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Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Released Thanks to Biden’s New Orders

At least two known sex offenders have been released in Texas after President Joe Biden’s sanctuary country orders, according to News 4 in San Antonio.

Aristides Jimenez, the former agent in-charge of South Texas Homeland Security Investigations, told the outlet, “They’re basically telling state and locals to just release them into the community. When ICE is not responding it underscores the importance of good information sharing and good public safety between state, local and federal entities.”

A total of 36 inmates have been release despite having an ICE retainer.

The change follows the president’s order in February to the Department of Homeland Security stop deportations unless the person is a known terrorist, gang member or has been recently convicted of an aggravated felony. The order allows for approximately nine out of 10 deportations to be stopped, according to Breitbart News.

The problem underscores the depth of the growing immigration crisis. The issue is not only about the quantity of illegal immigrants entering America. It’s also an issue of the kinds of immigrants sometimes entering and living in the nation.

Yes, it’s already concerning for deportations to stop, resulting in hundreds of thousands of new illegal immigrants in the U.S. during Biden’s first 100 days in office. However, it’s more problematic when known felons are released into the nation rather than held or deported.

What’s next? Does Biden want to create sanctuary cities for Mexican cartels? Maybe he can build a training camp for ISIS along the southern border while he’s at it. It’s not like he’s going to visit the border anytime soon, so he shouldn’t be too worried.

Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t heading to the border anytime in the near future either. Last the media reported, she wants to work with Mexico to plant trees.

Trees! Unfortunately, a forest along the border won’t stop the influx of immigrants. A wall would help, but Biden ended that too.

Harris seems convinced that she needs to visit nearly all 50 states and a few countries in Latin and Central America before taking on the border. So far, she’s covered Illinois, California, Connecticut, and North Carolina.

In fact, it’s difficult to come up with a single thing the Biden administration has accomplished that has helped protect the border. Arizona has sent its own National Guard to clean up Biden’s mess. Texas is trying to sue the Biden administration to make some progress.

How bad will it have to get before the border is closed to illegals? At what point will illegal immigrants be deported, especially those who are under arrest for criminal activities?

Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell if anything will turn the Biden admin around—except losing power in Washington. Conservatives really need to buckle up and prepare for the 2022 midterms. We can’t wait four years to do something.

A win in the House will at least slow down the immigration crisis. Until then, we’ll have to hold on, cry out for help and pray our country holds together long enough to make it to the next election.

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  1. Craig Kaiser says

    What do we need to do to get Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer ANY and ALL D E M OC R A P S out of our government ?? ALL D E M O C R A P S are taking our GREAT United States of America down the shitter straight to hell !! I live in Arizona which is a RIGHT TO CARRY state. I NEVER leave the house without my BLACKHAWK holster and my GLOCK 9MM on my side. This is NOT a THREAT but a PROMISE. If Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer ANY any ALL D E M OC R A P S in our government step on my property they will be shot on site for trespassing !! Ohhh well … SHIT HAPPENS 🙂 Gooo Donald Trump in 2024 … Make America GREAT again !!

  2. Awake now says

    Well, of course Biden and Harris want as many rapists and pedophiles imported to the USA as possible. It provides them both, and their families with fellowship from other soul less creatures, AND it grows their constituency, because ALL DEMOCRATS ARE PEDOPHILES AND BABY MURDERING TERRORISTS . Skin them all alive.

  3. Cliff says

    These cities and towns who have to do this should transport these ILLEGALS to the washington swamp.

  4. Zepher Zipping says

    And pelosi exploited the capital demonstration ! They weren’t out for blood , if they were were , no democrates would have survived . But not one was harmed , nothing but crybabies .

  5. Zepher Zipping says

    Yes yes and all those sanctuary cities .

  6. sheila says

    I do not know; But Do it Now !!!

  7. Marsha Hays says

    Thank you Mr Biden from all of the Americans who knew you and your false administration would stop at nothing to punish all of the President Trump supporters in any way you can. Your hatred for President Trump, his Always Trump Supporters and our Free Country is truly unbelievable.
    Never ceases to amaze me that you are hurting your own families as well.

  8. Cheryl says

    All the aliens in America need to be taken to The White House. That way Biden , Kamala, Pelosi and the Democrats can deal with the issues that they have CREATED! Since Kamala refuses to go to the Border then the border can come to her.

  9. Cam says

    An Iman got on Facebook at one time, and said that he thought all American women wanted to be raped because we don’t dress to suit them. I gave him an answer, “I thought all American women need to start carrying a knife and turn them into John Bobbit”
    If these illegals start raping women and young girls, they deserve the same thing. Since this is all President Biden’s idea he should be first.

  10. James Richards says

    The Names & Pictures of these Criminal Aliens Needs to be Circulated at All Levels of Society, and ANY Armed American Citizen MUST Take Them Out on Sight! Economic Illegals are Bad Enough, but No Way in Hell should Criminals be Allowed to Remain for 1 second Longer than Necessary to Take Them Down!

  11. Carolyn says

    Of course Biden released criminals out. This goes to show he is a sick son of bitch and he better hope his grandchildren are safe from the predators as we hope our own children are safe.
    This man is sick!

  12. Rae says

    It doesn’t surprise me that he wants sex offenders in this country. He needs some friends to hang out with!! He’s a sex offender himself.

  13. Don says

    Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Released Thanks To Biden’s New Orders, since the Government is endangering the lives of our chidden, then we must uphold the law they refuse to do, by removing theses Illegal Alien Sex Offenders and hang them on the County square in public sight. Or send their heads back to Biden and his Communist’s shit in DC as a warring WEDO NOT COMPLY TO HIS ANTI -AMERICAN LAWS UNDER THE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS,


  14. Don says

    they all are after our baby girls, they all need to CUT COMPLETELY OFF NO STUBS

  15. Thomas Sanders says

    It appears the only campaign promises Biden is making good on are 1.) “I won’t do anything”; 2.) “China is our ally”; 3.)”ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WILL BE ALLOWED SANCTUARY” He must be tried for treason.

  16. Sharon says

    Enough of Biden, we must impeach him now. No more nice guys!
    I will never feel safe with them 2 in office, I don’t go out at night because he does nothing about the criminals or crime.
    IMPEACH, I hope his wife or any one in his family is not victim

  17. Sharon says

    Can the Supreme Court over rule Biden and send the illegals back or stop them from coming in .?
    This is no safe for any one. Impeach him now, he’s getting can see. It in his eyes..
    That he is Demented.

  18. Keith Clark says

    Don’t be stupid. Arm Yourself!

  19. Sue A Barron says

    We need a good Republican to take over for the awful Biden administration right now! He has done more damage in the few months that he has been in office than all the other bad presidents put together in their terms in office. Both him and Harris need to be deported to these countries in which they are letting in all these aliens and criminals in here to see what it is like! We do need to really pray that we will make it to the next election in 2024 if we are all here that is!

  20. Johnny J says

    Buckle up Americans, shiits gonna get way worse under sloppy-joe and his communist regime!

  21. Caroline says

    I agree with each and every one of you that have left a comment. Some of you suggest impeaching Biden, but if that happens then Harris takes over and we sure don’t need her sitting in the oval office. Impeach her and Pelosi takes over, impeach her and we’d get Schumer or Schiff. There is no good alternative when it comes to that bunch.
    I’m all for gearing up with a gun at my side.

    Mr Biden, I refuse to call him President, has a mental problem big time in that he’s lacking the brain cells to make sane decisions that help our great country and he should never have been elected in the first place, but with all the mail in ballots and changed votes at the polls, after they closed, he got in. We saw many time during the campaign how he struggled to be coherent and the radical way he talked to people at his rallies before the covid hit the hardest and he took to hiding in his basement. Both he and Trump may be in their seventies, but Trump showed more coherency in all his speeches and didn’t need notes or a teleprompter. I hope like everything that next year the Republicans can regain the Senate and House, then in 2024 Trump or someone with the well fare of the country can take the White House

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