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Nearly HALF of Pandemic Employment Money Stolen, International Crime Syndicates Create “National Security Issue”
$400 billion in pandemic unemployment claims were allegedly stolen over the past year, mostly from international locations like Nigeria, Russia and China.
“Criminals may have stolen as much as half of the unemployment benefits the U.S. has been pumping out over the past year,” Axios reported Friday.
“Unemployment fraud during the pandemic could easily reach $400 billion, according to some estimates, and the bulk of the money likely ended in the hands of foreign crime syndicates — making this not just theft, but a matter of national security.”
CEO of LexisNexis Risk Solutions Haywood Talcove told Axios, “[Talcove] estimates that at least 70% of the money stolen by impostors ultimately left the country, much of it ending up in the hands of criminal syndicates in China, Nigeria, Russia and elsewhere.”
“Much of the rest of the money was stolen by street gangs domestically, who have made up a greater share of the fraudsters in recent months,” the report added.
A report reveals the nation’s pandemic response largely failed to help Americans through pandemic lockdowns. In addition to unemployment fraud, many states closed schools and business for a year or more, crushing the economy and the livelihood of millions of citizens.
The Axios report is right. The international connections with unemployment fraud are clearly a national security issue. However, we’re not only talking about national security. We’re also in a fight for the security of individual American households.
The nation’s worker shortage has hurt American businesses through elevating unemployment income to compete with the wages paid by many retail and restaurant businesses. In addition, supply chain shortages have decreased the availability of goods, increasing inflation and extending the timeline of construction and other work.
Added to the Biden administration’s record-setting spending to buy the nation’s way out of the pandemic, and the nation has struck a perfect storm of inflation, shortages, and employment problems in just the first four months of Biden in office.
Don’t forget Biden’s open border as well. With 180,000 illegal immigrants entering the nation in May, the job market will take another hit, along with many new people looking for supplies such as food and housing, while some Americans find increased safety issues as large numbers of new immigrants enter their communities.
Biden is the nation’s commander-in-chief, but he neither commanding nor serving as a chief among the myriad of problems currently inflicting the nation. Instead, he will “get in trouble” if he takes an impromptu question from a reporter and has difficulty remembering the difference between Syria and Libya during a conversation.
When the nation needs leadership the most, it is experiencing Invisible Biden and Avoidance Harris. America can only become great again when it has leadership willing to address the issues and stand for its people.
Thankfully, the 2022 midterm elections offer some hope. Conservatives are beginning to rally around new GOP leaders who are ready to do battle with the left’s radical agenda. If enough Americans show up to shift the power in Congress, maybe we won’t need to wait until 2024 to get something done.

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Whenever DemoRats in White House = Missing Money, Bad Policy Decisions, & Wasteful Spending !
Wake up America.
Of course money will be stolen. This country is being run by morons. Covid is not the killer that they made it out to be. Less than 0.01% chance of dying from covid alone. Yet last year cancer, heart disease and all other diseases were cured. Everyone died from covid.
Stop destroying America and the economy. Stop wearing masks. They don’t help that much and you weaken your immune system when not exposed to normal bacteria and viruses in the air. The shots ARE NOT vaccines. Vaccines help prevent infection, not give it or weaken immune response.
This is so unnecessary and counterproductive. Grow a brain America. Fauci is not the “expert ” they make him out to be. Experts don’t change their minds every other day. They stick with the truth.
This does not surprise me in the least bit.
Fauci wouldn’t know the truth , if it bit him on his lily white ass !
and they have the nerve to go after Pres DT for his financial stuff, when he said it is the “rats”, that are digging up anything to “nail him to the Cross”, my words not his.
I’m sure many politicians(like biden,harris,piglosi,upchuck and maybe the obamas) and federal employees(high ranking) are getting their fair share in kick-backs. This whole illegitimate administration is a THREAT TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY and needs to be ousted NOW !!!! Every American voter who voted commiecrat needs to eat sh!! !!!!!
You really mean stolen by friends of Democrats.
This Country is not run by morons. This Country is run by nothing but CROOKS! Round up all of these damn demons. And stop playing nicey, nicey with them. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! It’s great that this stuff gets reported but “what’s being done about it?!”
No wonder a lot of people have said they never got a stimulus check! Crooks stole the people’s money and the Government sits by and does nothing! Our Government obviously cannot protect the people or our money. Incompetence runs rampant in Washington. Hopefully 2022 will bring some corrections.
The Speaker of the House is should be held responsible for any all crimes committed in relation to fiscal bills with the proper provision(s) to return excess moneys or those not needed, to be returned to the government. Both the checkbooks of the Speaker and the President need to be better controlled. What is the Bureau of Management doing to insure that the necessary provision are included in the bills? It sounds like a lot of people working for us, was not paying the necessary attention, until it was to late, and still did nothing. It seems that all this President wants to do is spend, spend and then spend more, not caring who will be paying the bills for many years to come. Right now he’s paying a lot more for a lot of personnel working in the White House. Doesn’t he have a budget for his staff? Or, who is permitting him to pay more staff than is necessary more and more money. No wonder the government is broke when soo many of his staff is receiving $180,000 in pay, plus benefits, and between the President and the First Lady, the staff is very large. I think the American Tax payers should be provided the makeup of their all of their staff, by position, and how much cash they are receiving and then the worth of their benefits. Also, a list of all the family ties and the people hired to responsible positions, that hasn’t the training or background to do the job. In other words, recent graduates in various agencies making a lot of money doing what exactly that they are and to whom they are responsible to, their bosses. The President promised that none of his family, or families that work for his Administration, would have their family hired either. All lies!! Corruption at it’s finest.
I’ll bet the big guy gets his cut. Maybe the Biden Crime Family is the international Syndicate they are talking about.
Anyone asked Biden if he is taking a salary? He’s probably got his wife on the payroll as well. He has employed all his cronies and filling their pockets. Trump donated ALL of his salary to charities. His children did not take salaries, neither did his wife.