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Is Biden Really Up by a Gajillion Points? He Doesn’t Seem to Think So
The mainstream media is running its usual con-game on the American people right before a presidential election. The Democrat is up by a zillion points! It’s curtains for Big Orange! Why, Joe Biden has such a sizeable lead that all of you icky Trump supporters should just stay home on Election Day.
Don’t let these liars and losers discourage you. Trump is winning bigly. Here is even more proof that one of America’s greatest presidents will be spending the next four years in the White House.
Who’s That Knockin’ at Your Door?
The 2020 Census wrapped up on September 30. So, if you hear a knock at the door today, it won’t be a census employee. Know who else it won’t be? A Joe Biden for President campaign volunteer.
The geniuses running the Biden campaign decided they’re not going to knock on doors ahead of the election, in order to “slow the spread” of the Chinese bat soup flu. This is not only unprecedented in modern presidential campaigns, but also obviously as dumb as a sack of hammers that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Mazie Hirono are fighting over. Voter outreach helps to decide elections, especially in swing states.
Compare these August to mid-October stats and ask yourself which campaign is moving the needle more in its direction:
Trump for President:100,000,000 door knocks
Biden for President:0.0 door knocks
Those aren’t typos. The Trump campaign has knocked on 100 MILLION DOORS as of the end of October.
Napping: Now There’s a Campaign Strategy!
The elderly, frail Joe Biden gets so exhausted by his low-energy campaign stops that he has to stop and rest after every single one of them. Biden took 43% of the month of September off to recuperate in his basement. Out of 30 days in September, Biden took 13 days off. Even after the last debate, Biden took days off to recover at home, despite it being the last week of his campaign. Ready to lead?
Trump’s Ground Game is Hyuuuge – Biden Doesn’t Even Have One
Republican campaign offices are jazzed. The energy is off the charts. Here’s the tale of voter registration numbers in several swing states.
In Florida, Democrats outnumbered Republicans by 330,000 in 2016. Today, that gap has been lowered to 186,000. Considering that Florida has the most MAGA governor in the country (Ron DeSantis), it’s safe to say that the GOP has things under control in that state. There’s not going to be a Bush-Gore 2000 debacle repeat there.
In Pennsylvania, 200,000 more new Republicans have registered this year than new Democrats. Republican new voter registration in North Carolina is +3.5% this year. For Democrats, the number is -6%.
And again: That’s new voter registrations. That doesn’t even take into account the numbers of registered voters switching parties. Among voters switching parties, Democrats switching to Republican are outpacing Republicans switching to Democrat 4 to 1 in many states, especially after the Democrats’ fun-time summer of mostly peaceful bricks through windows and arson fires.
Biden Has Always Been a Loser
Joe Biden lost badly when he ran for president in 1988. He lost badly again in 2008. Up until North Carolina in 2020, Joe Biden had never even won a primary in any national race. Remember all of those dedicated campaign professionals who helped Barack Obama win the White House in 2008 and 2012, when Biden tagged along by hanging onto Obama’s coattails?
Yeah, those campaign professionals were, um… busy… this year.
None of the old pros joined the Biden for President campaign this year. They all moved on to high-paid consulting gigs or corporate boards.
And let’s face it. None of the members of “Team Obama” ever liked Joe Biden or considered him anything more than an insignificant placeholder for the VP slot. No one likes Joe Biden. He couldn’t inspire anyone to follow him when he was in the prime of his life because he always had that “slimy politician” vibe; now that he’s a fragile, decrepit old man with Alzheimer’s, he’s even less inspiring.
Quick question: What’s the Biden campaign slogan?
All of the media coverage of the election is voodoo. It’s a big mind manipulation game designed to depress you until you feel so discouraged that when Election Day rolls around, you’ll think, “My vote doesn’t matter. I may as well stay home.”
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris held a campaign event this week that drew eight (8) sad little supporters. Poor little fellas, just standing there in their designated social distancing shame circles on the sidewalk. We’re supposed to believe that these jokers are up by 5, 7 or 10 points in the polls?
Remember that even the most ardent voodoo witch doctors from Kamala Harris’s ancestral country of Jamaica will tell you that voodoo only works if the intended victim believes in it. Don’t play along. Don’t get bummed out. Look at the massive, impromptu Trump rallies, boat parades, car parades and even Amish buggy parades happening all across the country. What are your own eyes telling you?

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Mary [email protected]
Maryland opened early voting sites and my husband and I chose to vote in person at one of the early sites on the 27th of October. It was well run and we were able to vote without much of a wait. We voted in person as we felt that it was a good way of having the most effective way of voting where identification was required along with a mask.
We appreciate the privilege of voting with checks as a registered voter.
Sincerely Mary
The more the MSM propaganda machine tries to stop the release of information coming from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the more America has looked it up on FREE PLATFORMS! Go to gab.com for that information. More vids and docs released EVERY HOUR!
CHINA JOE IS HISTORY UNTIL HIS TRIAL FOR HIGH TREASON! Then he’s a corpse! And good riddance! TRUMP2020!
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This country needs President Trump! He has done everything in his power to really make America great again! Lets pray he takes down Joe Biden and all his corrupt supporters, if you voted for Biden you should be ashamed of yourself!!
If Biden wins, this country will go to hell. Biden can not think for himself. Pelosi and Harris are the ones that tell him what to say and run everything behind the scenes. Harris is a communist and will do much harm to our country. I love the USA and all the people that protect us. The troops, police. I am definitely a TRUMP supporter.
Pelosi, Harris, Biden and Obama are one of the worst things that could happen.