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Biden’s Approval Rating Goes Even Lower, Americans Report Feeling Like Democracy is on the Verge of Collapse
Voters have crowned President Joe Biden the worst Presidents in United States history and he’s only one year into his four-year term.
According to a new Quinnipiac University survey, the Presidents approval rating is sitting at an embarrassing 33 percent. Surprisingly low for someone who apparently got over 80 million votes.
The poll also showed that around 62 percent of Republicans think democracy is on the verge of complete collapse, followed by 56 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of Independents agreeing.
Over 53 percent of respondents believe that political division will only worsen, and interestingly, 59 percent of respondents do not want Donald Trump to run again for president.
The main reasons for Biden’s poor numbers is because Americans are struggling to make ends meet and with rising inflation, times are set to get much tougher.
Even the media establishment is turning against Biden, actually reporting negative news on the President, with some Democrats saying that Biden looks too ‘old’ to do his job.
Known RINO Mitt Romney (R – UT) also criticized Bidens first year of presidency, saying that Americans want normal again, not more chaos.
During NBC’s “Meet The Press”, Romney was disappointed by the lack of bipartisanship on the issue of voting rights, especially after Biden’s speech in Georgia last week, where he criticized anyone who didn’t agree with his voting rights bill as a racist.
“He’s got to recognize that when he was elected, people were not looking for him to transform America. They were looking to get back to normal. To stop the crazy,” Romney said of Biden.
Romney also added that Biden said he would unite the country when he took office, but his comments in Georgia “did not suggest he’s trying to pull us back together again.”
The legislation pushed by the White House is set to fall flat with all 50 Republicans in the Senate set to squash it.
“He’s got to recognize that when he was elected, people were not looking for him to transform America. They were looking to get back to normal. To stop the crazy,” Romney said of Biden.
During his speech in Georgia, Biden asked the crowd if they would like to be remembered like George Wallace or Martin Luther King Jr.
Of course, Biden failed to tell the crowd that he was very good friends at one time with George Wallace, who was a Democrat and known racist and Biden even bragged about him in previous speeches.
The president also forgot about his long term friendship with Robert Byrd, who was the Grand Wizard of the KKK until he was elected to Congress.
Flashback to July 2020 when Biden said that George Floyd, criminal drug addict who died of an overdose while being arrested, was more significant to the United States than the death of Martin Luther King Jr.
Yes, really.
Fact is, Democrats will do or say anything necessary to win your vote, but things have gotten so radical within the party, it’s now putting off some of their most avid supporters.
And if they can’t convince you to vote for them? Well, that’s when they cheat to win instead.

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Let’s just stop the scam until we chicken ass baby killing America citizens stand up to the evil lowlife Republicans and demon cracked baby killers have got to stop. Wake up and take back our government. It’s looking like that it might have to be a new civil war. To get things done. GOD please destroy this sick country.
First of all who is responsible for the country being divided? Second who has for 50 years try to start SOCIALISM? Who has sent our JOBS TO OTHER COUNTRY? Who has LIE TO US MORE THAN ANYONE? Well if you think you know the answer. Why do you continue VOTING FOR THESE DEMOCRAT? There has only been one man that has try to bring us TOGETHER. AND THAT MAN WAS TRUMP! We would not know anything about these democrats politicians who DON’T HIVE A DAM ABOUT AMERICA IF IT WASN’T TRUMP PUSHING THEIR CORRUPTION IDEA TO THE FOREFRONT! Same gone for some REPUBLICANS IN NAME ONLY!
the way things are going now you may get your wish, david. there are probably thousands of terrorists among our new arrivals. perhaps they might blow up the capitol and the white house.
Be Careful what you wish for, not that it might come true but if you keep wishing for the downfall of America, you may just get a visit in the early hours of any given day by some Alphabet Agency with CNN Cameras close behind for your national debut as an Insurrectionist/Traitor and be designated as a Domestic Terrorist!
In less than 365 days the Demo RATS have turned the Greatest Nation on Earth into a third world crap hole! We the people around this nation need to demand a full forensic AUDIT of the 2020 Election in Every State! Once the Audit is Complete Demand that the US Supreme Court do the job that Trump asked them to do before he left office and hear all of the cases of FRAUD in the 2020 Election Nation Wide and unseat the Thief in Chief Joe Biden! The Texas Audit cracked the hilarious notion that the 2020 Election was the most fair election ever held! 225,000 dead people voted for Biden in Texas Alone! 40,000 Illegal Immigrants voted as well in the State of Texas all for Biden! The Dominion Voting Machines were found to have a fraudulent programming glitch that mysteriously only effected the Republican Party, Strange how the Demo RAT Party says that 2020 was the safest election ever held when they knew that the Dominion machines were scamming the Republicans after all the Demo RATS own Dominion Voting Systems Inc.!!!
Now think, name the States that have better Voting RIGHT’S than Georgia? Delaware, Colo, New York? How about New Jersey, California, or even Illinois? You Think any of these places are better? Show your AMERICAN ID, Vote. No Illegals, No Dead People, and NO VOTING MORE THAN ONCE!
The first RINO Mittens got wrong is “Biden was elected”- he wasn’t! It’s all been downhill from that point, as a stupid nation reaps what it sowed.
Known RINO Mitt Romney (R – UT) also criticized Biden’s first year of presidency, saying that Americans want normal again, not more chaos.
The only thing we ever got from these democrats in DC has been total CHAOS and been more to come under BIDEN the BUTCHER of AMERICAN CITIZENS and his band of NAZI SS TROOPERS the Socialist demo-shit in Congress and others that back thems
Republicans? You might want to go sharpen your pencil and do some more research.
AND DemocRATS need to clean up their ACT as it is looking more and more like socialism, communism or a Dictatorship by a BRAIN DEAD MORON!!!! The voting bill is just another way for them to CHEAT and stay in power. I vote with mostly minorities and NEVER has any one of these people I KNOW complained about being suppressed—-NEVER in over 40 years.
Never in my wildest dreams have I witnessed the attempted plan to destroy our country! The Demwits are responsible for all this chaos that is going on in our once great country! In the first place they stole this election with their “Pelosi” Ballots, that she planned and is STILL planning to use to keep any Republicans from ever winning ANY future election! All of them that helped her do this should be behind bars! Joe Biden couldn’t have won the election under ANY circumstances! He doesn’t even know which end is up, much less How to run this country! It is scary as hell what is going on! Trump IS the chosen President and all this chaos would not be happening if He was our President! All the audits show that Trump won, not this maniac that is holding the highest office in the land! If Biden is allowed to continue his idiotic ideas, we will no longer have a country!
NO WAY Biden’s approval rating is 33 percent!
That’s 33 percent to high!
people like you william are just as crazy as biden and his whole adminastrtion.wake up people before these demorats change our country into social communism. and you william hate trump. you my friend need your head examined
I am creating an honest wage from home 1900 Dollars/week , that is wonderful, below a year gone i used to be unemployed during an atrocious economy. (cfg28) I convey God on a daily basis. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody.
Here is where I started……..
Biden and his entire administration are a bunch of moronic fools.
Funny how the cdc, fda, and fbi directors all told congress they know nothing about anything. Even his press secretary doesn’t have a clue.
Face folks democrat, progressives, liberals are stupid people.
This very college poly. Sci major has the following. First regardless of what ANYONE says I m not at all convinced that Trump lost. My home state is Wisconsin, and super blue Milwaukee had more votes than citizens. And experienced that all over the country. But our very weak state judges were terrified to address all these numerical inconsistencies. And Joe did prevail-i didn’t say won. And the country, evenly divided didn’t vote to transform the country. They voted for”steady she goes”. That’s all
The Dem Enema Craps have ALL Lost THEIR STUPID MINDS! As a veteran, look at how many men and women
have given their life to prevent a communist way a life for our Great Nation….starting from the Revolutionary War, WW-1, WW-2, Korea, Vietnam and the war in the Middle East!! What do these folks think they are??? Every Last One is a Full Blooded TRAITOR!! Too many in our Congress that have NO RIGHTS IN MY OPINION to be there in the first place!! From day one they have done NOTHING BUT CAUSE TROUBLE and DIVISION !! It is very obvious whom each one is and they all need to be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED and SHIPPED OUT OF OUR GREAT NATION WITH A ONE WAY TICKET with NO HOPE OF EVER RETURNING!! Once we have a TRUE AMERICAN CONGRESS both Democrats and Republicans with a TRUE ELECTED PRESIDENT then and ONLY THEN WE WILL ONCE AGAIN BE CLOSER UNTIED. There are a few Republicans that need to be removed without saying but mainly these Radical Dem Enema Craps with NO SENSE AT ALL HAVE GOT TO GO! All of our U.S. Government Agencies need to be gone through one person at a time AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR CRIMES COMMITTED AGAINST A TRUELY ELECTED PRESIDENT and Congress!!
The Biden’s have made more money unethically, then ethically which accounts for their moral compass being so fxxxed up. The DOJ thinks that they are in business to protect Hunter Biden and father from any invesgations and the FBI is in business do joe’s bidding on school matters not look into interstate robberies of shipping or mail train packages etc. Crime is not on the Biden Adjenda to resolve, more attacks on the cops is, this will cost them in 2022 big time, Democrat run cities Mayors or DA’S have turned their back on crime and attack the police and the tax payors. They just don’t to guve a fxxx about the safety of the American people, opem borders, open drugs sales coming into our Country. Vote them out of office in 2022, they are corrupt and just can’t govern, time for a change in leadership, hold them accountable.
No one in their right mind could possibly believe that a brain-dead buffoon living in his basement, received more votes than anyone in the history of our country! I repeat, no one in their right mind could possibly believe this to be true! Get this miserable son of a b****, and his know-nothing regime, out of our White House!
….. The serially-treasonous, imbecilic, pedophilic, lying, looting, thieving and deep-into-his-dotage/deranged dope’s “approval” rating is manipulated-up to a still-embarrassing thirty-three percent. And even that ridiculously-pumped-up number still shamefully-low for the puerile puke that allegedly received more than eighty million 2020 votes.