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There Sure Is a Lot of Stuff Happening with ‘The Thing’ That Didn’t Happen
We received a very appropriate metaphor this week for The Narrative about “You know, the thing” that happened in November. Joe Biden tripped and fell three times while trying to climb the steps in front of Air Force One. “Sure is windy out there!” declared the White House. “Don’t believe your lying eyes! Joe is as fit as a fiddle!”
We’ve been told not to believe our lying eyes for four months now, with disbelief being grounds for deplatforming people off social media. Well, I’m sorry folks: I believe my own lying eyes. I don’t believe the official narrative anymore than I believe it was “the wind” that knocked Dementia Joe down.
For example, a judge has just ordered a permanent consent decree in Virginia. I emailed my editor fairly early on the evening of November 3 with the first upset of that night. I was crunching the numbers furiously on my calculator and I’ve been covering these sorts of contests for decades, so I like to think I know what I’m talking about.
I told my editor that Virginia had flipped to Donald Trump that night. The math just didn’t work. Trump’s lead by about 8:30 EST that night was insurmountable. The votes simply didn’t exist in Virginia for Biden to catch up – not under any circumstance – let alone for him to enjoy some sort of blowout victory in the Old Dominion State.
You already know how that one turned out, even if Virginia didn’t end up being one of the six contested states in the election. Multiple 300,000 to zero ballot dumps occurred overnight, and it was an impossible Biden blowout.
Not so fast!
A Virginia judge has now authorized a PERMANENT consent decree on the rules in Virginia. From now on, if an absentee ballot shows up in the State of Virginia AFTER election day and that ballot does not have a postmark, the ballot gets tossed out. From the judge:
“If the return envelope has a missing postmark, the ballot shall be rendered invalid.”
In Georgia, a judge has ordered that the ballots in Fulton County can be unsealed for a thorough forensic audit. You no doubt remember Fulton County as the location where the magic suitcases were pulled out from under a table after all the Republican election observers were told to go home for the rest of the night. Election workers then proceeded to run the suitcase ballots through a machine multiple times – and it was all caught on video.
On the one hand, I’m hopeful that an audit of those ballots will uncover something. On the other, we’ve heard so many reports of election officials and the FBI shredding ballots in Georgia that I won’t be too surprised if nothing happens there.
In Arizona, yet another contested swing state, a forensic audit of Maricopa County ballots has been authorized. I’m allowing myself to be just a bit more optimistic about that one.
In Michigan, a judge has just declared that Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson broke the state’s election laws by making up new rules out of thin air all by herself, just days before the election. Benson decided, with no input from her state’s legislature, that she would apply a sort of “innocent until proven guilty” approach to absentee ballots. She ordered all the state’s local election clerks to “presume” that all absentee ballot signatures were authentic unless they noticed multiple and significant errors on them.
This, of course, is part of the reason why the error rejection rate on ballots in many Democrat states to fall from 1.5% to a ridiculous 0.15% in the 2020 contest. The judge in Michigan ruled that Benson violated basically all the normal processes for implementing a major rule change like this: No public comment period, no timely announcement, no input from the legislature. Benson simply acted as a dictator and changed the rules to benefit her side. Election clerks are hereby ordered to ignore that rule change – which is now null and void – in all future Michigan elections.
In Wisconsin, the state’s Supreme Court has ruled that it was illegal for the Secretary of State and local election officials who suddenly allowed anyone to declare themselves “indefinitely confined” due to COVID so they could cast an absentee ballot. The problem with that rule change, of course, is that “indefinitely confined” people were suddenly able to obtain an absentee ballot without showing a valid ID – which is what Wisconsin law says. So… no more self-declarations of “indefinite confinement” will be allowed in Wisconsin from now on.
It’s been four months since the election, but we suddenly have an awful lot of court cases that are falling in the direction of Donald John Trump. Sure is windy out there!

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NEVADA, PA..and more shoes to drop. I knew VA was fishy when I went to bed and Trump was winning by 100,000 votes and the media called Virginia for Biden. The fix was in. And it happened all over the nation. Talk about collusion. Massive deception and corruption on election night.
These fraudulent activity is what 3rd world countries do , and helped with . It’s been my concern that the democratic party was involved in the China virus , it’s everything that they’ve talk about . Destroying Trump’s economy , eliminate the elderly because they tend to vote for Republicans , just for votes ! Genocide or even chemical warfare , China must be accountable for their actions globally . democrates have done nothing for America , there rejects allot them , demonize by there hatered .
Trump got over 90 million votes. biden got less than 50. We far outnumber the demon cheaters. Time to get rid of them before it is to late.
We need to talk about the voting machines too. The way they were hacked and switched votes from President Trump to Biden. A lot of the machines were hacked from China! Just watch Mike Lindell’s movie for the Facts! We need to keep our money here and help the American people First instead of shipping it overseas!!
If enough of these elections are proven fraudulent, the entire election at least in the contested states should be declared illegal. Certification should not matter if the results were fraud. And people should go to jail.
Trump got over 90 million votes. biden got less than 50. We far outnumber the demon cheaters. Time to get rid of them before it is to late
WE need to get rid these rigged result, Biden is not & will never be the President of the USA, NEVER
You all are right about all of this crap so judges go now that china joe has had his fun, get rid of him now.
What does it matter, we’ve known this for 3 or more months. They continue to prove fraud was committed, we are told that they have names, yet no judge or other person who can, do not order audits in any state or calls the election invalid. The only reason an audit is being done in Arizona is because the people demanded it and the real republicans in their legislature listen. Same in New Hampshire. Where are the republicans in Georgia and Michigan— hiding. And the Biden/Harris administration, Pelosi, Schumer and the democrats continue to destroy our great country.. This can still be stopped if someone with guts, in the military or judiciary, will step forward with proof and replace Biden/Harris with the true winners..
Hallelujah for President TRUMP
❤💥👍CHRISTrumpMcEnany and all his US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022/2024 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen👍💥❤
WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!
Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?
Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!
Members of the House
Members of the Senate
So, if all these states now go for Trump what will happen to the illegitimate old geezer who occupies the Oval Office/ Will hue and Harris be ordered to surrender the Oval Office to the rightful President/