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An Unvaccinated Nurse is Better Than No Nurse at All
As we enter a new phase of COVID insanity in America, thousands of nurses and quite a few doctors are being fired across the country for refusing to take the experimental “vaccines.” In New York, the crazy cult lady who replaced Andrew Cuomo as governor is even denying fired nurses unemployment insurance for refusing to take the shots. They’re being stripped of their incomes, their health insurance and their benefits. These are, of course, the exact same nurses who worked all the way through 2020 while being unvaccinated – and they were hailed as heroes for doing so. Now they’re the dirty, unvaxxed and unworthy people who are putting their vaccinated patients at risk somehow.
The Project Veritas whistleblowers within the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries have done a tremendous service to humanity. Because they told the truth about the vaccines, more and more nurses are now speaking out. Even some members of Congress are speaking out.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has introduced a bill to ban COVID vaccine mandates in America, but unfortunately there is little hope of that passing right now. Johnson did speak on the Senate floor this week, however. He pointed out that COVID cases are spiking once again in America, despite more than 60% of Americans being vaxxed. And Johnson noted forcefully that these vaccines are not working as advertised. There are an awful lot of vaccinated people catching COVID.
Plus, a remarkable town hall meeting took place in St. Paul, Minnesota this week. State Representative Erik Mortensen, who represents District 55A in St. Paul, held the town hall specifically with nurses and other healthcare employees in the city. This hearing was pretty amazing. St. Paul has a population of over 300,000 people and has a number of large hospitals.
The nurses and healthcare employees who spoke out at the meeting say the media is lying to the American people about the pandemic. They state that they know of many medical departments, for example, where only 20% of employees are vaccinated – while the media is claiming that almost ALL healthcare workers are vaxxed. They informed Rep. Mortensen that emergency rooms have even lower vaccination rates than 20%.
All of these healthcare workers, by the way, are on the verge of being fired and losing their retirement and other benefits soon due to their refusal to take the shots. The purpose of the town hall meeting was to see if their state representatives can intervene and prevent the mass firings that are about to take place in St. Paul.
The central questions are this: Why are 80% of nurses refusing to take the vaccines? What do they know that the general public does not know about these vaccines?
The nurses at the meeting informed Rep. Mortensen that they don’t want to take the vaccines because they have seen too many patients – and family members and colleagues – die from heart attacks and strokes suddenly within the first two weeks after getting the first shot. It is obvious to these medical professionals that the sudden spike in the number of heart attacks, strokes and blood clotting issues is directly related to the vaccines.
One gentleman who spoke at the meeting is an IT data analyst for one of the largest hospital systems in Minnesota. He has an office in his basement, and he works from home. The duties of his job never require him to set foot in the hospital he works for. He’s had the same job for 17 years and will be eligible for retirement in a few years. The hospital system is about to fire him because of his refusal to be vaccinated. And this is a guy who is never around patients and never even goes into the hospital building!
The nurses also confirmed something that the first Project Veritas whistleblower spoke about: Almost no one is filing the required vaccine injury reports with the CDC, because damn paperwork takes too long to fill out. The CDC’s vaccine injury reporting system says that 14,195 people have died from the COVID shots so far. But that number could be 10 or even 20 times larger, because doctors and nurses aren’t filing the reports.
This meeting was shocking in the details that it revealed about what’s really going on in the hospitals. It’s well worth watching. Amazingly, YouTube has not taken this video down yet. In case YouTube does nuke the video, there are alternate copies of it posted at Rumble and BitChute.
Here it is on YouTube:
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How do these clowns get into such an office ? Oh ask Arizona that’s right Vaccine mandates are wrong as it’s dangers are known by those who will accept the truth and those who refuse to look for it well ? . Natural immunity is the best.. And anti virals are effective. Prior conditions and complete dereliction of one’s health to them selves should not be call to mandate such a poison for the healthy ones who take care of themselves. Oh and over 21 million KNOWN have natural immunity?? Doesn’t fit the agenda. Meanwhile the devil still sits in the details being paid by you over 400K a year to lie , fund and develop such a virus. Looks to me that the mob in DC is an intact criminal enterprise being run by those who can not serve the people. Before you beg to differ please turn off MSNBC
I will say it again! There something fishy about this vaccine. First I want to see a video of Biden and every DEMOCRAT getting the shot! And what is put in the shot! Because I do not believe they are getting the same stuff we the people are getting! Must be sugar water for them. Killing drugs for us! Even Dr. FAUCI AND THE HEAD OF CDC need to be video getting the shot! And we watch the nurse mixed the vaccine before sticking the needle into his arms! Give us proof, that you really got the vaccine. SHOW US A LIVE VIDEO FROM THE BEGINNING!!po=34.9057
Fauci’s NIH report from Spain in early 2020
Interesting diiscussion. Another fact that was not considered is why no vaccination recquired from illegals crossing the southern border. What exactly is in the vaccination itself that causes such serious after effects?
Dating sites are now asking for COVID vaccine proof.
Ladies, turn that against them. Ask healthy sane men to advertise and do the same. Like this!
White male, blue eyes, blond, 133 IQ, No Covid, No Vaccine!
Want a healthy baby? Leave a message.
I am struck by fearful and tired looks of these ladies. Virtual hugs for all off you.
Former Top Pfizer Scientist Michael Yeadon Claims COVID Vaccines May Cause Infertility In Women
Posted by EU Times on Dec 8th, 2020
eutimes. net/2020/12/former-top-pfizer-scientist-michael-yeadon-claims-covid-vaccines-may-cause-infertility-in-women/
Within a Stay Of Action petition filed with the European Medicines Agency requesting that the Phase III Trials in Germany be suspended until serious procedural flaws are corrected, Former Prizer Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, claims that the COVID vaccine has the potential to cause infertility in women, specifically that the Pfizer COVID vaccine as well as other COVID vaccines currently in Phase III trials are:
…expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Syncytin-1 (see Gallaher, B., “Response to nCoV2019 Against Backdrop of Endogenous Retroviruses” –
virological. org/t/response-to-ncov2019-against-backdrop-of-endogenous-retroviruses/396
…which is derived from human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and is responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy, is also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses.
Vaccines have long been used as vehicles to deliver sterilizing agents to women, and not just in the Third World.
And we have been told repeatedly that pregnant women should be among the first to get their COVID vaccines — right on cue.
As one of its primary stated goals, we know that the Bill Gates Foundation — one of the prime movers behind this fake pandemic — is actively involved in world depopulation.
It’s almost inconceivable that having sterility as one of the “unintended” consequences of these COVID vaccines wasn’t discussed in their board meetings.
A shot on a video can be nothing more than sterile saline. Seeing someone supposedly get the COVID shot is not proof that they actually got it.
Feel liike sheep led to slaughter.
I just wish people would stop lying! Media can never be honest unless it benefits them! I’m sure someone know who these reporters are. And they need a beat down til they start the truth! No sense in lying when you can cause trouble! In China a reporter caught lying will be EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD! Since we are a free country that has a CONSTITUTION LAWS! But these DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN HAS ALREADY DESTORY THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! SO NOW WE HAVE A TYRANNY DEMOCRAT GOVERNMENT IN CONTROL! But who doing anything about it? It going to take REAL PATROIT AMERICAN PEOPLE to put fear behind them. And band together with those other people who feel the same as they do! But be smart there always a few people who lies to tell GOVERNMENT your plans. Civil War is coming soon! Just wish the military guys will overthrown those general who are woke!
It seems to becoming more evident everyday that this is some kind of government action to curtail the existence of the American citizens. If these medical people are this strongly against it — the danger to us is very real and this illegal imitation administration(deep state) keeps pushing it on us. Should tell us all we need to know. You really have to question why the vaccination is NOT being forced on all the democrap’s beloved illegals they are inviting in from — who knows where. The repubs(the few who are real and not rinos) need to push harder to stop these unlawful mandates. These mandates sound a lot like obama’s illegal mandates.
Isn’t there a test which shows if a person has had Covid, gotten over it, and is therefore naturally immune? If so, why haven’t we heard about it? Why aren’t Americans being tested to see if they’re already immune and *don’t need the vaccine*? Immune people could donate blood to provide serum antibodies, to treat people who’ve caught the virus and are having trouble fighting it off. So isn’t this valuable information? Why haven’t we heard about it?