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Here It Is: Huge Spike in US Mortality Rates Because of Biden’s Illegal Mandates
Health officials in America are doing their level best to hide the ugly truths about the experimental COVID shots from the people. I’ve been predicting for months now that eventually the number of unexplained deaths, and neurological and cardiac events, would become so great that they would no longer be able to hide the truth. We’re almost there. Insurance industry researchers have discovered, using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own numbers, that America is experiencing a massive spike in mortality rates for those aged 18 to 80+. And these excess deaths are not from COVID.
Not that the CDC took notice and publicized this information. It took insurance experts parsing the CDC’s data to uncover the shocking numbers that you’re about to read. The insurance industry likes having clients who are alive, so they have a vested interest in finding the truth about death rates. Unlike the CDC, which is culpable in this massive spike in American deaths.
Here are the numbers.
For millennials, those Americans aged 18 to 44, they saw 61,000 excess deaths between August of 2021 and January of 2022. “Excess deaths” means in excess of the number of deaths that we normally see over a five-year average. That 18 to 44 age bracket is our prime working age in America. They should be relatively healthy. But FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON, an extra 61,000 of them just died over a six-month period.
To put that number in perspective, the country lost 58,000 American soldiers in the Vietnam War, over a 10-year period. We just lost more 18- to 44-year-olds in a six-month period, and none of the people in charge have thought that this fact was interesting. They’re not trying to get to the bottom of this anomaly for some reason.
You may have seen over this past weekend that someone named Hailey Bieber was hospitalized with a blood clot in her brain and stroke-like symptoms. Hailey is the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin and the niece of “Six Gun” Alec Baldwin. She’s married to singer Justin Bieber, so I guess that makes her an officially semi-famous person. When she got hospitalized because of a stroke, it actually made the news. She’s 25 years old.
I’m sorry, folks, but 25-year-olds having strokes and brain blood clots is not “a thing.” That just doesn’t happen. It just… it just doesn’t! Another thing that is not “a thing” but which keeps happening an awful lot since August of 2021 is high school aged athletes dying in their sleep.
Millennials aren’t the only age group with a mysterious spike in deaths that began in August of 2021. Generation X (age 45 to 64) just experienced 101,000 excess deaths during that same six-month time frame. Baby boomers over the age of 65 experienced 306,000 excess deaths between August and January. That’s more casualties than we had in World War II.
Spikes in mortality rates are unusual, so when they happen, health officials in normal circumstances would be rushing to figure out why this is happening. This is because our mortality rates have been fairly steady for so long. We track them on a five-year average specifically so that we will NOTICE when they change! The whole point of tracking it is so that when anomaly happens like this, it’s a like a big red warning sign: SOMETHING IS WRONG.
Yet the CDC isn’t doing anything to try to figure this out. Just like you and I, they already know what killed an extra 468,000 Americans in a six-month span.
It was climate change!
Okay, sorry. Not climate change.
The fact that the spike began in August of 2021 coincides perfectly with Joe Biden’s illegal and unconstitutional vaccine mandates. College students were told they couldn’t come back to campus that September unless they had proof of vaccination. Biden was trying to force large employers to fire any workers who were unvaccinated. No jab, no job.
Out of fear that they would be unable to participate in the economy or feed their families, many people went out and took medicine that they didn’t want to take. And it just killed a bunch of them. I give it another six months before the vaccinated Americans who survived their injections will start sharpening their pitchforks.

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Are there any links to the research?
Just Disgusting ! Biden-Harris Administration, Dr. Flip-Flop Fauci, CDC, all need to be charged with killing all of these Americans ! This probably is not the end of people dying from the jab. Notice how none of the DemoRat Elites have NOT DIED ??? Elites were probably injected with saline — no COVID shot for them, of course.
This was a letter I wrote to a friend that I was having a discussion with about COVID.
I checked all of this with the CDC personally. The CDC reported the total number of deaths in the U.S. for 2018 was roughly 2.8 million. That was any death for any reason, gun shot, car accident, cancer, flu, etc.. On December 6th 2020 they were reporting the total number of deaths at roughly 2.6 million for the year so far. Then when I went back and checked with the CDC after new years they reported around a million more deaths in those last three weeks! I call bullshit!
How many times before 12/6/2020 did we hear about COVID “spiking”? Again and again and again, chicken little the sky is falling! With all of those COVID “spikes” there should have been MUCH MORE than 2.6 million deaths with only three weeks left in the year! But the numbers did not back their narrative so they falsified their records! AMAZINGLY roughly a million more deaths in those last 25 days. If this was true it would have been plastered all over the lamestream media!
Sounds a lot like hundreds of thousands of votes for Biden showing up over night after they sent home the republican overseers and boarded up the windows. Just enough for him to beat Trump… Amazingly there are people out there who just accept these things because they saw it on the nightly news.
All of this to back US big Pharma’s cash cow of fake covid “vaccines while a true vaccine used successfully in India is denied certification here,
I bet all those people will vote for joebama in the next election
So the mrna vaccine is killing people, while non-dna altering vaccines are more successful in India and China. While not denying the fake vaccine (treatment) may be helpful for some high risk people, We’ve been fed a load of goods by our own government. Trump said the cure cannot be worse than the decease. It seems to me it is for many age groups. Natural immunity is still the best answer. My God giving immune system is still better than anything Man can do. I trust it more than I trust government or Pharma.
For those of us who have been researching and listening to other experts other than Fraud Fauchi knew something was not right. Why were they Insisting and mandating everyone get the shot. Knowing what the Dems are capable of many of us decided to take a chance and not get the shot. We were right
I thank the Good Lord that I did not get the jab. We will see an increase of fatalities due to the jab and younger and younger children will be causalities of Profit for your loss
The biden’s should be made to pay back every penny they got plus penalty for pay to play and oath of office violations, “I got your back joe” his message to those oppressed, unless of course your Alfganstan, Ukraine, Cuba, Venzuela, Texas, Arizona, Israel, American pipe fitters, the Energy Industry, the American people. our US Military, and anybody else effected by the two million illegals, who invaded our Country. “Illegals are not tax payor”, but tax dollar spenders, as biden is, 30 TRILLION IN DEBT AND STILL GROWING, WHY HAVE IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS NOT STARTED? TAX AND SPEND, WHY HAVE WE NO LEADERSHIP THAT HAS PASSED AN MENTAL FITNESS TEST TO SERVE? We have an zero representation from our presidential office, Russia would have an easier time invading ur souther borders then Ukraine’s border. WHEN ARE IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS GOING TO START? Biden and his misfits have the world stage totally fxxx up now, and he is doing even a worse job for our Country. Inflation, shortages. high fuel cost, no attempt to resove any of these issues, Impeach them out ,vote them out, keep them out.
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Fifteen years from now you’ll be watching TV and the commercial will come on saying if you got the COVID vaccine please call to be part of a class action lawsuit. I’m glad my wife and I didn’t get it.
You’ve got a point. Hope I’m still around to see if it comes true.