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What’s with All the Ukrainians Yanking Around American Foreign Policy?
Is anyone else noticing the pattern of Ukrainian immigrants who are trying to undo the Trump presidency? There’s a reason for this, of course. Donald Trump campaigned in 2016 by promising to work toward normalizing relations with Russia.
Ukrainians hate Russia with a seething passion that most Americans don’t comprehend. So, it stands to reason that Ukrainian immigrants would work to undermine the US President on behalf of their birth nation.
Soviet leader Josef Stalin starved up to 12 million Ukrainians to death in 1932-33. The event has historically been referred to as the Holodomor by Ukrainians, and as the Ukrainian Genocide by the rest of the world. (My choice to call the starvation pogrom “The First Green New Deal” never caught on for some reason.) Naturally, Ukrainians have never had tender feelings toward the Russians since then.
The very thought that President Trump would have withheld military aid from Ukraine – aid that was intended to combat Russia – in exchange of Ukraine’s assurances that it would investigate US corruption in that nation, is deeply offensive to Ukrainian immigrants. Just ask the Ukrainian immigrants on the National Security Council!
The press wildly hyped the testimony of Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman before Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) secret Soviet-style basement impeachment proceedings last week. Vindman appeared in his full military dress uniform to make it look as if the US military has turned against the president. But according to military members who have worked with Vindman, he didn’t need any turning.
Co-workers of Vindman describe him as a naked partisan leftist. During a joint US-Russian military training exercise in Germany in 2012, Vindman’s co-workers say he openly badmouthed his fellow Americans to any foreign soldier that would listen to him.
Vindman apologized to the foreign soldiers for the stupidity and non-cosmopolitan attitudes of Americans. Vindman praised Barack Obama and globalism “to the point of uncomfortable.” A fellow Army Lieutenant Colonel had to verbally reprimand Vindman for badmouthing Americans to foreign troops.
Vindman, of course, is a Ukrainian immigrant – a fact that the media wants to ignore in its push to impeach President Trump over a phone call to the Ukraine president.
Vindman sits on the National Security Council as a Ukrainian advisor. He testified to Schiff’s basement impeachment committee that he was deeply, personally offended and alarmed by Trump withholding military aid to Ukraine.
It sure sounds like Vindman’s personal interests are more in line with his birth nation’s interests, rather than America’s.
Lt. Col. Vindman was not privy to the president’s phone call to Ukraine. Vindman didn’t have any reason to access the phone call, and he attempted to edit the transcript of the call.
Nor did Vindman testify that Trump had actually done anything wrong in his phone call. Vindman was just offended at foreign aid being withheld from Ukraine for any reason.
It gets worse. Because President Trump’s phone call was none of Vindman’s business and did not fall within his duties at the NSC, Trump gave Vindman a direct order to not testify before the inquiry.
Vindman disobeyed a direct order from the Commander in Chief. If Vindman were a genuine whistleblower who had firsthand knowledge of the president’s phone call, he probably wouldn’t be in so much trouble right now.
There are reports that Vindman may be subject to a career-destroying Article 15 – but the guy genuinely deserves to be court martialed. Again: He disobeyed a direct, legal order from the Commander in Chief.
Another Ukrainian immigrant, Alexandra Chalupa, works for the Democratic National Committee. Thanks to her Ukrainian expertise, we now know that Ms. Chalupa was instrumental in the creation of the phony Steele dossier from the Russian collusion hoax.
Conservative journalists have also tied Chalupa directly to the original phone call “whistleblower” who has now been identified as Eric Ciaramella (possibly the “Charlie” spy that FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texted about in the White House).
The Ukrainian-born Chalupa and Ciaramella worked together at the White House on research that made its way into Steele’s report. That puts two highly-placed Ukrainian-born influencers in the chain of the Russian collusion hoax and the current impeachment sham.
Call me crazy, but shouldn’t the President of the United States be allowed to conduct US foreign policy, as we elected him to, rather than foreign nationals whose first loyalty is to their birth nation?

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