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Matt Gaetz Was Right: Extortionist Pleads Guilty in Federal Court
A lot of people owe Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) an apology today. For the past eight months, Rep. Gaetz has been viciously smeared in a story that was completely fabricated by the FBI and the New York Times. Everything that the mainstream media – including Fox News – said about Gaetz was a lie, and everything that Gaetz said about the alleged “federal investigation” of him was true. Gaetz was not under investigation for “child sex trafficking;” his family was being extorted for money. And on Monday, the head of the extortion scheme pleaded guilty in federal court.
When will Matt Gaetz be getting an apology for this?
A lot of people on the right threw Matt Gaetz under the bus when this obviously false story was planted in the New York Times back in March. Gaetz was accused by the media (not by the FBI) of transporting a child across state lines and passing her around for sex. Child sex trafficking – the worst possible crime that a grown man can be accused of. I was furious at the time that so many on the right distanced themselves from Matt Gaetz because this story was so obviously false.
What were people thinking? We don’t have the same “media” in this country as we had 20 years ago. The media today is not prone to liberal bias, while making occasional fact errors and boo-boos in their reporting. The media we have today makes s**t up out of thin air, often with the help of the Trump-hating intelligence agencies.
Do you think I’m exaggerating?
Russian collusion! The media was all-in for nearly four years on a completely fabricated-out-of-thin-air story that Putin stole the election from Hillary. There were never any Russians. There was never any collusion. There was no tape of incontinent hookers in a Moscow hotel room. It was FAKE NEWS from top to bottom.
Brian Sicknick! Remember that time when Trump insurrectionists beat Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick to death with a fire extinguisher on the worst day in history, January 6? Oh, except that blood libel was a total lie and Sicknick died of a stroke.
Kyle Rittenhouse! The white supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse murdered three black people during a peaceful protest in Kenosha, WI. Lie after lie after lie.
Hunter’s laptop! The laptop was totally Russian misinformation, right?
Oh, I can keep going! In 2016, the media reported that Russia had hacked the US electrical grid and shut off the power in Vermont during the winter. Total lie. Starting in 2017, the media reported that Russia was attacking US diplomats in Cuba and other places with a secret microwave weapon. The “Havana syndrome” fake news story persists to this day, even though Tucker Carlson handily debunked it in September of this year.
Remember that time when Donald Trump created a secret internet server to communicate with a bank in Russia? Fake news. Or the time when Don Jr. was offered advance access to the Wikileaks files? Except it turned out that the files had been released two days prior to that.
The media completely fabricates stories out of thin air to advance the Democrat Party’s power and to hurt people on the right. But all of a sudden, when a story about Matt Gaetz being a child sex trafficker shows up in the New York Times, that must be true? What were people on the right thinking when they tossed Gaetz under the bus? “Oh, well, the New York Times must have it right on this story!”
An attorney was trying to extort $25 million from Matt Gaetz’s family. Gaetz and his father had text messages and emails proving this, and Gaetz’s father recorded the extortionists on a wiretap. When an unnamed FBI agent who was friends with the extortionists found out that the extortionist group was about to be busted – by a different group of FBI agents – that first agent leaked the fake child sex trafficking story to the New York Times, which the paper immediately reported to smear Matt Gaetz.
It was all a lie from the very beginning. The leader of the extortion group, Florida attorney Stephen Alford, changed his plea to guilty in federal court on Monday. He now admits that it was an extortion scheme against Matt Gaetz’s family. Alford faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. And everyone who believed this story for one second now owes Matt Gaetz an apology.

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Why are you wasting your time depending on your monthly salary when you can work staying at home just with your PC and mobile phone you can earn up to $4000 within 3 days
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When will the media get “punished” for their blatant LIES that they print as fact? There has to be some form of punishment that can be wielded against them for their fabrications that they KNOW are LIES when they go to press!
Maybe they should be sued for millions by Gaetz for malicious false reporting and defamation? Do that enough time and they go bankrupt!
And what’s going to happen to that first fbi agent — oh wait — I know — the same thing that’s going to happen to the fbi undercover agents who started the Jan 6 fiasco — nothing.
The problem isn’t that this stuff gets put out there, the problem is people believe it even after it’s proven to be false. The other problem it’s the left putting out this garbage and getting away with it. Democrat politicians spew this garbage constantly because they know the media won’t actually investigate before or after finding out the real story. And again NOBODY is held accountable and put behind bars or sued for every last dime they have.
I am an 87 year old retired Air Force officer, and I live in Germany with my wife of 66 years. We are both citizens of the USA, but are sometimes ashamed of our country. In general, the Democrats are destroying our Nation in hopes of establishing a communist government. Millions of men and women, along with myself, sacrificed our lives in combat to keep the USA a free, safe, prosperous, and honest land. The Democrats are now trying their damnedest to convert the ideals we fought for, and many died for. Many of our German friends wonder and ask us why the Democrats want to follow the paths of people like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, etc. The only answer we can give them is that the Democrat Party has been heavily infiltrated by communist advocates since the 1930s. Those communist advocates infiltrated our educational system from kindergarten through college, our businesses, the banking communities, the science and research activities, etc. The majority of our citizens, myself and wife included, did nothing to thwart the communist infiltration. All of our citizens were too busy trying to enhance their wealth and social standing. We allowed Democrat politicians to be elected where they can control what we do, say, and even think. I have visited and lived, for short periods of time, in communist countries such as China, East Germany, and the Ukraine (when a part of the Soviet Union). I have seen and heard the citizens of those countries of the atrocities that they were forced to live under. All of the citizens of those countries with whom I talked revealed the atrocities, even though they knew their lives were in danger by discussing such subjects with me. My wife and I would be so grateful if the Republican politicians can replace the Democrats so that the long- lived democracy of the United States will once again prevail. Save our Nation – vote Republican in 2022!
Matt, Sue everybody concerned for their lies about you!
would you espect any kind of apoligy from the corupt F B I ,HELL NO its time for the corupt fbi and doj to get thrown in prison forever ! all they do a support they comunist democrapic party , and criminal rich people !
To the SCOTUS – New York TImes v. Sullivan needs to be overruled. THe media must be responsible for what it says.
So, as we all knew, the story about Rep. Gaetz is totally false and now, the Florida attorney, Stephen Alford, who instigated the whole extortion scheme has plead guilty in court. Justice will perhaps be done regarding Alford; but what about the “unnamed” FBI agent who was friends with the extortionist–the man who actually leaked the phony”child sex trafficking” story to the NYT? Will this man be brought to justice or will he get away with the crime he committed? Or will the FBI’s reputation continue to sink further and further into the gradeaux at the bottom of the Louisiana bayou? And what about the NYT? If I were Gaetz, I’d sue them for libel.
FBI? it is a dirty word!
I never believed that Gaetz ever did what they accused him of.
If you still think we can save the country with votes, you are delusional. It’s either rifles, or lose it.
Of course we knew the accusations against Gaetz were false! They were in the same sick, outrageous, unbelievable category as the lies about Pres. Trump and the women in the Russian hotel room! That anyone could, for even a second, believe any of these lies makes them into what they are: the fascist, totalitarian, once-Democrat Party. I believe that so many Americans have now seen the light, that the days of the “Democrat” Party will be over from Nov. 2022 for a very, very long time – hopefully forever!
People on the right (members of the republican party for example) seem very quick to throw their own under the bus if they think it will affect them. You know — like they did to PRESIDENT TRUMP when he needed people the most. I hate to name names but initials like mcconnell,cheney,collins,murkowski,the scum sucking kinsinger are the obvious ones but there were many more. I do wish we could have a party of ALL true CONSERVATIVES because repubs are too willing to ride the fence or jump ship at the first sign of trouble. I hate to vote for any hypocrite repub but I have to because I will NEVER in my lifetime vote for a bottom-feeding,sewer-dwelling corrupt,lying democrap. It didn’t take a genius to realize this was a scam against Gaetz from the onset.
The corrupt FBI agent won’t even be fired let alone prosecuted.
What are the odds he gets community service and 6 months probation? Ever notice when a Conservative does nothing against the law that the full (excessive) force and resources are expended to “make a statement” but when a Liberal does something so blatantly against the law it suddenly becomes time to “show some compassion”? You’ll be pleased to know the ANTIFA member who was arrested not once, not twice, but three times at 3 different riots FINALLY had his day in Federal Court (Portland). After being found guilty of assaulting law enforcement officers etc. he served 30 hours of community service and the charges were all dropped. Now THAT’s Justice!