Confidential Pfizer Vaccine Document Published Online & It’s Really Bad
They knew. These SOBs knew from the results of the rushed COVID vaccine trials that the mRNA experimental gene serums were a danger to the public health. And they covered it up. As a result, Pfizer has made $36 billion in profits from the American taxpayers over the past year. We’ve paid for enough Pfizer shots to vaccinate every single American seven times. They’re also giving the shots away to other countries after forcing you and I to pay for them.
And they knew in February of 2021, just two months after the shots were rolled out, that the vaccines were causing serious, permanent, life-altering complications for people.
This is the largest medical experiment that’s ever been carried out on human beings. The confidential Pfizer document, which has been authenticated by multiple conservative news organizations by now, is titled, “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021.” (I’ll link to the full report below.)
BNT162B2 is another name for the Pfizer vaccine. The confidential report from February of 2021 lists potential risks of the shots that Pfizer was anticipating. One of those was “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease.” This is a condition in which a vaccine causes a person to actually get sicker when they catch a disease, including COVID. The disease they catch is enhanced and made stronger, because the shot has suppressed their immune system instead of strengthening it against the specific disease it was intended for.
Pfizer suspected in February of 2021 – more than a year ago – that their so-called “vaccines” were going to make people MORE susceptible to getting sick and dying from COVID.
If you really want your blood to boil, Page 12 of the report lists what happened when the vaccines were tested on pregnant women. And again, this is from a confidential internal Pfizer document from February 2021.
270 pregnant women were given the Pfizer shots as part of the company’s rushed (almost nonexistent) safety trials. Of those 270 pregnancies, 23 women had miscarriages after receiving the shot; 2 experienced premature births with neonatal death; 2 experienced spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death; one experience spontaneous abortion with neonatal death; and one had a normal outcome.
Those were the reports that Pfizer knew about. They had NO DATA on the remaining 238 pregnancies. There might have been even more miscarriages, but they didn’t follow up to find out. So, they knew in February of 2021 that the shots caused miscarriages in AT LEAST 12% of pregnancies!
And Pfizer never said a word about it to the general public. Think back to all the women who refused the shots because they were worried about how it could impact pregnancy. Many of them were nurses who were subsequently fired from their jobs because of their refusal to take the experimental shots. They were right!
In addition, 116 breastfeeding mothers were vaccinated during the trails. 17 of the women’s babies experienced adverse reaction to the vaccine through breastmilk. The babies experienced fever, severe rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, anxiety, pain and other symptoms.
Pfizer never warned the public that 14% of breastfeeding babies had adverse reactions to the shots. In fact, they stated that mothers could not pass the vaccine to babies through their breastmilk. They knew and said nothing.
By February 2021, Pfizer had also vaccinated 132 children under the age of 12. In that group, 34 kids experienced adverse reactions to the shots. The negative consequences included facial paralysis, upper abdominal pain, swollen lymph nodes, fever, vomiting, malaise, headaches and swelling.
25% of the kids they tested the vaccines on had negative reactions to the shots. 1 in 4. Pfizer knew this and they said nothing to the public. “The vaccines are safe and effective!”
Remember when they were telling us the shots were 95 to 98% effective? Pfizer knew different. In trials of 1,665 adults, 228 of them caught COVID within a week after being double vaxxed, and there were an additional 155 suspected cases. That’s a 23% failure rate – and Pfizer knew that in February of 2021 as they were claiming the shots had a 95 to 98% efficacy rate. And 65 of the double vaccinated people died of COVID during the trials.
Pfizer knew all of this, and they lied to the public about it. This is a crime against humanity. The people who have perpetrated this crime against the human race deserve to be buried under the jail.
You can read the confidential Pfizer report from February 2021 for yourself HERE.
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Today, not tomorrow or Friday, based on the criminal hiding of the severe adverse reactions to the mRNA drugs arrests must be made of those at Pfizer who are responsible for hiding this data to assure they are held responsible as this is a crime against humanity. Further, the 36 billion dollars that Pfizer made from the sales must be reclaimed and put into a fund to compensate the people and families for the damage and deaths Pfizer’s drug caused and to pay for medical care of the same. Other companies developing and selling these dangerous mRNA drugs must be investigated to see if they also withheld information. Most important, those agencies of government that are responsible for monitoring adverse reactions to drugs must be investigated to see what part of the cover up they have have participated in. Those like Fauci and Biden who have been in position to see the reports of adverse reactions uncovered in recent weeks were responsible for pulling these drugs off the market to protect the population and instead kept promoting their use. This too is a crime against humanity and they must be investigated, arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. There have been many times the deaths caused by these dangerous drugs than have been killed on both sides of the war in Ukraine so far. Many more murders of American citizens than has ever been caused before by a drug without recall and yet the government keeps promoting their use. All this must stop today! Those responsible, and there will be many, brought to justice, motives uncovered and consequences administered. Further, the systems for monitoring adversecreactiobs to drugs must be updated to reflect the speedy collection of this data and to make the information public as demonstrated by the monitoring system in the United Kingdom. Agai, all this should start today WITH THESE DRUGS BEING PULLED OFF THE MARKET, ALL ADVERTISING, PROMOTIONS AND MANDATES MUST STOP TODAY AS FAILURE TO DO SO ONKY CAN BE SEENVAS A FURTHER CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! Truly, two years ago such crimes would be considered impossible and yet here we are faced by inconceivable crimes promoted by those in high office whose prime duty is to protect the citizens of America. In my opinion immediate action is needed starting with pulling the drugs off the market followed by investigating the companies, government officials, the FDA, CDC, NIH, DOJ, FBI and DHS for their part and those responsible brought to justice. The chief officials that are responsible for the continued promotion and mandates for use of these drugs since they were made aware of the dangers, or should have demanded the information, should be apprehended without delay and include Fauci, President Biden, VP Harris and Speaker Pelosi whose disregard for their responsibility to the People is criminal.
We should have given Sputnik a fair market chance AND equal safety testing!
Pharmacology: the study of mind-altering influences! (Alcohol/Marijuana etc alter the mind set) I did a STUDY on the “MANY” and I mean many studies of the Pharmaceutical drugs that are on the market today! Just on the TV, I find that in one given day/week, there are over 50 different Pharmacy drugs used to combat everything from Nasal problems to headache to migraines to HIV to Arthritis to every other disease known to man! I mean you can’t flip to one channel, cable or otherwise that will not have 10-15 ads on some sort of drug that can be used! (In one hour) YET, NONE of these so-called drugs, CURE anything! They ALL come w/a disclaimer that says: can cause drowsiness, headache, dry mouth, cancer, yada yada yada, and even death! I am NOT going to give any details except this one: As a boy, I got Athletes foot, and bad. My dad found out and said: GO PEE on your feet, he did not want to keep buying the so-called solution that does not work, (we had too many kids) so, he made me do the pee thing, and after 10 days or so, I was cured and never got the A.F again! It works because my son also got the same and it was cured! LOOK what the Pharma business made just on the COVID vaccine and the wonder how much they made on all the other drugs! SOMEONE is RICH at the risk of many others health!
I agree with the person concerning the Russian vaccine, Sputnik
Ever see the commercials where some law firm says if you worked in steel mills refineries etc you may have been exposed to asbestos. Well our children and grandkids will see commercials about if you received a COVID shot please contact us now. It’s a shame the FDA doesn’t do their job to protect the American citizens. Explains it all that some in the FDA are also board members on said pharma companies. Seems like a conflict of interest to me. The government is so corrupt that they forgot about protect Americans.