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It’s Going to Be Awesome When the GOP Permanently Erases Trump’s Impeachment
Some of the great mysteries of the universe for people on the left include the US Constitution, history, a basic understanding of the rule of law, and counting to high numbers (Ahoy, Iowa Democrats!). Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) had another viral outburst in a committee hearing just last week, in which she noted with a completely straight face, that it is physically impossible for a person to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Likewise, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been running around lecturing everyone that the Democrats’ illegitimate impeachment of President Trump is “permanent.”
So, here we go again having to lecture Democrats about how stuff works here in a place we like to call Reality Land.
Nothing that a legislative body does in a fair country is “permanent.” This is even woven into our Constitution (seriously, read it sometime, Democrats!). It’s known as “checks and balances.” That’s a phrase that not only means that we have equal branches of government, but also that when one branch does something dumb, other branches can correct it. Likewise, if a legislative body does something dumb, a future version of that same legislative body can correct this. It happens all the time. Behold the future, Party of Science dimwits!
Slavery, for example, was a dumb idea that Democrats wanted to continue forever, and which they’d like us all to return to again one day soon, if someone like Bernie Sanders or Congresswoman Bootstraps ever become president. Dumb Democrat idea, but Republicans fixed it.
When Democrats sent all of America’s fighting men off to World War I, the Progressive movement immediately set about passing Prohibition while they were gone, which was another dumb idea. This stupid mistake had the unintended consequence of making the Mafia rich, and we’ve had organized crime and all other forms of “major” crime in America ever since. It took twelve years, but we finally ended the dumb liberal idea of Prohibition. It was as “permanent” as slavery.
Here’s another stupid idea: Obamacare. It’s taken a decade so far, but many of the most onerous parts of this really dumb idea have been dismantled by the Trump administration and the courts. So much for Obama’s “legacy,” which wasn’t all that permanent.
And as for President Trump’s “permanent” impeachment, well, that was just another dumb idea from Democrats that a future Congress will undo. In fact, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is already planning to act on this as soon as he wins the Speaker’s gavel back in November. Ha!
There’s even historical precedent for this. Former Democrat Pennsylvania Congressman Chaka Fattah (no relation to Chaka Khan) proposed legislation in the House to have Bill Clinton’s impeachment expunged from the record. His bill never accomplished anything because Republicans were always in charge in the House whenever he tried to achieve this. Fattah hasn’t reintroduced the bill more recently, because he’s in jail until 2029 for those public corruption charges (whoops).
But Fattah drafted his legislation based on another historical precedent: Andrew Jackson’s censure by Congress. Jackson was censured by the House in 1834. Congress had considered impeaching him, but back in those days, politicians viewed impeachment as the ultimate weapon against an actual criminal president, and not something to be undertaken on a childish whim. So, they settled on an official censure. But then a new Congress voted to expunge the censure from his record in 1837. Was he censured by Congress? Sure. But it wasn’t “permanent” because a later House expunged it.
That’s the exact plan that Kevin McCarthy wants to follow to expunge Trump’s phony and illegitimate impeachment as soon as Republicans have control of the House again. I might actually have to tune in to watch CNN when that happens. Imagine how Jake Tapper and Fredo will react when the House expunges this bogus impeachment!
Pelosi can run around claiming Trump’s impeachment is “permanent” until her dentures fly out, but that doesn’t make it true. The House never accused Trump of committing an actual crime that exists in legal statutes. They made up the crimes out of thin air and then impeached him for those “crimes.” It was illegitimate from start to finish. Now all we have to do is put Republicans back in control of the House in November, to finally put the Democrats’ sad and failed impeachment to rest permanently.

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