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How the Crooked FBI Helped Joe Biden Before & After the 2020 Election
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is out of the doghouse. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe in 2018, just a few days before McCabe was supposed to retire and start drawing his gigantic federal pension. McCabe had violated the law by leaking classified (but fake) Russia collusion information to the media, and by lying under oath when asked about the leaks.
This infuriating development in the Russia collusion hoax is par for the course for The Swamp. It’s now clear from new developments that tie the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) kidnapping plot to the January 6 protests that the FBI and the Department of Justice have never stopped trying to frame President Donald Trump.
McCabe sued the Department of Justice in 2019 over his firing, and this week he won the case. The US government has been ordered by the judge in the case to rescind McCabe’s firing, to declare that McCabe has retired in good standing, and award him his full pension. McCabe will also be allowed to collect about $200,000 in back pay. And again, this is a guy who helped to fabricate the Russia hoax and foist it on the American people to sway the outcome of an election. When that didn’t work, the Russia hoax continued, for the purpose of undermining a duly elected president who threatened The Swamp.
The Russia hoax eventually died on the vine, but the FBI’s operation against Trump lives to this day.
Julie Kelly at American Greatness has uncovered a nationwide operation of the FBI to target suspected Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists.” That operation started well before the 2020 election in Michigan, continued with undercover FBI agents breaking windows and stirring up trouble at the US Capitol on January 6th, and now continues with the DOJ targeting parents who protest woke school boards as “domestic terrorists.”
This deliberate FBI targeting of law-abiding Americans is dubbed “Operation Cold Snap.”
Remember that bizarre “kidnapping plot” against Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan? The one where 10 of the 12 alleged kidnappers turned out to be FBI agents and informants who hatched the entire plot? That was one of the beginning stages of Operation Cold Snap.
The FBI started this plot to undermine Donald Trump’s chances of reelection. They assumed that militia members and Second Amendment groups were more likely to be Trump supporters, so the FBI staged a major operation to smear Trump supporters as terrorists. The operation got under way in the summer of 2021.
Undercover spooks even set up a major “militia conference” in Ohio in June of 2020. The pretext of the conference was to protest COVID lockdowns which were still in place in blue states. That’s where the 10 (or possibly more) FBI agents and informants found a couple of patsies to engage in the plot to “kidnap” Gretchen Whitmer. This operation, according to Julie Kelly’s reporting, was being run by the head of the Detroit FBI field office – a guy named Steven M. D’Antuono.
The Whitmer “plot” was designed to coincide with early voting in Michigan. When the plotters were initially arrested, Joe Biden’s campaign immediately – and VERY conveniently – had a statement ready to go, which was probably prepared and handed to him by the FBI. Here’s what the dementia potato read off the teleprompter from his basement campaign headquarters in Delaware on October 8, 2020:
“There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one. He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country.”
This was, once again, direct interference in a presidential campaign by the FBI. But it didn’t stop with the fake Whitmer kidnapping plot.
Steven M. D’Antuono was promoted, right around the time of the election, to run the coveted Washington, DC FBI field office. This was partly a promotion, and partly to allow D’Antuono to continue running Operation Cold Snap against Trump supporters. The FBI’s direct involvement in transforming the mostly peaceful protests on January 6th into an “insurrection” was just a continuation of the fake Whitmer kidnapping operation. They created a narrative that rightwing white supremacist domestic terrorists who follow Trump’s orders are trying to overthrow the government.
One connection that Julie Kelly doesn’t make in her excellent report on this, which you can read HERE, is this: I believe Operation Cold Snap is still going on. Calling parents “domestic terrorists” for protesting woke school boards is just a continuation of Operation Cold Snap. Justifiably angry parents are the new Russian collusion, as far as the corrupt FBI is concerned.

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I’m ashamed of nothing I’ve said. I would say to the FBI, etc., truth sometimes hurts and a little more from that agency wouldn’t go amiss.
The FBI needs to be gutted and decent people put in place at the top ! It’s a disgrace.
They all suck.
Welcome to the Union of Socialist States of America.
Check your Freedom at the door.
I wouldn’t trust the fbi to catch my dog. They are a corrupt organization from the top down. Hoover started the huge joke and it has gotten worse with each leftist member.
The FBI is one of the most corrupt law enforcement Agencies in the history of America
Now Christopher Steele has a new Interview out Defending his “Dossier” as Accurate and still needs to be looked into. As if the 5 Investigations done by The House, the Senate, The FBI, & Mueller didn’t ALL prove him NOT GUILTY. 2 Impeachments against PRESIDENT Trump = Not Guilty.
But PRESIDENT Trump’s popularity is growing as people wake up and see the REAL Democrat Party. 75% of US Citizens are PRO Voter ID, yet Dems want to BAN Voter ID. If anyone in the USA “Today” don’t have a Valid ID, it’s because they haven’t tried to get one, they’re an ILLEGAL ALIEN, or a Minor Child. ID is Required. Almost all the Tellers at my Bank know me by sight and 1/2 of them greet me by name. But I STILL have to show my ID to make a withdrawal! Try to buy booze or tobacco without an ID. Get caught driving without an ID. Try to transact ANY kind of business and you will be asked for an ID.
Go to Vote for the President of the United States. “ID NOT REQUIRED”?? The person who up till 9 months ago was referred to as “The Leader of the Free World”! Raise your hand if you’d follow this Senile Old Fool for 5′.
The Democrats tell us Republicans are Racist “Just because”, while Liberal DEMOCRATS Teach Racism in our schools, while teaching a False History of the USA.
They talk about “For the Children”, while advocating for Planned Murderhood, that has murdered more human beings than died in WWII.
It’s all aimed at PRESIDENT Trump to make him look bad so more people will “Actually Vote” Biden.
Takes a lot of reams of paper to cook up 50 million ballots!
the fbi needs to start chasing crooks again like baby face nelson, leave innocent american parents the hell alone. THIS IS AMERICA not some 3rd world country.
The stinking FBI Traitors need to be DEFUNDED, then FIRED. Then INVESTIGATED by a Civilian Committee made up of Republicans who voted for President Trump. Arrest ALL FBI Scum who are Criminals, and put them into Federal Prison where the inmates WILL beat the Hell out of them!
FBI Agents are guilty of running scams on Americans by talking minors into doing Mail Fraud scams, arresting the kids as soon as they agree to the criminal suggestions made by the FBI SCUMBAGS. Then, the FBI SCUM tell the Parents: “For a mere $10,000.00 we can make this all go away…Talk about it, and your kid AND YOU will go to Prison…Nice eh?
If your writing for US Politics and News, why not use your name on the BY line?
Beth Karcher does not seem to be interested in the content of the article at all. Only wants to know the name of the author. Beth, are you really an undercover FBI agent looking to go after the reporter???
McCabe is a traitor!
Either Trump or DeSantis will be POTUS after 2024. Whichever one wins, they need to completely tear down the FBI, CIA and military high command, then rebuild them with loyal patriots.
Is the FBI the enemy of the American people?
McCabe is dishonest an lied he does not deserve no pension
Trump supporter’s not secret(because unlike the FBI/DOJ, we aren’t communists cunts) operation to gift all patriots loyal to the CONSTITUTION with their own set of live harvested democrat, FBI, or DOJ skin rugs and matching cushion covers.
One opinion on all of this and it ain’t pretty.
The United States does not have a Justice Department along with the FBI anymore, it has been compared to the KGB, the Gestapo, Communist China Secret Police, etc., which from their ACTIONS from going after President Trump (which every attempt has proven to be lies) to the DECLARATION of PARENTS being DOMESTIC TERRORIST does nothing but proves the DEMOCRATS are more COMMUNISTIC, SOCIALISTIC, etc. than they are AMERICAN PATRIOTS who LOVE THE UNITED STATES and our CONSTITUTION!
We have to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY by VOTING on a massive scale in 2021,2022, 2023, 2024 and beyond to STOP THE TYRANNY!
Malfeasance McCabe, Criminal Comey, POS Page, Shit for brains Strzok all belong in prison.
OH I LOVE THIS MAN. He has every DEMORATS, every FBI, every CIA, every stupid AH hating him. OH, this man is so GOOD. Who I am talking about? Who else but the famous PRESIDENT Donald Trump. Even BIDEN is voting for him now, did you see how Biden in Virginia told the people, “TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, VOTE FOR TRUMP. Poor thing, he can’t remember he said that. OH I LOVE Donald Trump , HE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, don’t worry Melania, I will not take him away from you, I’m old enough to be his MOTHER, but I do love him and so is everyone who is praying for him. As for Biden, he has a GHOST on his tail everywhere he goes, or anything he puts his hand on, that GHOST is with him all the way and there is nothing he will do right until he gets out of the White House. That GHOST is going to have his life upside down as long as he is in the White House.