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America Last? Only 5 Percent of Afghanistan Evacuees Were Americans
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki “celebrated” that the month ended with the evacuation of more than 120,000 people from Afghanistan, including about 6,000 Americans.
Wait, what did she just say? Out of 120,000+ people evacuated, only “about 6,000” were Americans. I’m no math whiz, but that’s only “about” five percent of those evacuated.
Five percent!
If the estimate of the Americans left behind are somewhat accurate and stand in the hundreds, that means about 90 percent of Americans were evacuated. That might be a decent grade for a test, but leaving 10 percent of Americans behind to the Taliban is not acceptable.
Instead, as many as 50,000 new Afghan neighbors are being brought to live on U.S. military bases. Did we really need to fly these people halfway around the world to escape the Taliban? Wouldn’t a neighboring country make more sense for most?
At the very least, could we at least properly evaluate those we bring into our nation? Maybe even have a Covid test, since, you know, we’re supposed to live in a mask until Fauci changes his mind again?
Instead, tens of thousands of Afghans are headed to America, and many are already here. Interestingly one Afghan was picked up in Washington yesterday from a criminal list. He came to the U.S. and was convicted of rape years ago. He served five years in an Idaho jail and was later deported back to his home country.
Somehow he ended up on a flight to the U.S. from Kabul. He was only picked up after landing in America.
Makes you wonder how many other Afghans who have landed in our country who could be bad guys. They’re now living at military bases in close proximity to our nation’s top weapons. Not a good look.
Especially if you go back to the numbers. If “only” 50,000 Afghans are coming to America, where are the rest headed? Some are being taken by ally nations, such as Germany or the U.K. But many are also currently at U.S. military bases in other countries.
This is the story the White House doesn’t want Americans to know. CBS News reported about 8,000 at a military base in Germany, with some being processed for the U.S. The New York Times reported 98 countries are taking in some level of Afghan refugees. A myriad of reports show the U.S. military considering a variety of nations hosting refugees, with many of the decision remaining confidential.
The overall fallout is threefold. First, the terror risk in our own country will be greater due to the Taliban’s control of Afghanistan. Second, we’ll have an increased risk simply form having 50,000 Afghans in our own nation. Third, other nations with Afghan refugees will include new hot spots where uprisings could occur.
Overall, the terror picture looks bleak. For America, the leadership is weak. The need for increased security for individual Americans and the nation will need to be on the increase as we seek to deal with the new shift in global refugees.

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Our country, and the world, cannot take any more of this unconstitutionally installed, mentally deranged, effing a-hole.
Right – Circle Around Jen Psaki is celebrating — celebrating that only about 5% of the 120,000 evacuees were American — Wow That’s Something to Celebrate ! America Does Not Leave Its’ Military Behind You Idiot !!!
Out of the other 95% of Afghans rescued how many truly were working for America. Am all for rescuing Afghans that were good for America, but Americans Come First and I’ll Betcha There were Taliban among the Afghans rescued. Also, whey wasn’t that $86B worth of military equipment bombed since Afghan Military were fleeing their posts like cockroaches ???
If 114000 Afghan people were evacuated how come we let translators and others working wit our troops behind
Remember Chuck Schumer’s political ad, “We’re Going To Change America”, well they are, and not for the good of Americans.
Just another commie move to destabilize the country while killing our own. The Dems care for nothing or nobody but themselves and power and control.
Pisaki is as dirty as the rest of this rotten administration!!
There were an estimated between 10 and 20 thousand Americans in Kabul as the evacuation began. So, if we took 120,000 evacuee’s and only 6,000 Americans, basic arithmetic tells us we made a massive f-up. And Psaki is bragging? That, my friends, should tell you all you need to know about the “mission”.
Why should anyone but those responsible for the Afghanistan mess have to house a load of free loading rag heads. Yet again it will be men who deserted their mothers, wives and daughters to freak show terrorists. The reason the country fell in the first place is because the lazy cowards who were taken out, were the same people who did nothing to prevent the taliban in the first place. Want to cure the afghan problem? Nuke the whole country.
Anyone that didn’t protest the election fraud is responsible for everything that has gone wrong since biteme took office.
Anyone with a functioning brain cell knew that the demented pervert would screw everything up.
President Eisenhower knew how to rid the country of illegals, he had the Armed Forces dump them in the Desert, and if they were dumb enough to come back to America, he had the Armed Forces take them back to the Desert, only farther out!
Now Biden is destroying America by allowing millions of Illegals here, to drain our welfare system, that’s supposed to help Americans!
Now thanks to Biden, we have over a hundred thousand Sharia Law Muslims, that will want laws passed to whip women, and to operate on girls vaginas, so young girls as young as 6, won’t think about sex!
Biden leaving military dogs to be skinned alive, shows his brain is as dead as Cher’s old wrinkled body!
With so many coming to this country I can’t help but wonder just how many bad people are in this country now
Biden and his cronies should all be hung on those horrid capital steps where the democrat planned insurrection happened. We could make it a celebration of ridding the world of a bunch of mobsters.
China has bought Biden and the plan is to have China become allies with the taliban for training terrorist actions. The other plan is to bring only those who will potentially vote democratic into the United States this explains the border crisis to transport COVID infected illegals to red states also the exclusion of Cubans to immigrate since these people have been oppressed by dictatorship and would lean toward Republican voting. This is the plan not a conspiracy theory.
This is insane. What the Hell the Biden Administration is doing letting thousand and thousand of migrants into this Country, we know the Biden Administration is not educational, we know that they won’t do anything to stop what is going on, so who can do something about this MESS? Mr. Biden for God sake, help this Country, it is time to get this Country in the right direction, because from the time you got to be President, you haven’t done anything which make sense. America was once a Country that everyone look up too, now you are letting it go to the dogs because you don’t care. What is the matter with you? are you gone MAD?