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California, USA: Biden’s Team Plans to Turn America into Copy of Failed Newsom Government
California has represented everything wrong with leftist government over the past year. Its Draconian lockdowns, high taxes, mismanagement, and liberal policies have led to tens of thousands of Californians fleeing the state since the pandemic. Apparently, this sounds like the perfect template for new president Biden to implement in the rest of America.
California’s Nancy Pelosi already serves on the Biden dream team. However, newcomers such as Lejandro Mayorkas have been nominated to lead the Department of Homeland Security. UC Berkley prof Janet Yellen will likely soon lead the Treasury. And don’t forget Health and Human Services Department nominee Xavier Becerra.
As California’s Attorney General, Becerra has endorsed Medicare for all, a policy socialist Bernie Sanders pushed during his presidential campaign. Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz noted, “His record of extreme left-wing activism certainly doesn’t inspire confidence.”
And for those pro-life Americans who remain deeply convicted abortion ends life, don’t forget Becerra is strongly pro-choice. The man who has been nominated to lead America’s Health and Human Services believes abortion is a perfectly acceptable health choice.
In addition to Biden’s California teammates, his administration is shaping up to embrace several of California’s disastrous policies. Among them include a climate change agenda to move toward zero emissions nationwide by 2035.
The concept sounds great, but don’t forget California has served as the nation’s leader of ongoing electric grid outages. The state has often sounded more like a third-world country that can’t keep its lights on rather than an environmentally-friendly utopia.
Some Americans are even concerned the Biden administration may seek to implement California’s program to destroy gig economy workers. Simply put, the move destroyed freelancers and remote workers across the state. Anyone trying to make a little extra money on the side working as an Uber driver, a writer, graphic designer, or other had to stop because of California’s new anti-business, anti-freelancer law.
Now virtually every remote job listing has a clause that it cannot hire residents of California. If you want to work for yourself in 2021 and beyond, you better watch closely at how Biden and friends address this issue.
If Biden’s administration is truly working toward implementing California’s policies nationwide, we’re all in for a roller coaster ride. Between February and July of 2020, 26,438 people moved out of Los Angeles alone. This is all the evidence we may need. The state’s response to the pandemic led to residents fleeing one of the nation’s most popular cities. It may not be surprising to see more Americans headed beyond the border if Biden’s policies begin moving forward.
Another alternative could include massive resistance. Don’t forget, California’s Governor Newsom is currently being targeted by residents for impeachment. Many have protested in the streets and on beaches regarding the state’s lockdowns. And in a few locations, conservative Republicans have turned blue areas red.
God help America choose this latter response. It may be a bumpy road trip along Route 66 until some Senators and Congress members come up for re-election, but the journey will be worth it if patriotic Americans get fed up enough to replace our growing socialist government with new leaders who truly represent the Constitution and its citizens.
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Only one problem that I foresee with POTUS xerox-ing California. Untold thousands of Cal residents have relocated from the stifling conditions the political class has created there to Texas, Ga,, deep South etc. If emulated in the US from shore to shore… where do we relocate to?????
As Californians leave for Texas, Florida, South Dakota and other states that have absolutely nothing in common with California? Keep it that way! Leave the screw-ball ideas behind you in California! If first, in California, it did not succeed? DON’T TRY, TRY AND TRY AGAIN AT OTHER PEOPLE’S EXPENSE!
How old is this article? We passed Proposition 22 here in California last November. It repealed SB 5 and saved the gig economy (Uber, etc.) In our state.
So now pelosi can dump hundreds of millions of our tax dollars into these failed sanctuary cities , there wish list confirms speculation of gratuities they get kick backs from all these ridiculous immoral unethical ideas passed along , just like speed boats for Asian countries . It’s money out of your pockets , which belongs to Americans . Not other countries !
And now it begins. The tearing down of America. Who in their right mind would model anything after California? Oh yeah…right mind is the thing. We don’t have anyone running our country NOW with a right mind. They are all left mind.
day one we get rid of our sources of energy. biden was jealous other people had more energy than he. now we can all be locked down with our masks and no central heat. perhaps that’s why the californians were setting fires, in a vain effort to keep warm.
Make the rest of America like Calif. God forbid, this place is the worst state to live in in America and that includes New York!!! We have the worst, most corrupt politicians in the country that are in office out here and the people of Calif. are to stupid to believe their own eyes. They want everything to be free for themselves. What fools they be!!!
Biden and the democrats want the entire USA to be a third world nation in his first 100 days. Biden and Harris are up Obama’s butt so far it is not funny. Obama and Biden destroyed this country and gave it to China and the Muslims. All the democraps voted for this with the RHINOS to keep there good old boys and girls club. The civil war will start very soon.
WHY do not the democrats running SF LA and SD buy porta potties?
Another problem here in California is that our election laws have changed so that the top 2 winners in the primary get to run in the regular election. In 2020, that resulted in several contests where the choices were both democrats, which amounts to NO choice.
Biden is president because he accepted Mexican drug money. Thats why the amnesty.
Cali democrats are sex maniacs….Big Willie Brown getting it up for Comala….Swalwell banging Fang Fang the CCP spy,….Newsome banging anything wearing a skirt but what about Queen Piglosi, she likes something hotter than the booze, could it be old Moonbeam.
We have been discussing getting out of America in my household. We can still do a lot of damage to the Democrats from across borders and even ramp it up.