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Trump Prepares Crackdown on Sanctuary States’ Driver License Policies

In welcome news to conservatives across the country, the Trump administration is assessing ways to crack down on states that are issuing driver licenses to illegal aliens. There are now 12 states where it is possible for illegal aliens to obtain state-issued driver licenses.

In all of those states, it is increasingly difficult for any Republican to be elected to statewide or national office. Illegal aliens, primarily from Latin America, vote 8 to 10 in favor of Democrats and socialists. Unlike the average Republican in Congress who cowers on the floor at the first mention of the word ‘racist,’ Trump sees this as an existential threat to America in general and to conservatives specifically.

Beginning this month, the Department of Homeland Security is asking for a nationwide review and recommendations from DHS agents on how to address the 12 states issuing driver licenses to illegals.

The review is due very quickly and will likely be used as an election-year push to spook illegals out of unlawfully voting in the November elections. This is especially significant after the 2018 bloodbath in California, where illegal alien voters helped to boot more than a dozen Republicans out of the House of Representatives.

The dangers of issuing driver licenses to illegal aliens extends far beyond our elections, however. As the DHS has noted, New York has now locked ICE out of statewide databases. When ICE arrests a person engaged in child molestation, child trafficking, rape or other horrendous crimes, they have no way of knowing whether that individual is an illegal alien or a New Yorker, thanks to New York’s lack of cooperation. They can’t check the state’s sex offender registry or other databases.

Terrorism and drug smuggling are actually more difficult to combat and prevent with ICE and DHS locked out of state databases. At least 250,000 illegal aliens are expected to obtain driver licenses in New York over the next few years.

That’s a boon for employers in New York that are eager to hire cheaper illegal aliens instead of Americans. The employers won’t have to worry about running afoul of federal employment laws, because there’s no way for the feds to check state records.

California is in even worse shape than New York, thanks to its proximity to Mexico and its willingness to put the interests of illegal aliens ahead of its own dwindling American population.

California not only allows illegal aliens to sign up for driver licenses, but also automatically registers them to vote. This is against federal law, of course, but with feds locked out of state databases, every time that they catch the California DMV doing this the state simply says it was a clerical error.

Due to illegal alien voting, the California legislature is a total joke. Democrats hold a 29 to 11 majority over Republicans in the Senate, and an embarrassing 61 to 18 majority in the Assembly. California might as well be considered Northern Mexico at this point. It’s difficult to downplay the demographic transformation that has happened in that state in the years since it began issuing driver licenses to illegals and letting them vote.

You’ve probably heard of the brown supremacist group ‘La Raza,’ Mexico’s version of the Ku Klux Klan. Conservatives in other states still complain about La Raza, because it is a destructive and dangerous ideological group.

It hates white Americans and plans to reconquer the American southwest, which Mexico lost to the US in wars that happened almost two centuries ago.

But you don’t dare criticize La Raza if you’re in California. You might be prosecuted for hate speech if you do. You would certainly be unemployable if you speak out against the group. La Raza now has its own museum in the Los Angeles area, as well as its own radio station. It’s great if you’re a fan of trump-accordion-snare-drum trios. But it’s pretty disgusting if you’re an American trying to get to work.

Even Republicans in the California state legislature are so far to the left that they’re nearly unrecognizable as GOP members. They couldn’t get elected otherwise.

Democrats know this and it is part of their plan for hegemonic control over America. But Trump sees this threat – and he’s now directed DHS to do something about it. We’re not sure what steps DHS will recommend against states that issuing driver licenses to illegal aliens. But as soon as we know, we’ll let you know.

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