Arizona Hospital Worker Says Virtually ALL of New COVID Cases are from Illegal Aliens
The mainstream media continues to push the narrative that the virus is raging ahead to new heights. They proclaim that new strains will destroy immunity. And that we’re going to have to continue the lockdowns until at least 2023, but probably, there will never be freedom again.
They say all this even though the data says otherwise. Florida said open unlike New York and California and their deaths aren’t worse than the two lockdown states, same for number of cases (in fact Florida has less cases). The data also shows that infection rates have fallen off a rock. So why are they trying to steer us into a panic? Perhaps the best example of that is the incredibly underhanded, evil tactic being employed in Arizona right now.
Arizona is like the majority of states in that it defers to “automatic” lockdown protocols. If infection rates of hospitalizations for COVID hit a certain predetermined threshold, businesses must close. The whole thing is unscientific, authoritarian and objectively stupid, but we’ll get into that in a minute. There is a more important point to cover first.
Using the “automated” protocols, lockdown levels were just elevated in Pima County (for those who don’t know, this is the county that includes Tucson and a population of more than 1 million residents). The increases in lockdowns mean more people are out of work, and more businesses are closing for good.
Why did Pima County trigger a new lockdown? According to the local government, COVID hospitalizations spiked. The spike was recorded despite persistently falling infection rates, and when you look at it, the math just doesn’t add up. Pima County is seeing about a tenth of the infection rates from their early January high. What gives?
Virtually all of the new hospitalizations are of illegal aliens. An anonymous hospital worker in Tucson confirmed this information, explaining that none of the new patients speak English.
This also correlates perfectly with Biden opening the border and making it much easier for illegal immigration. Open borders are now an excuse for tyrannical lockdowns, and this is more closely related than you might assume.
Worse, this isn’t limited to Arizona. The same thing is happening in New Mexico. The governor just expanded lockdowns in the southernmost county. You can guess what happened. A spike in hospitalizations was recorded when ICE detention facilities filled up with sick illegal aliens. It wasn’t Americans that triggered the lockdown it was all of Biden’s new illegals that he welcomed over the border. That was more than enough of an excuse for the tyrant running the state to try to kill more businesses.
But, is killing businesses really the goal? What do governors and mayors really get out of that? The answer is pretty simple. It’s a power grab, and it isn’t as simple as power for the sake of more power. By destroying the economy, politicians increase citizen dependency. Just look at how much the country has fought over stimulus checks. They’re bidding on our votes with literal cash handouts, and because they destroyed the economy, many people don’t have much choice in the matter. They can either vote for handouts or starve.
That’s the bottom line. If the people can’t sustain themselves, they elect the politicians who promise them the most money. That’s the Democrat platform. It’s a move toward socialism to force otherwise independent Americans to choose between electing tyrants or starving their families. It is the height of cruelty and evil, and the coronavirus was the excuse they wanted for years. Now that the virus is receding, they are literally importing sick people to justify more economic damage. That’s the reality of America today.
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The evil of the former democrat party, now socialist/Marxist LEFTIST Party knows and has no restraints. Destruction of the economy gave this evil enterprise the control over the masses. Dependency on a totalitarian government was the goal and is being achieved against a naive proletariat. (We the people)
The military needs to do their duty! We have enemies of this country who need to be arrested and taken to Gitmo! A fraud corrupt Presedent and VP! Pelosi Schumer and their minions! All are socialist communists and are destroying this country!
Ironically it’s my misled MSM believing
friends that need to here the truth and be deprogrammed
I really believe Bastard Biden and all his followers should be ARRESTED on charges of TREASON!!!!! Soon terrorists will come in and start murdering us, and it will ALL be the Demonrats and Bastard Biden’s fault!!!!!Not to mention people could die from Co-vid that the ILLEGALS are bringing in. And to think WE have to feed and take care of them! They should just be shot upon stepping foot in our country. That would solve the problem REAL FAST!!!! Something needs to happen before we are all completely destroyed by these EVIL power hungry MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time for a Revolution why you think they gave that fence around the people’s house? To protect their sorry evil asses..
Time for the National Guard AND start a Homeguard for the boarder. Catching Covid COULD cause death. Illegal aliens have NOT been tested!! 99% chance they are carriers. I would take appropriate action if one approached me.
Arizona needs to go to there legislative members and demand a investigation of voter fraud and change their election choice. Set a example then maybe the other five states Michigan,Georgia, PA, Nevada,Wisconsin. They should do a re-election or at least investigate Someone needs to step up before this country is completely destroyed Anyone live in these states call you senator and demand some action
Right now Arizona is being taken over by the illegals. Step up Arizona
they are trying to do that in az