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No One Has Heard of Clinton Donor Pal Epstein All of a Sudden

Former President Bill Clinton says he barely knows who convicted child sex trafficker and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is.

Clinton says he had only “limited contact” with Epstein and met with him for brief meetings, years ago. And no, federal investigators are not allowed to look at any letters, emails or documents in the possession of the Clinton Library that may or may not mention Bill’s interactions with Epstein.

The surprise re-arrest of Epstein in New York, on a brand-new slough of child sex trafficking and child rape charges, has many of the world’s elites (including the Clintons) suddenly pretending they never heard of the guy.

This is hilarious when you sift through the scarce media reports from 2009 on the sweet plea deal that Epstein bribed his way into.

Epstein’s defense team argued that he couldn’t possibly be guilty of raping and trafficking underage girls… because he was such good friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton!

Epstein’s team argued that he was obviously innocent of the charges, because he had personally given the Clinton Foundation $4 million to launch the Clinton Global Initiative.

Furthermore, Epstein was obviously not flying underage girls to his private orgies with wealthy elites, because Bill and Hillary Clinton separately took flights with him to the island. Plus, so did Kevin Spacey!

I’m no attorney, but if Kevin Spacey is one of your best character witnesses… perhaps it’s time for a serious reexamination of your life choices.

Let’s go ahead and say the unsayable, since so many other outlets are dancing around it: It looks like Jeffrey Epstein was trafficking underage children to wealthy elites, and it sure looks like Bill and Hillary Clinton knew about it.

Before we get to the evidence uncovered in Epstein’s New York mansion, which looks an awful lot like blackmail tapes, we have to talk about Epstein’s finances.

News reports continue to say that Jeffrey Epstein is a “billionaire.” But unlike every other public figure in America, no one actually knows how much money Jeffrey Epstein has, or where the money comes from.

If you run a Google search for any other public figure or celebrity – from Oprah Winfrey to Trey Gowdy – you’ll get an approximate amount. With Jeffrey Epstein, a Google search pulls up a blank on his net worth.

Epstein tells everyone that he runs a foreign exchange (FX) service that only caters to billionaires. But New York Magazine interviewed dozens of the most well-known people in the FX sector.

No one in the foreign exchange business has ever done business with Epstein or heard of anyone who has done business with him.

Epstein’s firm has never publicly released any financial records or disclosed his list of clients. Perhaps Epstein means “foreign exchange” as a euphemism for something else?

Epstein’s attorneys refused to disclose his net worth during his first trial. They knew that if their client was convicted of raping several dozen children, the fortune would be eaten up by civil suits from the victims’ families.

Prosecutors are obviously not willing to allow Epstein and his child sex-trafficking co-conspirators off the hook this time.

The charging documents were quickly released, along with a fairly detailed description of the evidence seized in Epstein’s Manhattan estate. (The only property record attached to Epstein’s Manhattan mansion, by the way, says it was traded to him for $0 by a now-deceased billionaire.)

Police seized hundreds of stomach-churning photographs of his underage victims. The charging documents get really interesting when you read what they found in Epstein’s personal safe. The contents are redacted, but investigators found a large stack of disks labeled in Epstein’s handwriting.

The labels on the discs all say “Young [Victim’s Name] + [Name].” The redacted [Victim’s Name] is obvious – those are the children that Epstein and his network of friends exploited.

The reason a bunch of the world’s elites are suddenly saying they never heard of Jeffrey Epstein is likely because of who the “+ [Name]” redactions belong to.

Those certainly sound like blackmail tapes. That could also explain how Jeffrey Epstein has a fortune of unknown size that appeared out of nowhere. “Foreign exchange,” indeed.

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