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Biden Becomes the Grinch who Stole Christmas by Blundering Port Logistics
No matter if you’ve been naughty or nice this Christmas you might not get what you want from Santa this year. Experts sounded the alarm this week on the upcoming Christmas crisis, in which Americans won’t be able to get presents for their kids because store shelves will be empty.
Amid the backlash the White House announced a plan to try to improve shipping services. The nation’s 2 main ports face increased congestion, along with a shortage of truck drivers to bring those goods to warehouses and stores. These problems all stem from policies created by the Biden administration.
“There will be things that people can’t get,” a White House spokesperson admitted this week.
The situation has become so dire that larger retailers are beginning to create their own distribution systems. Walmart, Costco, Amazon, Target and others are now handling their own containers, trucks and other steps to try to overcome the massive delays experienced nationwide.
Former Home Depot CEO Bob Nardelli said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday that the situation has reached emergency level. He recommended declaring a national emergency to involve the National Guard to handle logistics in America’s ports.
“We need to be aggressive. We have the capabilities. We have the willpower. Somebody just has to make the decision to fix these problems,” Nardelli said.
What once seemed like a temporary traffic jam has now become a crisis as containers pile up at America’s two busiest ports without the ability to move and transport goods efficiently. Biden wants to pass the blame to retailers and private companies, but they are working as hard as ever.
The problem appears to be the regulations at the ports. When container ships are made to wait or workers face delays before being able to move containers, those times add up. Instead of incentives to speed up shipping, the new regulations have led to another Biden crisis.
There is also a shortage of truck drivers willing to transport these goods out of these ports. Biden’s vaccine mandate has pushed even more drivers out of the industry. Shipping CEO’s were sounding this alarm months ago. Eric Fuller, Chief Executive of U.S. Xpress Enterprises said back in early September, “We’re in an industry where we can’t afford any fallout. We don’t have enough drivers today!”
White House officials also admitted that inflation has outpaced wage increases and made it hard for American families to buy everything they need. Labor Department data shows that Americans made 0.9% less per house on average in August than they did one year prior.
“We recognize that it has pinched families who are trying to get back to some semblance of normalcy as we move into the later stages of the pandemic,” said a senior White House official.
The Biden administration has now promised to address the situation, but if their solution is anything like the way they addressed the border crisis or withdrawal from Afghanistan, we’re in for some serious trouble.
Maybe Biden will put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of shipping like he did with her at the border. She could hire some paid actors and address root causes of shipping problems by holding virtual meetings with foreign leaders.
That would be about right for our non-sensical leftist White House at the moment. That’s if Biden is even in the real White House. He might just be at the staged one down the street if he’s not in Delaware again putting a lid on the day after reading a teleprompter for five minutes.
We need some real leadership to address the shipping crisis. Many fear that’s a Christmas wish that won’t come true.

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How much longer are we going to have to put up with this illegitimately installed piece of trash “puppet president”? Our real president, Donald J Trump, should be sitting in our White House today!!!!!
They Don’t like Holidays, it shows the Love families will Enjoy & the Religious Aspect they Hate Also.
They DO NOT CARE how it effects your children, it is how it EFFECTS THEM!
Show your Family that what the Democrats have taken away is a Heinous Crime to You & Your beliefs.
One day they will have to Stand & Admit Their CRIMES to Man Kind in the name of COVID CON & More!
That moron has already failed because we will celebrate the birth of our Savior weather he likes it or not!
If anyone thinks this will have any impact on the Bidens or any of the elites in DC, you’re dead wrong! They could care less about all this!
This was as deliberate as the SCAMDEMIC. Notably, everything Beijing Bumbling Blow Hard Biden & the cat house clowns touch, turns to shit. The Victims of the entire illegitimate administration are the hard working, Tax paying American citizens even the Morons who legitimately voted for these clowns at their own demise ( & the demise of those who didn’t.) These SCUMBAG traitors are nothing short of Criminals who have violated the Constitution, Nuremberg Code, International criminal code & Article 32 of the Geneva convention with their Crimes against Humanity.
Joe Biden has an innate ability to destroy everything he touches…how this idiot ever became president simply boggles one’s mind. What a colossal failure and he hasn’t even been in office one year. God have mercy on us, protect us from the evils beseeching our country.
Seen on the back window of a SUV in Dallas the other day, “You stole our election and this is what we got!”
The man hates the USA, legal citizens and anyone who is in ‘his’ way in trying to destroy the country that so many people shed their blood to preserve our freedoms!!!!!
Amen and Amen. The Clintons started the destruction landslide……then we had a few breaks…then the Obamas turned up the destruction button…and when Biden got elected…..or I will say got into the office of President (by election fraud) …our nation has gone downhill faster than a greased pig on an icy slippery slope.
When these Journalist pick one area of failure they are not doing the American Public any favors. Yes, identify the failure but show how it is only manifesting or festering into a huge Economic Failure because having people in positions like the current Secretary of Transportation who could not manage an ice cream parlor is not helping.
This President should issue an Executive Order allowing Truckers and Trucking Companies who DO NOT HAVE ELECTRIC TRUCKS go into the State of California to the Port and pick-up containers. The Railroads who can move thousands of containers of supplies be allowed to work in this foolish state (who banned lawn mowers instead of worrying about supply chains of food and merchandise) Governor.
This Governor needs to STOP his lunacy and start managing his state or they will like other DEMOCRATIC stronghold go BANKRUPT and want the rest of the United States to bail them out of their debacle.
No surprise and this was foreknown and predictable. For simple security reasons, Americans need to return the economy to a place where American jobs are manufacturing all essential goods, themselves. Nothing would unite the country more than the knowledge that citizen interdependence with respect to goods and services was keeping America safe from the liabilities of dependence on foreign sources. We have not been well served for the past 30 years by the trade policies which have brought us to the current conditions of consumer good shortages. Wise leadership would have prevented this debacle.