more likely to cause your untimely demise. my mom just had a TIA for the first time in her life about a month after her second covid shot. just sayin’. had she been driving at 60 she would now be counted as a covid death i am sure.
*Self-driving vehicles are NOT the answer, EVER!*
Remember the show “COPS”? And how the police could *CONTROL* the vehicle? *THAT* is what we would eventually get with self-driving cars! Eventually *the government* would be the ones controlling where we would be *”ALLOWED”* or not allowed to drive, how slow we’d go, what dates and times we would be *”ALLOWED”* to drive!
Do NOT give up your freedom to drive your own car!
when I drive it is the speed limit I always look at my speedometer & mostly all are ahead of me, but i also know those who enter our country that do not speak the English language can not read the English signs , Foreign Nationals need to be forced to learn the American language , the Secretary of State handed out drivers licenses to people who do not know the English English language if that is the case this is endangering all the American people in the USA , this is no laughing matter
Slam a few more burka masks on untalented people who drive with depleted oxygen content and enhance the Biden bumper car derby that is currently being held. Just takes a can a corn and a jab for entry fee.
I am so, so sorry for you and your poor, dear wife’s soul. I will pray for you both. May God Bless you both and comfort you.
What is also not being mentioned is that many states with high accident rates have legalized or decriminalized drug use in the same basic time frame.
Nevada legalized recreational cannabis use in 2017 and the upticks in accidents started shortly after. During the government shutdowns of businesses, people drove very little so the actual effects of the change didn’t really show up for over a year.
Check with your insurance agent on what they have found out.
After all, it is the gates, democRAT wish to thin out the population. Does anyone remember the cute photos of hillary and Melinda standing in the wuhan lab? The virus IS man made, and was imported on purpose to bring down our real President. But that backfired because there are many more deaths on Xi den’s watch. Vaccines and masks don’t do jack. Resist, fight and DO NOT vote early or by mail. Those votes are all stolen. Don’t forget, as late as last Friday Nov. 19th, they just ‘discovered’ that 770,000 ballots are missing in Georgia.
As I stated in my “CLIMATE CHANGE CRAZINESS EXPOSED!” book, these eco-nuts are killing people with their small cars and unaffordable electric cars. Here’s a fact: I can outrun a fully electric car across America in a Volkswagon! Reason being they will have to stop and charge their electric car while I only have to stop for a few minutes to get gasoline. And the electric car is especially lower on mileage when you are going over hills and mountain and also when using your lights, AC or heater.
Hey Billy were you looking in the mirror when you were ranting about stupid drivers? Drivers are still in the same stupid percentage as they always were. The only factors that have changed are many less miles driven, and many many people being poisoned by these experimental drugs. The only verifiable fact is that the highest percentage of increased accidents are in states with the highest rates of covid vaccine poisonings.
Carrol if everyone on the road including their brother and sister are passing you, then you are the problem. You are causing traffic situations that can cause accidents. You should reason a little and either travel at speed with traffic or get off of the road before you kill somebody.
I’m not surprised with the road-ragers and overly confident dildo drivers out there. I’m in Arizona and it’s as if every A-hole driver from Californication state came here to mess with our roads; zipping in and out from one lane to the next missing the other driver within 5 feet as in my case 14 months ago. Every a.m. on A.M. radio the traffic reports are the same, another pile-up or major accident. slow down or stay in your damned state or turn in your driver’s license to KILL! Assertive, yes I am, I’ve been almost killed in 3 accidents all the other persons damned fault!
If the Cops would be more aware of what’s going on on the roads , and actually enforce laws that they tend to ignore . People making left/right hand turns across 3 lanes of traffic ( GPS ), following to closely, Driving in the wrong lane ( Driving in the left hand lane, under the speed limit, left lane is for faster moving, left turns, and through traffic ), Driving to slow ( 40 in a 55 mph zone, of which 15 under is supposed to be just as illegal as going 15 over ) , phones, Radio,etc
why does no one mention people and cell phones in the future young girls will born with them on side of their head. you can rarely drive past someone not texting or talking totally oblivious of their surroundings. I’ve sat at many red lights and watch someone drive through the red light on their phone and never even know they did it
More blacks r on the road.i had black women with kids in her car pull a gun on me. She ran a stop sign,I honked she pulled a hand gun and pointed it at me. See the problem yet?
I can’t but wonder if there is any truth at all to this story. The photo has nothing at all to do with the written content. It shows a vehicle hit by another car driven by a man who was subsequently arrested for felony DUI. Go to to see the TRUTHFUL story.
I’m on the road a lot and them run red lights all day. Even when they are sitting at a light with little traffic they will just drive through the light with never any consequences