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Trump Starting to Catch on to the Lower Court Scam
One of the most infuriating aspects of Donald Trump’s time in the White House is the sheer number of presidential directives that have been blocked or overturned by lower court judges. This is not how our system of checks and balances is supposed to work.
Yet here we are again with a duly elected president attempting to carry out the 2020 census, with the lower courts meddling in the process. This has to end.
President Trump wishes to include a “citizenship” question on the 2020 census. Like the roughly 70% of Americans who support this question, the president believes it is insane for a modernized nation to have no idea how many people are inside our country, within a 10-digit number. Asking census respondents whether they are US citizens is a wildly popular measure for a number of reasons.
For example, the census citizenship question will expose massive vote fraud in deep blue states run by Democrats. If the census reveals that California has 30 million adult citizens, but 35 million people vote in 2020, it exposes the lie of the Democrats’ “popular vote” arguments.
It would also invalidate California’s election results, but so what?
Sunlight is the best disinfectant and the people deserve to know if their votes are being invalidated by illegal aliens and other foreign nationals unlawfully voting in our elections.
Spoiler alert: They are. This is why Democrats are so violently opposed to the citizenship question.
“President Trump is trying to divide us,” whines Nancy Pelosi in response to the citizenship question.
Um, yeah. He’s dividing us Americans from the foreigners who shouldn’t be voting in our elections. The Democrats are upset because that division will expose the massive vote fraud taking place in sanctuary states that give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.
But now a district court judge has ruled that the Trump administration cannot include the citizenship question on the census.
Another judge has ruled that the President of the United States cannot use already-appropriated military funds to protect America from the invasion on our southern border. And this of course follows multiple individual judges ruling that the president can’t restrict refugee admission numbers, can’t impose a temporary travel moratorium against countries filled with ISIS terrorists, can’t do this, and can’t do that.
It goes without saying that we did not elect these treasonous judges. A more important issue is, why do we continue to put up with this as a nation?
Barack Obama unilaterally created the DACA program for illegal aliens out of thin air. Congress didn’t vote for it. Obama simply used his magic pen and phone and usurped every immigration law in the federal code.
When a District court judge in Texas finally announced his opinion that DACA was unconstitutional on its face, Obama did what he always did when the lower courts shot down his plans: He ignored the ruling.
Obama simply directed the INS to continue printing work permits for millions of illegal aliens. (He was a rigorous constitutionalist when it suited his needs.)
As much as I despise the illegitimate, fraudulent Kenyan usurper who stole eight years from America, this is actually the proper Executive branch response to a lower court ruling.
District courts and even federal appeals courts are not in the Constitution. They were a later creation by Congress.
The Constitution only allows for checks and balances among the three branches of the federal government: Congress, the Executive branch and the Supreme Court.
Some unelected doofus in a black robe in Hawaii who donated $50,000 to the “I’m With Her PAC” is not co-equal to an elected President of the United States. The situation we have in the courts today would be like a Holy Roman Emperor contending with 5,000 black-robed mini popes thwarting his every directive.
Fortunately, Trump is catching on to this scam finally and is inching toward figuring out how to win. When a lower court judge ruled that the citizenship census question is “unconstitutional,” Trump directed the Department of Justice to “find a way.”
A much better and more constitutional approach would have been to call the judge a “loser” on Twitter and proceed to continue printing the census forms with the citizenship question intact.
Obama never paused his agenda when some lower court pointed out that what he was doing was patently illegal. He just kept doing what he was doing until the Supreme Court would check him.
Trump needs to adopt that approach, and he doesn’t have a moment to lose. Ignore the lower courts. Their opinions are simply opinions, and only the Supreme Court has the authority to place the administration in check.

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