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Democrats Desperately Pushing Phony Post Office Conspiracy to Scare Voters
With the November elections fast-approaching, panicked Democrats have concocted a phony post office conspiracy. Their aim? With Biden slipping steadily downward in the polls they are trying to malign President Trump and scare voters into casting ballots for Biden.
House leader Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have been all over the airwaves this week claiming President Trump pushing the Post Office drama. They claim he is stealing post office boxes and cutting funding for the U.S. Postal Service to deny mail-in ballot capabilities.
“…When we’re bringing the House back, the Congress back, we expect to receive bipartisan support on our legislation, send it to the Senate, and see if they reject the will of the people. The president says he wants to save the post office now. We have to save the post office from the president now,” Pelosi reportedly said.
Liberal voters now are convinced that President Trump is removing untold numbers of mail collection boxes. The truth is that Nancy Pelosi is refusing to tell is that the new Postmaster General is in the midst of overhauling the grossly inefficient system. He’d been working on his plan to make the USPS better and more efficient publicly before Pelosi concocted this dramatic “Save the Post Office” narrative. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is ending unnecessary overtime, forcing mail carriers to begin their routes on time, and small Post Office’s closing for lunch.
Pelosi’s “Save the Post Office” nonsense is really about the fact that when mail sorters fall behind, some of your mail and packages could be delayed by a day or two. Democrats now want to throw $25 billion of taxpayer money at the Post Office. They claim its to keep the wasteful overtime practices in place, but in reality its to enable the USPS to be able to handle the mail in voting Pelosi wants to enact for the November election.
Pelosi must have sent out a party wide email asking all members to parrot her false narrative because she’s now got others helping her make her anti-Trump case to an all to an all too willing media. Democrat House Majority Whip James Clyburn has been making the fake news media rounds fearmongering. CNN facilitated his “we’re-all-gonna-die” narrative, “So, you would blame (Pres. Trump) if people get sick and potentially die from the coronavirus by going to the polls and actually casting their ballot in person,” CNN host Ana Cabrera reportedly asked in what appeared to be a scripted interview.
“Absolutely. He’s the one that’s doing this. He and his postmaster general. They met several days ago before all of this stuff happened,” Clyburn reportedly said, adding that the president is “signing a death warrant for a lot of people.”
Talk about made-for-television drama. Only that tiny CNN audience would buy into such a soap opera.
Bernie Sanders was all too happy to help out Nancy Pelosi. He helped fanned the flames of the conspiracy theory on ABC’s “This Week.” He misled people by saying that President Trump is defunding the Post Office in the same manner Democrat-run cities such as New York and Seattle have defunded police departments.
The true facts are that excessive overtime put the USPS in the red by $8.8 billion in 2019 despite President Trump handing the mail provider a budget increase. The new Postmaster General DeJoy was sent in to straighten out the wasteful spending mess.
Recent surveys by outlets such as The Wall Street Journal indicate that Biden supporters (47 percent) are more likely to vote by mail than those who back President Trump (11 percent). The polling data also points to 66 percent of Trump supporters planning to vote in person compared to only 26 percent for Biden. Democrats typically complain about low voter turnout in areas they claim are left-wing strongholds. Obviously, Democrats want to do everything possible to promote mail-in voting because their supporters are too lazy to go to the polls, virus or not.
Another fact that Democrats don’t want to acknowledge is that mail-in voting is already rife with errors and raises the possibility of widespread cheating. Michigan recently sent out mail-in ballots for a primary. A clerk’s office, however, was forced to reject 846 ballots because the people were dead. That’s right, more than 800 ballots were filled out and returned by dead people.
The potential for cheating goes far beyond 800 or so voter fraud attempts that were caught. In Clark County Michigan, the USPS returned 223,000 that were deemed undeliverable because the government has the wrong address for voters. They also sent out ballots to people no longer on the voter rolls. No one knows how many were filled out as votes because there is no way to cross-reference with people who have left the state.
Donald Trump won Michigan in 2016 by just 10,704 votes. The state was his closest victory over Hillary Clinton. Do you think a couple extra votes, thanks to ballot cheating, could make a difference in 2020? You bet it could.

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