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We Don’t Serve Your Kind: Twitter Takes Down Mike Lindell’s BUSINESS Account
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has become the next Trump-supporting target of Big Tech. His refusal to back down over 2020 election fraud claims first led Twitter to ban his personal account. Now the social network behemoth has suspended his MyPillowUSA account without explanation.
And the attack doesn’t stop there. The online attacks against Lindell have led to offline targeting as well. Several retailers have recently stopped selling MyPillow products. Saturday Night Live included a skit mocking his past drug addict, as described in his memoir “What Are the Odds?”
In a recent Newsmax interview, Lindell drew attention to Dominion software voting irregularities, with the host intervening to read a written statement to avoid legal repercussions. Though Lindell and Newsmax have since made peace regarding the situation, even conservative outlets have grown cautious over his statements.
Why? Lindell chooses to continue stating the same claims millions of Americans shared immediately following the 2020 presidential election: the election results were full of irregularities.
After the certification of the electoral vote, most lawmakers and media ended their election attacks. Lindell hasn’t. He is convinced something is wrong and has chosen to use his free speech rights to address it.
The problem Lindell is discovering is that free speech is no longer what is used to be. If Twitter doesn’t like you, bye bye. If the woke media doesn’t support your view, then business disappears. Cancel culture has dialed into Lindell and MyPillow with plans to silence one of the last significant voices remaining to support Donald Trump and question the election’s results.
Some sources have reported Twitter only banned Lindell’s business account after he tried to avoid his personal ban by posting on his company’s account. But why does it matter? Doesn’t Twitter value free speech?
Maybe it was due to some of Lindell’s final posts at MyPillowUSA. Lindell boldly fired back, “We are extremely busy and hiring as fast as we can to handle all the shipping!” Another read, “Jack [Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO] will be found out and should be put in prison when all is revealed!”
And then there’s Dominion Voting Systems. The company continues to mention they could sue the MyPillow founder for defamation regarding his claims of voter fraud. Again, Lindell has challenged them to do it, believing it would allow him the option to share the evidence he has compiled in a court of law.
Whether you agree with Lindell or not, American patriots have to admire a guy who won’t back down from his views. If we are to exist as the land of the free, we need to a have more people helping make it the home of the brave.
Lindell’s bold approach should lead flag-waving citizens to suddenly crave a new pillow, and I know a guy if you do. Just don’t try to find him on Twitter.

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Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckeberg should be put in prison for lying to Congress. Did you watch Rep. Jim Jordan questioning these two in a Senate Hearing regarding the censorship of Fecebook and Twitter. These guys repeatedly lied under oath. They put Michael Flynn in jail for (supposedly) lying to Congress when the FBI said he didn’t even lie. And now that there is direct evidence of these guys lying to Congress, why aren’t they in prison.
Gary Meek has a good question. Why aren’t Zuckerberg and Dorsey held to account for their blatant and obvious violations of laws. For that matter, the multitudes of other libs too? This two system judiciary has got to end. This is what gets people to take matters into their own hands. Do two things in the name of free speech and freedom. Buy a My Pillow or two. Soon. But not from Bed Bath beyond or the others that quit doing business with Lindell. And secondly. Get behind Mr. Lindell and support him! He is releasing a 3 hour special today, Friday, about honesty. Make sure you see it.
This is what we should do, they all use internet server services. There are more than 80 million of us and if we each put in five dollars along with some rich investors we can build and license our own internet server system maybe even several of them and not let them use our servers!! Keep free speech uncensored with in reason such as no porn or vulgar content and keep curse words out but not censor anyone be they co nservative, liberal or whatever!! Difference of opinions make for interesting conversations!! Point being, people will start using our services and leave them high and dry!! Now, I’m not tech savvy on a lot of things and not sure how or if we can do that but, I’m willing to invest 5 to 10 dollars in an effort to hit the big boys where it hurts most, their pocketbooks
Taking his business acct down will just make MORE people buy from Mr Lindell to support him. I’m going too. There’s so much hypocrisy and the Dems let their’s get away with anything. They have one standard for them and one for the Republicans. They don’t even pay attention to the constitution. They’ll go to all lengths to get someone removed if they are a threat to what they have up their sleeve. If someone(s) in a position to do something to put a stop to this doesn’t call them out and bring charges against THEM they will not only keep doing it, it will get worse.
Two wimpy scumbags , hiding behind their money and the socialist left
Hopefully with the states that are banning social media from their states it will bankrupt them! It’s funny when the states started announcing that they shut down the social sites, Twitter guy says, “they can’t do that” sorry buddy but they can!
Owners of Parler say tgey are hoping it will be up and good to use this Monday. I hope so. I do think these tech companies wield a massive, and inappropriate amount of power. I think they need penalties, and not just revoking 230 protection. Controls, to the point of breaking them up are some solutions available.
Ma Bell had to have monopoly broken up yrs ago and now AT&T is trying to be a major influencer and cancel leader in theur various massive businesses. Might be time to reel them in again.
I’m tired of these powerful clowns smugly slapping around “the little guys” to “teach them” the lessons Big Tech wants them to learn…or else.
Mike Lindell is a wonderful, honest, hardworking guy and a self made success story after beating drugs yrs ago. And SNL does a skit making fun of him having a drug addict history! Despicable.
Are they buying Hunter Biden’s book about his past and present drug use, influence pedaling VP and now President father? Does it mention he’s still on at least two Chinese company boards? And a Ukranian one? Now THAT’S A REAL PROBLEM.
the dems think they are above the law….they say do as i say not as i do. all as bunch of crooked ,power hungry butt holes. Why aren’t the law’ s of the land enforced against these Hitler style rulers!! I you won’t kiss my butt then we will ruin you!!! that’s their way of thinking…..a lot of this is due to all the old fart’s in congress who think they are God above. We are way past time for term limits and or AGE limits. we need a set age limit for all these people to retire. This goes true with all these judges that think they can do no wrong…
All comments here are just and right. The two globalist bastards, Zuckerberg and Dorsey belong behind bars. And not only these two. There are plenty of others who belong behind bars. America has a clear two-tier justice system: one of globalist criminals and another for honest patriots.
Mike lindell does not need twitter for his business. He will do just fine without them. His products sell themselves.
America should find an alternative to Twitter and Face Book and Google. These guys are trying to bring down America that got them to be billionaires. How fast you forget who got you to where you are. President Trump and his rich friends should start an American rivals to Twitter, Facebook and Google. It should say America and our Allies First base on Freedom of Speech and In God we Trust. America should boycott these 3 to show them who got them there and who are the bosses. They can depend on their communist friends that will take over their businesses with no explanation. May God continue to bless America and her citizens. Also, our Allies that believe in Freedom and God. Remember that this life is only but for a MOMENT. This life is to prepare us for life Eternal with our Creator. The actions of these 3 won’t get them there as they are trying to dictate what people should and shouldn’t know so we can make our own decision. That is not allowing us to exercise our freedom to choose. We will all be rewarded according to our works in this life. So be good, be honest in your dealings and be of service to others as they are our brothers and sisters before God. It doesn’t matter where they are and where they are from. Yes, we are all children of God believed or not.
These Tech giants need to be stopped with the RICO act now, Congress to pass this bill now. But they will cover for their response to Biden. Not putting anything not favorable to him or Harris during the bad Election. I feel this will never happen because of the Payoff.
Sounds like a good idea to me!
Watch Lindell’s special “Absolute Proof” on OAN. What I’ve been waiting for but need evidence presented under oath.
I watched “Absolute Truth” with some skepticism initially, but was overwhelmed with how well Lindell presented the ‘facts’ in great detail to support his claims. The ‘experts’ were very believable and had more than sufficient evidence to back up their cases of fraud via the several election voting machine companies, like Dominion, who from the beginning claimed you could not access their machines via the Internet. A TOTAL LIE! You MUST view this video. Lindell gets a little giddy here and there, but after watching all 2 hours of it last night, I can understand his excitement. Bring it on Dominon, by suing Lindell, you will open up the facts for ALL TO SEE…in the light of day and in a courthouse! Go Here to watch: https://michaeljlindell.com
You want proof that Lindell is correct in his claims of fraud?
Check this out: https://michaeljlindell.com
I wish people would refer to Jack Dorsey as a COMMUNIST because that is what he is if he censors Conservatives on his site. I wish people would wake up. What we have here is pure Communism. Socialists do NOT censor your speech or refuse to do business with Conservatives. Socialism is purely economic destruction. Socialists think they know better than the businessmen who run businesses so they put in politicians to run them and they do…. into the ground. I’ve witnessed Communism first hand and lived under Socialism and I can assure everyone what we have here is pure Communism. So please refer to Jack Dorsey, the TV pundits and all the others who refer to Conservatives as evil etc. and constantly censor the speech of Conservatives, as Communists. We have a Communist government in the Biden administration. Use the word ON THEM. IF THEY LIVE IT, BREATHE IT, THEN IT IS COMMUNISM.
In the not too distant past there were laws passed to address the type of bias that conservatives and others are encountering. There was even a lawsuit against a bakery owner who refused to bake a cake for a homosexual couples wedding. The law had something to do with anyone practicing discrimination against just about anyone no matter who or what the business in any form. It would seem Lindell and others might want to explore filing a class action discrimination lawsuit against twitlles and the other offenders. It would appear our elected officials are refusing to address this situation.