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COVID Joe: Get Vaxed, Wear Your Mask, But You’ll Probably Get Sick Anyway

COVID Joe emerged from isolation this week, after the quadruple vaccinated old timer had recovered from the imported disease. He looked weaker and more frail than usual, but his handlers juiced him up with amphetamines or something before his public appearance.

A video of him talking made the rounds online showing his pupils were blown out and he was unblinking – doped to the gills in other words (Pic from video above). But this should serve as one of the final nails in the coffin of public sentiment toward the coronavirus mandates. If 79-year-old, frail, weak, elderly Joe Biden can survive the virus, then it’s obviously lost most of its danger.

Since all his vaccines and mask-wearing didn’t work at all and he still caught the coronavirus, here are the recovered Joe Biden’s updated recommendations for protecting yourself:

Wear your mask when you’re in a crowded indoor place. Get two shots and a booster if you’re over the age of 5. And get two shots and TWO boosters if you’re over the age of 50.

And here was the money quote from Joe Biden’s updated COVID guidance for the rest of us:

“Many of us are still going to get COVID, even if we take the precautions.”

Hold on! We’re still going to get sick? Wasn’t it exactly one year ago when the entire Biden administration, Anthony Fauci and CDC officials were running around and telling us that we absolutely could not catch COVID if we got the shots? Why, yes it was.

Joe Biden tried to impose vaccine mandates on all federal employees, with mixed results based on court decisions. He also imposed his mandate on the military, which is now threatening to cut roughly 260,000 servicemembers over their refusal to take the vaccine.

Yet despite all the threats and hysteria, the number of vaccinated Americans has plateaued. No one is lining up for shots. The Biden administration’s “Shots for Tots” program, which was intended to get the age 0 through 5 demographics vaccinated, was a disastrous failure. Almost no one showed up for Shots for Tots.

What’s really happening at this point? I think Alex Berenson has hit on the correct theory about this. Our public health officials have completely destroyed all their credibility by this point. They obviously work for the pharmaceutical companies instead of patients. No one believes their nonsense any longer. But a lot of people are still pretending that they do.

You and I both know that vaccine fanatics still walk among us. But they’re maybe 1 or 2 percent of the population. Maybe 20 percent of people are still wearing a mask when I go to the grocery store these days. It might be more or less where you live. But most people know by now that masks don’t work to protect you from a respiratory virus. They never did. I’ll bet that some of the people still wearing masks are only doing it because of some social pressure or pressure from a family member.

The same goes for the shots. Fewer than 200,000 people have been vaccinated since last April, and the number of fully vaccinated has remained at around 67% since then. Almost NO ONE wants these shots. Public polling indicates something different, but Berenson’s theory is that people are just lying about it at this point.

They’re saying, “Oh, yeah, I’m totally vaccinated” to their family and friends, but that’s just to go along to get along. Privately, they don’t believe a word that health officials are saying and virtually no one is lining up to get vaxed.

There’s very little public sentiment left for these shots, because we all know they have such a terrible risk profile. If you want to have grandchildren, you should never allow these shots to be injected into your children. Period. Most people know that by now. Even the mainstream media is slowly coming around to the realization that the massive fertility drop we’ve seen since the shots rolled out was not a coincidence.

With Joe Biden’s recovery, even the most die-hard vax fanatic now probably realizes that the shots don’t protect you from COVID. The main difference between now and a year ago, really, is that doctors have become more effective at treating it. They can even keep a 79-year-old with dementia from dying from COVID.

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  3. Avy115 says

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  4. agile1 says

    Tell the moron to go back to sleep in his basement, hopefully surrounded by thousands of illegals sent there by both TX/ AZ, living in tent cities!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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