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Bernie Sanders vs Trump: This Could be George McGovern on Steroids
Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary by edging out a fellow ex-mayor by a nose. Bernie finished only slightly ahead of Pete Buttigieg.
Another New Englander, (albeit a transplanted faux Native American) Elizabeth Warren, did miserably. With only 9 percent of the vote, she earned zero delegates.
Joe Biden embarrassed himself and his backers with a fifth place finish, he got only 8.4 percent of the vote. After calling a young woman questioner a “lying, dog-face, pony soldier,” Joe got on his own horse and fled the scene for what he hopes are the more friendly confines of South Carolina.
Biden is also hoping to rise from the ashes with wins in South Carolina, Nevada and Arizona, and resuscitate a campaign that so far has not matched his national polls. It’s early days yet, but Joe needs to up his game or his donors could switch to a plan B-for-Bloomberg, who is hoping to buy the election in lieu of undergoing the rigors of actually campaigning.
If the DNC tries to put in the fix again in hopes that they can offer a candidate who actually has a chance with voters who hate President Trump, Bernie’s crowd of zealots and street thugs are liable to go crazier than their zany folk-hero. By crazy, we could experience the far-left hatred and violence Sanders organizers have already threatened.
One especially cracked Bernie cultist, Kyle Jurek, was caught on video saying “there is a reason why Stalin had gulags.” This wacko said that Sanders was in favor of free education so that Trump supporters could learn how “not to be a … Nazi.”
Jurek, who may be the only one in America that thinks MSNBC pundit Rachel Maddow isn’t far enough out on the left, went on to fantasize how he’d love to walk into the MSNBC studios and drag those (expletive beginning with “Mother”) out by their hair and “light them on fire in the streets.”
Democrats have a problem. Bernie Sanders is about to blow their cover. Yes, Democrats want a government takeover of education, healthcare, abortion-on-demand—you name it. But they’re looking to do all that gradually. That’s why they call themselves “progressives.” It’s a gradual creep towards socialism, which is ironically a gradual creep toward communism. Progressives know trying for a quick sell of socialism to Americans enjoying prosperity is a revealing observation that Hubert Humphrey once made about liberals: They have more solutions than there are problems.
How can Bernie claim that the middle class is “struggling,” when under President Trump jobs, wages, and employment are skyrocketing? How can he claim that our country is racist to the core and full of rancid homophobia when all we have to do is look around to see the opposite. America is now more diverse than ever and hate crime rates are almost zero.
Previous Democrat “solutions” included the first African-American President, Barack Obama. His big selling point was that our best days were behind us. We have to adjust and join the rest of the world with low expectations.
Race relations, if anything, worsened under Barack’s incompetent leadership. In fact, the new definition of a “racist” was anyone who disagreed with Obama’s heavy-handed attempted takeover of our healthcare system.
And there was that completely forgettable liberal Democrat George McGovern, who way back in 1972 tried to follow Hubert Humphrey’s pretty good previous performance as a Democrat candidate against a popular Republican, Richard Nixon. The Democrats must have known that McGovern’s liberalism was off the mainstream track, but they needed a sacrificial lamb.
Poor George. He won one state (his own) and just 17 electoral votes in the worst performance ever in a presidential race. If Bernie wins the Democrat nomination, they could have another McGovern—this time on steroids—on their hands.

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