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That Didn’t Take Long, Black Communities in NY Already Want the Cops Back
When people first started demanding that we defund and abolish police forces, you knew how this would end. You’re not an idiot, and you know that no amount of wishful thinking will magically erase the existence of bad people. The idea of police wasn’t invented by racist slave owners in early America. The concept has been around as long as society has been, and ignoring that reality will always prove deadly. Unfortunately, you’re exactly right.
Never forget how this started. We allowed the Black Lives Matter organization to take over the country. They saw resounding victory every time we didn’t call out their looting, vandalizing, toppling of statues in the name of George Floyd. Now cities everywhere are slashing police budgets and removing personnel from work. Black Lives Matter didn’t just make us all think long and hard. They didn’t win a minor moral victory. They collectively got rid of thousands of police jobs and billions of dollars in police funding. Things went the way they wanted.
It is only after that victory that we saw the most extreme violent crime wave this century. Crime is way, way up in every major city, and it’s mostly in the form of violence and murder. New York is a perfect example. Shootings are up 277 percent from 2019. Shooting victims are 253-percent more numerous. At the same time, larceny in New York City is down, even after a week of rampant looting.
Amidst all of this is a statistic that is really going to ruin your day. New York City has seen more children under the age of 10 murdered in the last 3 weeks than in all of 2019.
Congratulations Black Lives Matter. This is your hard-earned victory.
The victory was extremely short-lived. Leaders in New York City are already clamoring they want to bring back the defunded anti-crime unit and reinstate lost police resources. These demands aren’t coming from out-of-touch millionaires, either. Even leaders in the New York chapter of Black Lives Matter are begging for the police to return to their communities. They want to fully reinstate the plainclothes unit that recently axed 600 patrol and investigation positions. They are also clamoring to put back money that has been allocated away from the police.
How surprised are you? A bunch of idiots played stupid games. Their prizes are violence and death. No one could have seen this coming. It was predicted by every single conservative in the country.
Even worse, they had a chance at real police reform. No one wants to see innocent people killed by rogue police officers. It’s one of the key reasons we have the 2nd Amendment. But, the radicals on the left took useful momentum and completely squandered it. They took a chance for meaningful change and used it to rob people, hurt people and get thousands killed. They are despicable, especially because they know better.
You can time it. In modern America, it takes roughly three weeks for the socialists to lament their victory. It will take much longer for the rest of us to clean up their mess. And, despite all of this, they’re going to vote for the radical leftists come November. There is no learning. There is no contrition. They will continue to be a plague on our society.

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