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Public Schools Declare Themselves Unnecessary: We Should Listen
In a baffling turn of events, the GOP is suddenly arguing that public schools should reopen in the fall. The teacher’s unions are arguing that schools should remain closed until their social justice demands (which have nothing to do with coronavirus) are met. I sense a happy compromise! Since the teacher’s unions are arguing that the public-school system is unnecessary, we should give them what they want. Plus, keep reading for an additional idea on how to break the communist stranglehold over the American education system once and for all.
President Trump is absolutely correct when he says the public schools (elementary, high school and college) are indoctrinating our kids with propaganda to hate their own country. We all know this is true. The strange thing is that after stating this obvious fact, many Republican officeholders are now demanding that schools reopen in the fall. What?!
Here’s an illustration of just how anti-American – and simultaneously worthless – America’s public-school system is. The state of North Carolina is trying to reopen all schools in the fall. The teacher’s union in Durham, NC – the Durham Education Association – has voted unanimously to not reopen until after North Carolina meets its “coronavirus protection” demands.
Here are the teacher’s coronavirus protection demands:
A rent and mortgage moratorium. Never mind the fact that a rent and mortgage moratorium would destroy private property rights and wreck the financial system. Whatever! This is about protecting the kids from a dangerous pandemic!
Universal health care. Our schools will not be safe from coronavirus until all health care treatments are “free” for all people. Including and especially the illegal aliens who are overcrowding North Carolina’s schools.
Welfare for illegal aliens. Because all the science says that illegal aliens would no longer spread coronavirus if they’re receiving welfare checks. Duh!
And a complete and total shutdown of North Carolina’s economy. Once the rest of North Carolina is forced into a semi-permanent shelter-in-place order, then and only then will it be safe to reopen the schools. Or something.
Schools in Durham won’t reopen until those demands are met, even though the state government wants to reopen schools in the fall as normal. You may have noticed that none of those demands have anything at all to do with stopping the spread of coronavirus, which has proven to be almost entirely non-dangerous to school-aged children.
Here’s how Republican lawmakers can win this fight and wreck the communist public-school system in one blow. What? You didn’t know that “public education” is a communist construct? “Free public education for all children” is not a concept that ever appears in the Constitution. That’s from The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Naturally, the riots in the street that we’re seeing right now in this Soros-sponsored Color Revolution are the fruits of that system. Here’s how to wreck it.
Republicans at state, local and federal level should be fighting to attach per-pupil funding to pupils and not to schools. Right now the annual per-pupil funding for education in America averages around $13,000 per student. It’s much higher in places like Washington, DC.
Attach that funding to pupils and then give parents vouchers to spend the money on their choice when it comes to educating their children. That $13,000 can be spent on homeschooling resources, private schools, charter schools, you name it. The parents decide where their child’s education dollars are spent.
Young people aren’t spontaneously coming to the conclusion that America is filled with systemic racism, or that capitalism is a failure and we should suddenly try communism. They’re being taught these things from the first day of kindergarten until the day when they graduate with $250,000 in student-loan debt for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pansexual Critique of Hungarian Basket-Weaving Resonance.
None of the Founding Fathers in America ever attended a “public school.” They were taught by their parents, at home, or by attending private schools or through apprenticeships. Did any of them seem to be dummies? “Public schooling” is a relatively new human invention that was implemented – often against the will of the people in many states – after Karl Marx wrote his little hate tract about smashing the system.
Republicans need to smash Karl Marx’s system, by wresting control away from the teacher’s unions that obviously have no interest in educating pupils. School vouchers are the way to freedom and the way to overcome this revolutionary fever that has gripped America’s youths.

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